hi, i am running to lunch, but thought i'd take a minute to give my side of the story on lunch with lori. it was great! we had a good chance to talk and catch up on things that have happened during the last year since we saw each other on the left coast last year about this time. after we left the restaurant we ran into dave andrews. dave and lori didn't recognize each other (and i thought that my memory has been slipping!). dave claimed to have known only two females in his life and apparently lori was not one of the two. the conversation did not produce any data on the males that lori has known in her lifetime. too, bad! and, hey, dave and all of us still have lots of living to do anyway.
i went to a cirque du soleil performance tuesday night. WOW!!! i loved the show and even got the female contortionist's phone number (just kidding).
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Kathi, I checked out your daughter's website. I liked the site and the music! Your daughter is pretty--she looks like you but without the red hair. I was curious to see the site because my daughter is also a bass player and sings back-up vocals. She's in a rock band called Modicum. Besides her, there's a singer/guitar player and a drummer. And my middle son, Rafi, plays guitar and produced a CD recently. If anyone's interested, the website is rafilevymusic.com. It's sort of a combination of Middle Eastern, Latin, and Reggae instrumental music.
I've been reading all the blogs on "post raising kids." Two of mine are out of the house, but Rafi still lives with us-- and his girlfriend too. We don't mind. Actually, we like having them around. I think different kids are ready to move out at different times. I'm sure his time will come, but in the meantime it's nice having them there!
Patti, you asked about the visit with Janice and Butch. It was really fun. Leah came too. We went to eat at the Olive Garden and then came back to our house. My sister and her husband were here and my brother and his family, so we all sat and talked and laughed. Leah brought us a delicious apple pie that she made. I also enjoyed seeing Richard on Monday and Karen (Vatne) on Tuesday. Janice met us for lunch, so I got to see her a second time. It's really good to catch up on everyone's life and to see that in some ways we haven't changed. We can just pick up where we left off no matter how many years ago that was. I hope to see my other fellow bloggers one of these days!
I've been reading all the blogs on "post raising kids." Two of mine are out of the house, but Rafi still lives with us-- and his girlfriend too. We don't mind. Actually, we like having them around. I think different kids are ready to move out at different times. I'm sure his time will come, but in the meantime it's nice having them there!
Patti, you asked about the visit with Janice and Butch. It was really fun. Leah came too. We went to eat at the Olive Garden and then came back to our house. My sister and her husband were here and my brother and his family, so we all sat and talked and laughed. Leah brought us a delicious apple pie that she made. I also enjoyed seeing Richard on Monday and Karen (Vatne) on Tuesday. Janice met us for lunch, so I got to see her a second time. It's really good to catch up on everyone's life and to see that in some ways we haven't changed. We can just pick up where we left off no matter how many years ago that was. I hope to see my other fellow bloggers one of these days!
Fall is definitely here in VT today! Cool. We went out for recess at 11:30 this morning..and the wind started blowing across the playground, which is like a wind tunnel anyways, the kids were running around, or blowing around..it started sprinkling. They were saying its raining....I said its just a sprinkle go play....and all of a sudden it started downpouring! Pretty funny actually, because the kids weren't sure what to do....like run to the door! I don't think they've ever been out in the rain! When we got inside they are like, we're wet....imagine! Its okay...you'll dry....then this afternoon we had a huge wind, pour storm with lots of tree branches down. Weather is suppose to improve for this weekend. I made a big roasted chicken, stuffing, mashed potato dinner tonight. My company will be leaving early Saturday morning to go back to NYC. We've had a great visit. Visiting is good.....moving in might not be! haha. Happy Thoughts!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Let me be very clear. In my experience: There's no such thing as them "taking up" their expenses. Just their lives. At least that's what I hear is supposed to be happening. So far anyhow, I still find myself now and again fixing the expenses stuff. lol
We have such a revolving front door here. We never know when one or the other will need to move back in. There's alway a room ready and we love knowing they feel comfortable and welcome back when the need arises. Sometimes, thats financial and sometimes it emotional. Bless their little hearts.
I've had people tell me we're crazy to let them move back but we agree that it's been some of the most wonderful times we've had as a family. The four of us took a trip to FL this past April. What a blast! Kevin and Colin and Dave each took the week off work while I had school vacation. The boys even wanted to go to a waterpark they remembered going to as little kids. We had such a terrific time. I think as they continue growing up and have relationships that become families of their own, these times they've lived with us as "adult-kids" will make for a great entended a family relationship.
We have such a revolving front door here. We never know when one or the other will need to move back in. There's alway a room ready and we love knowing they feel comfortable and welcome back when the need arises. Sometimes, thats financial and sometimes it emotional. Bless their little hearts.
