Saturday, April 27, 2002

I have no doubt that Ron sent the invitation, I'm just thinking mine is lost in the abyss of the postal service. I haven't gotten, the weekly newsletter from the church in 2 weeks. I'm telling you, it's a mess down here, nobody wants to deliver our mail. When it does get here it's not till around 6:00p.m. We got a collection letter last week, but never got the bill, we called and got it taken care of, but it could get really messy. Also called the postmaster's office, got nowhere...of course!
Don't send another one yet, I would hate for it to get lost...again. John (or whoever) if you want to just e-mail me the food choices and an address to send the money to and we'll take care of it that way. We are hoping to get a regular mail carrier soon. I am still hoping it will come.
Thanks for all the help.
I received my invitation some time last week. We still have not found a house here in Grand Rapids and our family vacation is set for the last two weeks in July, so at this point in time, please put me down as a "No". Wish I could make it as I have made it to most of them. I have the picture that was taken at the 25th (group shot) if anyone wants to post that I will scan it and send to Brian. Now that I have said that....hope I can find it! Karen Millay
I've been "listening" to some of you, and it sounds pretty good. I did not know why last night's full moon was called the pink one - the weatherman didn't say, but I just did a search on Explorer. One calendar site with all the dates says that Indians who inhabited what is the northeastern U.S. named the full moon for each month. The May full moon also falls on the 26th and is called the full flower moon. Isn't this really EXCITING?? I think I received my invitation in the mail on the 22nd. I believe John had told us they were in the mail about the 19th. Would any of you have had Phil Hughes as your eye doctor? He passed away on the 14th in Springfield at age 66. Is anybody listening out there?
Nancy Dunham did Ron send them out? I know you see him most everyday.
I guess everybody is wondering.
I will find out from Ron Young if he sent them. He was going to after last meeting.
Hi Nancy Smart, Friday Night at the Hartness House sounds good to us. It will be another chance to catch up with each other.

I have a question for everyone. Has everyone received their invitation? I have not received mine yet but the mail is messed up down here, they can't find anyone to do our route, it's very long. The way they are doing it now is, the first one done with their own route, starts on ours, the mail comes later every day. It may come next week, I'm just wondering if others have received theirs yet.
I sent Susan an invitation to Blogger yesterday Nancy, so she should be able to come on board anytime she wants to.
Yes, Patti, I was able to get Susan's address and she emailed me back last night. I gave her Brian's email address and told her he could get her on blogger and show her how to do it. They live out on the Cape, and she said that she might be coming as well. I guess it takes 30 years for some of us to wake up!!(smile), but I am glad we did..........okay, Jerry, what is the answer with the pink moon?
Hi, everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's photos since I won't be at the reunion. Brian, I might take you up on sending a photo through the regular mail. But first I'll try to figure out how to send it through the computer. (Am I the only one who has trouble with these things?!) Patti, I guess I'm one of those "voyeurs" you're talking about. I like listening, but don't always have something to say! But I would like to hear from some of you other listeners. Hi, Nancy Smart. I remember you from East School. Doesn't it feel good to finally manage something on the computer?! Okay, okay, I know what the rest of you are thinking ...
Good going Nancy, it's working now. Dave and I are planning to join Jon and whomever else Friday night. I mentioned it to Linda and to Jerry about a month ago but didn't hear back from either of them on that. Are you two listening?? That is a nice photo of Jon. I'll send it Brian through the internet and maybe it'll be easier that way. Though scanning is just as easy actually.
I am going to send you that picture of Jon through reg. e-mail.Let me know if you get it.
Nancy S
Hey it worked!! YES!!!!
Hi everyone,
I just lost two messages. This is what I do. I sign in, write a note, Hit Post and Publish and it says... Can not display this page. I don't know why this is happening.
Does anyone want to go out to dinner Friday night at the Hartness House? There are some people who would like to get together. I think it would be nice. Let me know so that I can make reservations.
Jon Lewis sent me an e-mail last night with a picture of himself. I will pass it on to Brian. It's a nice picture. I re invited Roger Belville and Candi P. Cook to blogger. I hope they respond. I hope I did it right.
Lets see if this makes it.
Nancy S.
Good morning all! I was just sending an invitation to Sue Aeillo and noticed that there are over 20 people who have been invited into blogger but have not joined in. (click on my team button above to see who they are I know there are people who are having trouble like Nancy, that must be frustrating. I'm glad you keep trying Nancy. Jon Lewis told me he can't make it work. I'm sure there are others. Then there are those who are just "listening in". Not quite voyuers.

