Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hi all!

Thought I’d take a few minutes and drop a line. Really should be doing my homework. Got a project due Monday and seem to always pull an all-nighter beforehand. Doesn’t matter how far ahead I start. Had a construction lab today. Put up part of a deck. It was 67 and gorgeous out. AM was 30 deg though. Last week we laid a brick patio. I’m pretty stiff right now…(Just so you don’t feel bad, we had our first snow on Oct 21st. Just enough to cover the ground.)

I had a class the night of Halloween. Reeeeally miss seeing the little critters all dressed up. Left a bowl of candy out on the porch with the light on. Glad I live in a neighborhood where I can do that.

My son, Michael, came down from Gunnison (4 hours away) the weekend before to help me celebrate my birthday. I went out to dinner with him and his older brother, Chris, and his new girlfriend. Both boys are doing fine.

Was back in VT this summer but didn’t get to meet up with too many of you. I’d left a message on Facebook, but left it on the wrong page and I don’t think anyone saw it. I think I was in town when you all got together. Oh well. Maybe next time. I’m thinking about coming back over New Year’s. Might be the last chance I get to visit for awhile, since I’ll probably be getting a job next year. Summers are usually 16+ hour days, so I probably won’t be able to get back there in the summer for awhile, which really kills me. And though it slows down in the winter, if I’m newly working for someone, I’m sure I won’t get vacation for awhile or much of it.

Re: Curves. I joined a year ago May. Didn’t really lose weight but did go down a pant-size or two. I’ve actually been to the one in Springfield! Went with my Mom and Kristine on vacation last year. Didn’t get there this year. I like it. Nice people of all ages. No guys gawking. I can do more than the 30 mins if I like. It helps me stay limber and since I’m not that active, gives me some much needed exercise. Would like to go hiking and stuff but can’t always find a partner to go with and I don’t really want to end up mountain lion food . Plus I have to drive a ways. Maybe I should get a dog so I’d have to get out. But then I’d have to move to a place that allows pets...

Am I boring you yet?!?! Love reading about all of your exciting lives. Mine is so predictable compared to yours. I log on once in a blue moon to see what's going on. Usually don’t have anything exciting to share; kinda like now… 

Hey Richard, if you’re coming to Denver, look me up! I am NOT in the phone book so I’ll have to give you my # if you send me a msg on facebook. Would be fun to see you. That goes for the rest of you, too, if you’re ever out here.

Well, I’ve goofed off enough. Back to the drawing board!

Friday, November 02, 2007

hi. nice music karen. you are right about c&w having a song for anything (except red beans, now that i think of it. i do not think there is a country song that talks about red beans. you would need a zydeco song for something like that). anyway, i like your trailer boy. i have a small country collection. the mine shafts at the back of my jaw are healing, no problems, just lots of wine to make it through. my days are okay. i lack news. i have a wild trip for ten days after thanksgiving. i'll be in a different state everyday, from coast to coast. i only get a couple days to play. i am thinking of checking out portland, or for those days. trick or treaters were fun this year. i had a spanky and alfalfa who were fabulous. a very proud 4 year old, who was a bus, came by. he had made his costume with help from his mom. two boxes were the basic story, but he had done great painting to create the whole effect. as he was walking away, i saw some writing on his back bumper. it said, "how is my driving?" what a crack-up. happy weekend.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween...hope you are getting lots of ghosts, witches, and goblins coming around to your house. More likely, Power Rangers and Cinderellas...I am sure we won't get any trick-or-treaters here...although we are always prepared! Parties and parades at school today....I went as a......witch, imagine that! Someday I am going to be a really spooky something...I'll have to work on it before I retire! Only 9 more years and I can make $400 a that time it won't even pay for gas!
Dark and snow.....luckily we only have the dark here! I thought they were going to do away with Daylight Savings. Guess I'll have to get some new boots and be prepared for the dreaded snow....Karen you can always wear those fingerless gloves while at the computer! hahah
Happy Thoughts............

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Snow?!!!!! And here I am thinking of taking Avi's uncle to a restaurant by the beach to sit in the sun a while.....
there is snow on the ground..................Yuck!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I liked the music, too. I don't know how you find all these things, Karen.

Happy Anniversary from me, too, Brian--if you're on the blog. If not, Richard can pass on the greetings from everyone.

A while back I mentioned that my son and his girlfriend broke up a few weeks after getting engaged. Well, now he moved back in with her. No decisions in the meantime about marriage. They're just taking it day by day, but it seems to be going well.