Friday, June 14, 2002
Sounds like things are moving right along. I will be heading back from Plattsburgh on Friday night, I may go across the river and come down 91 and stop by once I determine when I get out of my meeting. Not sure how long it will be......that is why I can't make dinner on Friday, would like to, though. It sounds like we are going to have a blast.
Directions to the float from the hartness house. It's actually very easy from there. The hill that you come up to get to the Hartness House (summer st.) just stay on that road. Instead of bearing left to go to the Hartness House just go straight up the hill. Stay on that road about 2 or 3 miles and then you will come to a dirt road and then a 4 way intersection. At that intersection take a right and then the first farm on the right is where we are at. But we are building the float across the road on the left right there. IT's there hay barn. We are at Barlow's Farm.
We will be there Friday night doing the final touches for Sat. and would love to have everybody come up and have a little party there.
We will be there Friday night doing the final touches for Sat. and would love to have everybody come up and have a little party there.
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Hello out there. If you are planning to come to dinner at the Hartness House Friday night could you please just mention it here? I'm really wondering who's coming. I know Jerry is going to be there, and Dave and I will be. I'm trying to talk Janice and Butch into coming over for a drink after dinner at least. Janice wondered if folks would be hanging out there after dinner . I said we would since we are staying there. Linda told me this morning that they'll be working on the float Friday night and would love for us to come up and see them after dinner. She says they're only 5 minutes away but I'm not sure where. John can you give directions? She also mentioned they haven't heard from Don Goodrum and Jon Lewis. I wrote to Jon this morning so I'll hear back from him soon I'm sure. Does anyone have contact with Don? Margaret Vandenberg called Linda yesterday to say that she'll be coming back for the reunion. This promises to be a great time folks. 9 days to go!
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Nancy and Pat, I thought Nancy said they were gone for only nine days. couldn't figure out how she was going to do all she planned to do in that time. I must have read her e-mail wrong. Springfield has a few more days of school because of snow days. My son is ready for it to be over with NOW!
Shannon, they left to come east and will be spending time visiting along the way. They are due here on Tuesday.......
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Okay all. Here is a peek at the current float. The last picture on this site is the latest. Yup we are working on it this Thurs. and next Tues. and then we will see where we are from there.
It looks like it is going to be a good size float. We figure if we make it down the driveway from where it is then we will make it to the Parade. This thing is like building a house. lol........
But anyway for those who can't make it, I will post the final float for you all to see. So go take a peek.
It looks like it is going to be a good size float. We figure if we make it down the driveway from where it is then we will make it to the Parade. This thing is like building a house. lol........
But anyway for those who can't make it, I will post the final float for you all to see. So go take a peek.
Pat, "The Stand" is also my favorite Stephen King movie and I'm very much a fan. Nancy Cordle ( I didn't realize we had so many Nancys in our class) when did Nancy and Marty leave? She e-mailed me that they left Sunday but it seems too early for the reunion. Of course, I have the old timers disease cuz I thought the reunion was this weekend until my 17 year told me differently. I do get confused easily.
Hey Jerry,
Don't worry, I didn't get an invite, either and I was over there for a long time, but I guess that didn't matter. I did hear Paul was serving meat at his wedding, that is a change since Linda was the promoter of a huge vegitarian food line over there. I'm not sure if it got over to the US, there seem to be a great deal of vegans over there than here. Guess we like our burgers too much. Mad cow had a big thing to do with the recent converts, I'm sure. They don't have half the regulations we do on food over here. So you really have to watch what you eat there. I'm really not a Stephen King fan, too scary for me..............I have been to Bangor before. I want to get back up that way more. A guy from our office here goes up quite regularly, he says it takes him 6 hours to go near Bangor. My cousin went to school in Orono years ago. He was studying geology, then they went to Cooksville, Tenn. and he finally ended up out in Denver. He runs a company that is currently under contract for the government to replace the pipeline out west. Keeps him busy, I guess. Enough trivia..........have a good day, folks!! Nancy and Marty are on their way, I talked to her the other day and it has been a LONG time for both of we will have a mini reunion before we get to VT.
Don't worry, I didn't get an invite, either and I was over there for a long time, but I guess that didn't matter. I did hear Paul was serving meat at his wedding, that is a change since Linda was the promoter of a huge vegitarian food line over there. I'm not sure if it got over to the US, there seem to be a great deal of vegans over there than here. Guess we like our burgers too much. Mad cow had a big thing to do with the recent converts, I'm sure. They don't have half the regulations we do on food over here. So you really have to watch what you eat there. I'm really not a Stephen King fan, too scary for me..............I have been to Bangor before. I want to get back up that way more. A guy from our office here goes up quite regularly, he says it takes him 6 hours to go near Bangor. My cousin went to school in Orono years ago. He was studying geology, then they went to Cooksville, Tenn. and he finally ended up out in Denver. He runs a company that is currently under contract for the government to replace the pipeline out west. Keeps him busy, I guess. Enough trivia..........have a good day, folks!! Nancy and Marty are on their way, I talked to her the other day and it has been a LONG time for both of we will have a mini reunion before we get to VT.
Did any of you receive an invitation to the "secret" wedding of Paul McCartney today? I guess if you did you won't be able to answer till you return from Ireland. I'm sure it was just an oversight on Paul's part that I'm not going. No hard feelings, though. More on Stephen King - in August 1995 I had the privilege of attending a week of banking school in Boulder, CO (U of Colorado). Gerry Garcia passed away during that time, but before the school began I took my rental car up into Rocky Mt. National Park and passed by a large hotel in Estes Park which I had been told was the setting for a Stephen King book/movie. Maybe you can help out with this, Pat. I did pull off to the side of the road and snapped off a photo from a distance. Lori, from memory, some of the people in the photos are Ron Young and John(the cigar smokers), Deb (Lewis) Young, Nancy (Smart) Dunham, Kim Kiniry, Kathy (Crandall) Westney, Linda (Hays) Brochu, Jeannette Lachapelle, Linda Labonte? I've probably missed someone. Do you have your yearbook handy, Lori? Actually, while one of the photos was slowly downloading, I could see way at the bottom something like "Deb&Kathy...", perhaps the name of a file John had saved the image to. Glad you're sending in a photo. I am going to, also, had it out a few days, but just haven't scanned it and sent it. I'll give you the clue that I'm "high" in what you'll see.
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I finally sent Brian a photo of me to put on the blogsite. So as soon as he has a chance to put it on, it should be there--if anyone's interested!
John, I liked seeing the pictures, but I'm embarrassed to say I need an explanation. There were a few people in the pictures I didn't recognize. Can you label them or something? Thanks.
John, I liked seeing the pictures, but I'm embarrassed to say I need an explanation. There were a few people in the pictures I didn't recognize. Can you label them or something? Thanks.
Sunday, June 09, 2002
Stephen King lives just outside of Bangor. he does reference Red Sox baseball in his books and many of his stories are either set in Maine or take place at least in part there. Several families from the book (later the movie) The Stand - my personal favorite Stephen King book, lived in Maine but the deadly "flu" originated in Vermont! Horrors!!!