Saturday, May 18, 2002

Today was May 18, and it is spring, right? Well, it snowed today in VT and NH. My brother said a half inch accumulated on trees and grassy surfaces in Springfield this morning into the early afternoon, and power lines were taken down by falling branches and trees between Chester and Grafton. I was supposed to take a hike with three other guys today in the middle of NH, but it got rained/snowed out. We still met for breakfast, and when I returned to Nashua in early afternoon, there was snow on my car, on the roof of the house, on patches of grass, and on the rhubarb. Washington, NH got four inches on the ground and Mt. Monadnock three inches. Maybe June 22 will be a different kind of a day. Glad that Horsefeathers worked out for you, Pat. See how teamwork across the miles can work thanks to Karen? The former Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge is a Holiday Inn Express now while the Howard Johnson's restaurant is still there at Exit 7 in Springfield. And the prison (correctional facility) will be going right in the hillside above it.
O.K. It's done! Yahoo! I spoke with the lovely people at the Horsefeather's Inn which it turns out is 5 minutes away from the Rockingham Motor Inn/Lodge which-ever. The web site shows the Inn off very nicely, and we even picked out our room on the net. So thanks Karen for suggesting that one. You're a peach. Now we start working on where to stay in MA the folowing weekend when we travel further south to Dave's 31st reunion.
Hi Karen, I'd already contacted several of these places and given the date of the reunion they go to summer rates and are all over $100 per night. The Hartness House is booked completely and has been for a while now. Lots of different events happening in the area that weekend. Don't want to go to Rockingham Saturday night and then drive north of Spfld to sleep so we're looking in the chester/rockingham area now. (we figure about 9 hours to drive home on Sunday) I spoke to someone at the Hugging Bear the other night and they didn't say anything about $65. Oh yeah that's for a single . The chester Inn is booked. The deals you mentioned are definatley good but not available. thanks for the thoughts. I'll keep looking.

Friday, May 17, 2002

Pat, Rich and my youngest have gone to Spiderman tonight so, having nothing better to do, I looked up some B&B's. Have you considered: Horsefeathers Inn B&B in BF $65 and up, Andrie Rose B&B in Ludlow, $80 and up, Hartness House is $89 and up, Hugging Bear in Chester is $65 and up, and I wanted to find out the rates for the Weathersfield Inn but couldn't get to the website, the phone is 802-263-9217. Then there is always the AAA discount which we use anytime we can. These seem like pretty good deals to me. Hope something works. Have a good weekend. Karen
Still looking for a reasonably priced room. You'd think this was down town Boston not Springfield, VT. when did Howard Johnsons become a Holiday In?
No No No we won't let you off the hook Richard. I don't feel you've explained yourself at all. Were you traveling with a transvestite and turned over your vehicle which became a fireball as you escaped. ( I'm writing a moveie of the week)
No, Jerry, I didn't feel that earthquake. It was farther north. But I've felt plenty other earthquakes living in L.A. Luckily, we missed the really big one in 1994. We were living in Israel at the time. And when Iraq fired the Scuds at Israel, we were living in L.A. So far, we've had good timing. Those earthquakes are scary, though. When you can't even trust the earth you're standing on, it's definitely scary. Okay, Richard, we'll let you off the hook!

Thursday, May 16, 2002

I have to go send my check along with the note to Ron Young. Is anyone else doing that tonight? On the second floor of the building where I work there is a sign which reads that the museum is one flight down. Now would that be on United or Delta? And are there frequent flyer miles? Lori, did you feel that recent earthquake in California? The winning ticket in last night's Powerball drawing was purchased at a Texaco station in Weirs Beach, NH. Were any of you gassing up and buying a hotdog there over last weekend? Hey, is the clock off here? My post time is 2:30:18 AM on 5/17, but I'm sitting here at 9:30 PM on the 16th.
Sometimes I say things I just know I'm going to wish I hadn't. I had this feeling when I hit the transvestite post & publish button. It's probably similar to the feeling that Jerry Springer's guests have as they leave the set and head back to ???? where ever his guests come from. My thought at the time was, "What would be harder to explain to the police? The car that you had just narrowly escaped from- burning up in front of your eyes or the presence of the transvestite that had escaped with you." Sure this was strange, Hollyweird, or whatever. For better or worse, you have my full disclosure. Is there a 12 step program to help me fix this sort of thing?
Richard, the transvestite is stirring up a lot of interest. I was going to ask for an explanation, but Patti and John have done it for me!