I've had people tell me we're crazy to let them move back but we agree that it's been some of the most wonderful times we've had as a family. The four of us took a trip to FL this past April. What a blast! Kevin and Colin and Dave each took the week off work while I had school vacation. The boys even wanted to go to a waterpark they remembered going to as little kids. We had such a terrific time. I think as they continue growing up and have relationships that become families of their own, these times they've lived with us as "adult-kids" will make for a great entended a family relationship.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I like having the post children relationship with my kids. Now that we have accepted that they are adults and willing to let them make their own mistakes...and they know that when they come home I might slip into that Mother mode..we get a long really well. I do miss them but enjoy them more now. My oldest is home for a few days from NYC with her friend John. We laugh and have a good time together now. If you go to www.rubybullet you can listen to the band she is in. She plays the base and sings. I am always amazed at how much more my kids do then I would even dream of doing. True friends are rare and should be cherished! Happy Thoughts!!
Wow Karen, just on its own the term "post children" gives me a little shiver too. Where has the time gone?????
Seriously I'm awfully glad to hear that you feel accepting of your place in time now. It's hard to do I find. I honestly forget that I'm supposed to be a grown up and all. I think it's my involvement with the kids in my school. I found out that I'm several years older than Gary, my co-teacher. It was a surprise to both of us. I guess that's good.
I have just one good friend here that I count on and miss when she isn't available. Our boys really became my focus for so many years and filled my time with all their fun. I miss that sometimes but the time has come for them to take up their lives. It's o.k. sometimes but and not so o.k. others.
Seriously I'm awfully glad to hear that you feel accepting of your place in time now. It's hard to do I find. I honestly forget that I'm supposed to be a grown up and all. I think it's my involvement with the kids in my school. I found out that I'm several years older than Gary, my co-teacher. It was a surprise to both of us. I guess that's good.
I have just one good friend here that I count on and miss when she isn't available. Our boys really became my focus for so many years and filled my time with all their fun. I miss that sometimes but the time has come for them to take up their lives. It's o.k. sometimes but and not so o.k. others.
Yeah Karen, I think he was being funny or maybe the show was. His concept as you know was to save a bunch of money now while prices are high. I don't think it's going to pan out as I don't expect to see much price fluctuation downward. I think we'll see it go up and up and then level off somewhere for us to just get used to as something we can't change or do without. I remember living in lrutland, and watching the gas pump sign o over $1. I was positive I'd never pay over a buck and now .........................
So Lori tell us all about your visit with the Stearns. It was wonderful to see them at the reunion but still there just was't time for a real visit. Strangely one of the highlights of reunion was staying at the Hartness House. I'd wanted to do that since I was a little girll. Much as I enjoy my life here I sure do miss being close enough to see folks. Nobody is willing to drive up here and that includes relatives. We do all the travelling and it gets tiresome. That's the choice we make though. Dave wanted to move nearly 3 hours south and I dug my heels in. Just didn't want to leave whats familiar. too many moves in my life already, I guess.got tired of the change and starting over. Without the boys to come with us, I'd be miserable wondering about them.
Karen, how have you done with your move as far as socializing and making new "girlfriends".
So Lori tell us all about your visit with the Stearns. It was wonderful to see them at the reunion but still there just was't time for a real visit. Strangely one of the highlights of reunion was staying at the Hartness House. I'd wanted to do that since I was a little girll. Much as I enjoy my life here I sure do miss being close enough to see folks. Nobody is willing to drive up here and that includes relatives. We do all the travelling and it gets tiresome. That's the choice we make though. Dave wanted to move nearly 3 hours south and I dug my heels in. Just didn't want to leave whats familiar. too many moves in my life already, I guess.got tired of the change and starting over. Without the boys to come with us, I'd be miserable wondering about them.
Karen, how have you done with your move as far as socializing and making new "girlfriends".
Monday, September 26, 2005
Hey Karen I saw your Gov. being interviewed about his "snow days" on TV news this a.m.
I learned how to do that stuff when I started this job. I spent time learning it, doing it, showing the kids it, and just faking it!!! Gary has many years experience and I'm learning as i go. I really enjoy it. Tonight after school I used the table saw to cut my desk drawers back so that they would fit into the desk They have swollen up over the years and I couldn't shut them. Now I can. It's really wonderful to be able to take care of your own business.
I learned how to do that stuff when I started this job. I spent time learning it, doing it, showing the kids it, and just faking it!!! Gary has many years experience and I'm learning as i go. I really enjoy it. Tonight after school I used the table saw to cut my desk drawers back so that they would fit into the desk They have swollen up over the years and I couldn't shut them. Now I can. It's really wonderful to be able to take care of your own business.