Jerry I heard the earthquake was felt as far north as here in P.I. but I didn't notice it. However I thought we were having something like it when it turned out it was kids with a sling shot and marbles. I need to replace the bow window in the front of my house. I must have ticked somebody off. Grades were recently posted.

John do you think you'll still be working on the float Friday night? Maybe those of us coming in that evening can help out then. It's not much but it's something.

We still haven't figured out where to stay. At $99 a night I'm amazed that motels in the area manage to stay open. There's a litttle place in Chester I found on the internet that looks o.k. Motel in the Meadows? Something like that . Has anyone heard of it?

Hope you are all sending Brian pictures of yourselves. This way we can get the shock out of our systems ahead of time. Don't be shy. Especialy if you cannot make the reunion. It would be great to put faces on the names we keep seeing here.

Nancy, at school we usually attribute the wacky behavior of our students by the phases of the moon. Not sure about a pink moon though. : - )
Hi everyone,
This is Nancy S. I have a difficult time sending my messages. I don't know what I'm doing wrong so I will keep this brief and see if it makes it to blogger.
Nancy S.
Hi Jerry..........No I do not know why the moon is pink. I saw it last night as you ever notice that people seem to act a bit strange near full moon time? I have wondered why I seem more moody then as well. I always thought it was strange until someone told me that they worked at a mental institution in the 40s and people always seemed more restless near full moon time. I guess they have done more studies on it and we are more "one" with the earth and atmosphere than we thought. I also found out that today is Samuel FB Morse's birthday( 1791) and Ulysses S Grant's as well............anyone from class of 72 celebrating a birthday today? Best Wishes as well.

Friday, April 26, 2002

Hello all. I still have not felt the earthquake here. Maybe it will happen again tomorrow morning. By the way, I believe today was the birthday of Mr. Richter who established the Richter scale for measuring the intensity of earthquakes. Happy Birthday! I have seen the full "pink" moon that is up in the sky tonight. Does anyone know why this one is called the "pink" full moon?
I was afraid you meant Bergman. I didn't get the connection to games and I don't think of him as a game playin kind of fellow. but other wise I think games are great!

No nudity Brian, what a party pooper. Besides it's the guys who did all the skinny dipping!
Sure, Pat!
I'll try to get a photo album up this weekend. People can send me images in any format you wish, but JPEG (.jpg) is probably best. If you don't have a way of getting them into the computer, I'll try to help.

As a last resort, you can always send them to my house in a paper envelope. I will return them as soon as they are scanned. Email me for the address.

You can find everyone's email address by clicking the TEAM button above the place you type in your message here.

I'll make a button on the main page to get to the photo album.

Fun! But PLEASE ladies, no nudity!

: )
Ingmar Bergman is a depressing film director ( I mean great artist) who would be the last one suspected to play party games, much less- sing happy songs. Don't worry we will not need to get contact information to extend an invitation. But I would love to play some games as a form of useful distraction with my old classmates. Singing is optional.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Brian did anything come of the idea of having someplace to post photos?

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Who is Ingmar and why does she get a vote?
There is one vote for Swedish party games (or can I count Ingmar and count this as two votes). I can feel the excitement building.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Swedish party games? Ingmar Bergman playing charades?

Sunday, April 21, 2002