Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Does the word Hibernate have any meaning here???? That is exactly what I wanted to do today....but no, I bundled up (no late school for us) was only -20...subbed for the day...17 darling 5/6 year olds in the lovely trailer until 3:20..and then took them out to get on the bus for a delicious 3 day weekend. Needless to say, I thought the day would never end...I think we should all go to Lori's house!!! I am off to hibernate under my down comforter....only another 2 1/2 months...we can do it!
37 would mean dancing in the streets in shorts and tank tops! It's 28 below in Bangor though our house thermometer says -18. School buses wouldn't start so school is delayed -38 in Presque Isle. that's the temperature not including wind chill.
Our new house is not properly heated on one end. the kitchen living room end. so we don't heat up quickly and efficiently. We haven't had the work done yet to fix it and now we're sorry. I'm hanging out down by the bedroom end for now.
Our new house is not properly heated on one end. the kitchen living room end. so we don't heat up quickly and efficiently. We haven't had the work done yet to fix it and now we're sorry. I'm hanging out down by the bedroom end for now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
hi karen, what a sweetie. the first name that came to my mind is "bijou." it means a small jewel and is a word with interesting roots. "mon petit bijou" is an affectionate expression. here is a link that tells lots about bijou- . it is fun to think about names and research what is known. good luck. i am sure you will find a name that is just right. i am also sure that this is one lucky dog. by the way, i do tricks and i am house broken. i was not kidding when i said that i would be happy to move in with you and rich.
Monday, January 12, 2009
hi. my dining club has about ten of us and has been going monthly for almost twenty years. we pick a different country and house to meet at each time. last night was brazil, although we stretched the country border far enough to allow for some delicious cuban mojitos. the food was very meat-centric as you might imagine. the host does the entree, so that was me. i made a chicken, shrimp and peanut stew. all of the food was good, conversation was fun, and i had the dishwasher started before midnight. i can tell you that after 20 years we know each other pretty well and our relationships with each other are all very much respected and valued. next month is indonesian. any suggestions for an appetizer, soup, side, or dessert? it is still early enough for me to grab any one of them.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Little kids can't reach high things but all their "stuff" is on their level so it amounts to the same about if your son cleans? Do you wear your apron when cleaning...I would have to clean before the cleaning lady came...What is on your menu tonight? Have fun!
We have at least 8 inches of fresh new fluffy snow. It didn't start until after 8 here last night. I like it when it falls during the night and stops by morning!
The temperatures are suppose to get brutal by the end of the the minus' for Wednesday on....send some warmth this way!!
We have at least 8 inches of fresh new fluffy snow. It didn't start until after 8 here last night. I like it when it falls during the night and stops by morning!
The temperatures are suppose to get brutal by the end of the the minus' for Wednesday on....send some warmth this way!!
i learned from one of my friends emails that the female yak is called a nak. i will ask his wife at dinner tonight about his yak tastings. i think that heat, oxygen, and good food are all in short supply when you are hanging out in villages at 14,000 feet elevation in nepal (or anywhere for that matter). i also fear that nepal may become a choice for my international dining club. coincidentally, my int'l dining group will be here tonight. of course, it will be taking place without our international ice climber. he will be missed. he has brought food back from other trips, including caribou sausage from out west and dove meat balls from nicauragua. i have been cleaning my house to get ready for two days, cuz of my youngest being home. the thing i like about small kids is that they can't reach anything. college kids on the other hand? woochie mama!!