Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lori, I really don't do that much! School is starting in less then 2 weeks, so I figured I better get "something" in my house done. The other stuff was necessary because Neil couldn't do it....but Now he CAN! haha. It is in the low 90s here today...lots of humidity. Did get the other yellow put up over the mustard....golden yellow...and now have a lighter yellow...hopefully one coat will look good because after putting on 3 already I am not in the mood!! Making BLT's for supper....tomatoes from the garden! Happy Thoughts...
Kathi, you are definitely not lazy. Gardening, weeding, mowing, painting..... I admire how hard-working you are!

Patti, I guess I'll just miss that Columbus Day weekend. Too bad. But now that your father's going to be in Burlington, I'm sure it will work out to get together one of these days. I'm still hoping it will work out somehow this time!

Richard, are you there? What about you? Are you going to be in town at that time, towards the end of September?
Well, we got rain last night! It poured through the night so that was great especially now that its going to be in the high 80s. Probably just enough to make the grass grow to mow again....I painted my kitchen yesterday..It was suppose to be a golden yellow....first coat has come out like mustard....not quite what I had in mind..Karen I need a decorator!! I think I wanted it more corn puff color not guldens....oh well, have to think what to do...another coat or a glaze....that is why I usually pick Dover can't mess up! Wish me luck. Happy Thoughts!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Lori I wish you were going to be staying through Columbus Day weekend. It's a long weekend and Dave was suggesting that for us since school opening is getting all the more screwed up. We're back to not knowing when the building will opening and once it does we'll probably have no more than 3 days to completely do over our new rooms and get prepared for students. It's still a hard hat area and no one can get in. Latest report from the superintendant is he'll announce on the 19th.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Everybody do a rain dance for Springfield. We have had almost no rain since the beginning of July. Everything is dry especially the gardens. Yesterday I was in Charlestown at a friends pool and they had a huge thunderstorm and almost 3 hours of rain. As we drove across the "toll" bridge there was absolutely no rain on the Springfield side. Strange how that happens. I have new kitchen lights and outlets..I have washed the walls and woodwork and now must go to the paint store and pick up the paint. It was my big summer project that I wanted to get done before school started...which is the 23rd for teachers...26 for kids...and time is getting I guess I better get a move on! I will put the painters tape on early in the am, go to the store, and hopefully get the walls painted one coat tomorrow. So, wish me luck! Happy Thoughts...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Okay, Patti, see how you feel about the long trip and let me know if it will work out for you! The weekend of Sept. 24 and 25 would be the best for me cuz my sister has plans that weekend to meet a high school friend she also hasn't seen in about 30 years. The following weekend we'll probably be busy with family cuz my brother will be taking some time off then. Be in touch...
Karen, I had to think for awhile about the dates. Mom died in Oct of 89. We'd only been in Essex Jct. for a couple of months I think when she was hospitalized in late May of that year. So that means we left Rutland in '89. We only stayed in Essex Jct. for 18 months before we moved up here. The past 15 years have gone by quickly.

I remember the summer fun in Ludlow very well. We had such a great time!
Lori it would be so fabulous to see you in late Sept. I need to go over Labor Day since that's when he's first moving in and I want to be part of the process and not leave it all to Rachel's family. However, after I see how long it takes to get over there maybe I can make plans to go back at the end of the month. If memory serves, the last time we went from here to Essex Jct. it was 8 hours or so.
I'd really love to see you. Karen V and I had been writing often and we had a good visit during our reunion get together supper at the Hartness House. Somehow we've managed to stopped writing to each other again. Funny how that happens. The best of intentions dont' seem to pan out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Patti, any chance you could postpone your trip to Burlington a few weeks?! I'm going to be there for 2 weeks, from Sept. 22-Oct. 7. We're meeting my sister Amy and her husband, who will be coming from Israel. We'll be staying in our vacation house. Avi will come for the second week. Anyway, just thought it would be nice if it could work out somehow to see you, but if it doesn't work out this time, then another time.... I'm hoping to see Karen (Vatne) this time cuz she'll also be in Vermont around that time. I haven't seen her in about 30 years, but we spoke on the phone recently and it was great talking to her. Maybe I'll have a chance to get down to Springfield this time. We'll see...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Yes Pat, that would have been fun. I don't know if I have seen you since you lived in Rutland and me in Pittsford in the late 80's to early 90's. Did you leave first or did I? We left in '94. Then there were those summers that we spent running up to Ludlow every night during college years. Good times for sure! You can look up Richard while you are in Burlington and Lori, when are you headed there again? Its fun making the connections even if it does make you feel old!
Its funny that once the garden starts producing all the vegetables come at once. So tonight for supper we had green beans, squash casserole, cukes and tomatoes. Neil always plants this huge garden, remember there are only 3 people in my house now...its a throwback of running a vegetable stand and having even bigger gardens...I used to can and freeze. Not so much anymore. It really doesn't taste as good and is just as easy to buy frozen, I'm too lazy! The fresh stuff is so good. Hopefully, we will get some rain soon so things don't dry up to nothing! Sounds like everybody is having a great summer. Its always great to see old friends, so keep in touch. Remember, Happy Thoughts....

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Welcome back Lori and Karen. Glad to hear your trips both went well and you got to see so many people. Re-connecting with home after a trip can be a little strange for me as well. It takes a couple of days to start feeling like I'm back in my own little world and know what it is I want to take care of each day.
The fair is over and I'm darn glad of it. I worked 70 hours in 9 days and made a bundle of money but I'm pooped. 12 1/2 hours yesterday, the last day of the fair. We had a ton of people show up and I'm sure The Fair Association made good money at the gate. It's in the 80's all day and it's such a change from last week that I'm having to adjust to the heat again. Looks like it'll be that way for several days. Summer is back inPresque Isle!
I guess that school won't be opening for at least an extra week but none of us know for sure the date it will open yet. I'm thinking that I'll head over to Burlington Labor Day Weekend and spend a few days if all goes well. Dad arrives to move into his new home there on the 4th. I wish you were still going to be in VT then Karen, that would have been terrific. We could have had a mini reunion!
Karen, it was good to read your detailed update on your trip. I wouldn't say you're lazy! It takes time just to sit down and write all that! I'm still trying to get back into things. Yesterday I swam laps in our pool. I think I ate too much in Israel and decided I better get going on some kind of exercise. The bills can wait...