Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am telling you Lori, being a Nana is the best thing!! They absolutely adore you no matter what....and I love that! Today we all went snowshoeing in the field next to my house...the kids were so cute in them....and the almost 3 year old walked all the way up the big hill by herself...Papa got home and brought the sled and gave them rides down....We also made some Valentine cards today.....When is the grandma event happening????
Soon I'll have some grandmother stories, too! I hope I'm as patient and fun-loving a grandma as you are. I won't have to play with them in the snow here in L.A.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I haven't been on in awhile....sorry you haven't felt well Lori!! Hope you feel better soon....We've had snotty noses and coughing all week at school...hopefully, it'll stay away from me! Though I feel a sore throat coming on...lets hope not!
My grandchildren are visiting ...Neil went' to CT to pick them up today so when I got home from school they were all sitting watching cartoons....The kids were all excited I was home and I think Neil was relieved!! We played ...I made supper...gave baths and put them to bed...sleep came quickly for all of them! Caleb fell asleep on the sofa with you should have seen me trying to pick him up and carry him to bed....he is as tall as my neck....Their Mom is suppose to come up on Monday to take the girls back home...Caleb will spend a few more is his turn to come alone. We all have snowshoes....though not much snow...enough to play in the yard. I hope the sun is out tomorrow!!
So, everybody get...keep healthy and Happy Valentines Day.....hummmmmm.....passionate sex...Karen...a card would be nice!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hi Karen. I'm feeling much better, though I am still coughing. The doctor said my lungs are clear--no pneumonia--so that itself made me feel better. I've been told the cough can go on for weeks. When I start talking to people, I start coughing. Maybe someone's trying to tell me to shut up for a while????

If my cough isn't too bad by Sunday, I'm going to a meeting of that Jewish/Muslim/Arab dialogue group I joined a few months ago. Not too romantic for Valentine's day, but compassionate listening (the purpose of the group) is something I'm pretty passionate about! Avi and I are party poopers when it comes to holidays. But I hope all of you enjoy your romantic dinners and wine, etc.... especially the passionate sex.