Lori, my new area of teaching is called Technology Education. Gary, my "team teacher" likes to describe it as shop meets science. We have so far this year, in the 4 weeks we've been in done an amazing array of things. The 6th grade learns the basics of construction and flight and learning to think for themselves and to be imaginative and creative. We've built towers, cranes, rockets, and airplanes, from paper and craft sticks basically. The 7th grade has made ice scrapers from plexi-glass; stronger than you could buy in your local store. They had to use a variety of power and hand tools for this project as well as design the scraper. Then we spent a week on hand drafting and this week go into a wood working project. The 8th grade is independent study. Gary like to say that if they can think of it and it's legal, we'll build it. Candle making, clocks with picture frame in them, picture frames, silk screening, dirt bike stands from metal, stained glass, candy dishes make from plastics, stools, it's just amazing really. All of this has to be accomplished in a 5 week period. We have the 3 grades of students for 90 minutes each every day. It's a new program (timing only) this year. Exhausting and exhilarating. We start with a new group of students every 5 weeks or so throughout the year.
Better go get ready to go. Have a beautiful day folks - yes Roland I wrote down your e-mail address.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Lori, I hope you brought your warm fuzzies with you to Vermont. Here in Springfield highs were in the 40s...guess my blood was thinned by our warm summer!!! Right now I am wearing fleece! Neil told me to go find my mittens too! Fall is definitly here today! Glad you are getting to visit with Janice and Butch. We went to Wellwood Orchard today and picked apples. I made apple crisp for dinner....I have to say...its was pretty tasty! It is certainly encouraging to hear of all the good things that people are doing for those affected by Katrina/Rita. Personally, I limit my news watching. Lots of the media just want to suck us into sensationalism and panic. I wish everyone Happy Thoughts! and me, warmth! Karen, send up the sunshine!
Been volunteering with the red Cross in the midst of all this mess we've had here. Its been amazing at just how wonderful people have been and contrarty to what you see on the news there are sooooo many success stories and people either being aided by the churches or actually being "saved" by witnessing. It just makes me realize how fortunate I really am not only to have good health but relative good fortune. Our church (the summitchurch.com) has had many members helping and giving without end. Yes, our gov did call off school this next week for a few days to help and I had found him a refreshing breath to the ugly politics that had previously been here. You can't blame the Gov for the mess at the pumps it the news media, greed, and just plain stupidity in that order. Ch 11 was saying something about 4-5.00 per gal also. My opinion of them in the couverage of this disaster has gone WAY down hill. Such sensationalism and no real good semitarian stories. My dad was in the oil business and his comment was only that they are still playing their games....now, if you want to make laws there should be one to limit the price on necessities. Utilities are a necessity today and no longer a luxury item or one which should be over "profitized". Enough said. Course my cousin in Ireland dosen't know what I am complaining about she was paying over 3.00gal years ago. ciao for now. Peace to ya'll.
Yesterday was a beautiful day in Vermont. I went with my sister and her husband to meet her friend from high school who she hasn't seen for more than 30 years (Joan Whalen). They were giggling like old times. And now I'm waiting for Janice and Butch to come. They're driving up to see me today. Kathi, I like your positive attitude. Thanks for reminding us all to enjoy our families and appreciate what we have.
I did have some bad news recently, though, from a friend in Israel. Her son committed suicide. He was in the army there and must have been having a hard time, though no one really knew that. We're all still in shock. It's especially hard because she's divorced and he was her only child. Sorry to bring up bad news. Just had to share that with all of you.
Patti, I don't quite get what you're teaching? Is it shop? I thought you teach computers?
I did have some bad news recently, though, from a friend in Israel. Her son committed suicide. He was in the army there and must have been having a hard time, though no one really knew that. We're all still in shock. It's especially hard because she's divorced and he was her only child. Sorry to bring up bad news. Just had to share that with all of you.
Patti, I don't quite get what you're teaching? Is it shop? I thought you teach computers?
Glad you're in safely Lori and enjoying the beauty of northern VT.
Picked up gas at $2.77 Friday after school. It's rumored that it will hit $5. a gallon here shorty so I'm planning to watch and try to remember to keep the tank topped off. What a pain.
Karen, it's a shame your governor is causing this kind of panic. The gentlman I teach with also works for an oil company and the amount of oil in storage here in the US is astounding. There is no shortage, not even here where it's going to be really cold. The problem could come eventually he says if the refineries are destroyed. At some point the existing oil will be used if there are no replacemnets then clearly that's a huge issue but that is not expected by the those actually deally with it. I haven't seen the news this a.m. but as far as I have heard the refineries on the gulf coast are still in place.
Picked up gas at $2.77 Friday after school. It's rumored that it will hit $5. a gallon here shorty so I'm planning to watch and try to remember to keep the tank topped off. What a pain.
Karen, it's a shame your governor is causing this kind of panic. The gentlman I teach with also works for an oil company and the amount of oil in storage here in the US is astounding. There is no shortage, not even here where it's going to be really cold. The problem could come eventually he says if the refineries are destroyed. At some point the existing oil will be used if there are no replacemnets then clearly that's a huge issue but that is not expected by the those actually deally with it. I haven't seen the news this a.m. but as far as I have heard the refineries on the gulf coast are still in place.