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

all right you guys I think Karen was hoping there'd be some sort of document with all these questons answered on it to share at the reunion. She isn't in blogger and is missing all your hilarity.

Now what was that about a transvestite in Wells, Maine?
Sorry John, I was just going with the wildest thing concept and my natural immaturity. So my guess is that the golf courses are pretty green, but really wet and cold. So far here it's like I never saw a winter as cold as this May in Burlington. Hope your doing great- stay warm!

What the hell does a transvestite got to do with this?

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

John, I did that same thing with a transvestite in NYC.
Good Timing Richard, Posted seconds apart.
Robin it could be. Last I knew he was living up that way.

For me the Wildest thing I ever done should read what is NOT the wildest thing you ever done.
Let me see. How about the time 4 of us strapped ourselves into a car and tried to roll it over
just to see what it felt like. Instead lost control at high speed and went over a ledge and landed nose first.
Oh yea the gas tank was inside the back of the station wagaon so we had that to deal with after the landing.
We all got out ok but the car went up in smoke. Who was the driver.....Well lets just say it was a Graham but not Keith.....yup he was in our class. Now that was a ride I won't forget.
Robin, let's send an invitation and see who shows up.
OK..before we begin discussing wildest type things, could all of the alumni currently employed in the general area of law enforcement please raise your hands?....thanks. I passed something called "Wink's Place" near Wells, Maine last weekend. You don't suppose........
Woah, I don't know .......this is getting a little too touchy feely for us not so extrovert types.

Monday, May 13, 2002

So I think that Karen has a great list. It is a little peek-a-boo into each other's lives- like yeah maybe just a little. For this reason, I regret to say that I will not be the first. I also won't be the last. That wildest thing I've ever done question is the tough one. Do I go with the skydiving Elvis episode or the one about swallowing live things whole?

Sunday, May 12, 2002

She also sent me a list of music that was popular way back when. I'm sending the attachment to everyone on the list. It's quite a blast. I don't remember all of the music. It certainly brings back some memories though.
this is a note sent to me from Karen (Vatne) Hack. I share it with all of you for your input.

I've composed a list of things I'd like to know about people. Answers
could really stimulate some interesting conversation. And some Qs are
silly but fun. What do you think? Have anything to add/delete?

Name (current photo?)


Telephone #

E-mail address

Places I have lived

Further Education


Fantasy job



Spouse's occupation

Children (photo?)/year of birth

Favorite SHS memories

Favorite classes/teachers

Favorite memories of Springfield


Secret crushes (if you dare)

Favorite place to party then

Favorite music/song then

Current music/song favorite

Musicians I've seen in concert

Favorite movie then

Current movie favorite

Famous people I've seen or met - when, where

Favorite vacation destination

Places I've been & when

Favorite hobbies or pastimes

Last book read:

Wildest thing I have done

Message I'd like to send to my classmates

(Q could be returned with banquet reservation so copies could be made.
Could charge for copies if need be, payment of which could be made with
reservation. Could provide option of receiving copy at banquet or
paying for postage.)

Boy - once I get started, I can't stop! I just had a wild thought...we
could play "The Weakest Link" and ask Qs gleaned from the
Questionnaires. It could be quite funny (or really stupid!).


Thanks John, I figured that we were to send in the second sheet which is the dinner choice and attendance form. I got the impression he wanted something else, in addition to that. It's the reason I haven't sent mine in yet. So now I will. Just like in school I want to make sure I understand the directions so I don't do something wrong. : - ) some things never change.

My husband's 31st reunion is a couple of weeks after ours. They have been asked to send in a personal history. "Here's what I've been up to for the last 31 years" ----that sort of thing. I thought maybe that's what Ron meant.