Friday, June 21, 2002

PSSST! Anybody out there? We can talk about them while they are all gone to the reunion! Just kidding! Have a good one everyone. Hope it is all you want it to be. Put the full report on blogger......all the poop for those of us who were bad and had to stay home. C-ya!
Taking off within the hour. See you all tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for the directions to Barlows' Barn John.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Hi everyone!
Update on the float... We worked on it Tuesday evening. We got alot done. Thursday night we're going to do a few more things but it looks great!! Friday evening people will be getting together to make any final touches. Actually we may just stand around and admire our fine work!LOL I'm getting butterflies in my stomache because I'm so excited about seeing everyone Sat. night. We're going to have lots of fun! See ya later.
Directions to the float from the hartness house. It's actually very easy from there. The hill that you come up to get to the Hartness House (summer st.) just stay on that road. Instead of bearing left to go to the Hartness House just go straight up the hill. Stay on that road about 2 or 3 miles and then you will come to a dirt road and then a 4 way intersection. At that intersection take a right and then the first farm on the right is where we are at. But we are building the float across the road on the left right there. IT's there hay barn. We are at Barlow's Farm.

We will be there Friday night doing the final touches for Sat. and would love to have everybody come up and have a little party there.

Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Where it starts I am not sure. But I did give you directions to the float for Friday night.
I heard through the grapevine it was starting in North Springfield but what do I know, I am only pulling the float. But I am sure if you get to spfld by 9:00 a.m. then somebody willl tell you.....
Ask anybody on the street.
That is my question, where is the parade starting and when?
Thanks, Jerry, where is the float going to be on Friday? Off Summer street? I am going up early in the morning and then trying to get down by lunch and take the ferry back thru Burlington down 89 and 91. I like the area up there, it is really nice off the lake. I am staying at a B& B off the lake and the lady that runs it sounds really nice. Am going to try and see some friends in Peru if I can make it. Need to let them know that I am finally up that way, this trip was cancelled twice already. Where is the parade starting, and when? Is that what you want to know, Richard? I may make it up for that........the picnic is for sure after at Riverside?
If no one tells me where to go in Springfield and when, I won't bring bagels . . . and maybe I won't invite you to my birthday party either!
Have a nice trip, Lori. And do I remember where you'll be heading to? It will be great to see you Saturday A.M. Richard and Brian. Remember, it's Exit 7 of I-91. Nancy, have a nice drive from Plattsburgh. Just a little description of the photos that got posted last week. That is Mt. Katahdin, Maine's highest peak, in back of the celery stick. I was hiking the day before doing some whitewater rafting with a group in August 1999. I was on a trail across the gulf (like Proctorsville Gulf) from Katahdin. And growing up my Dad was Big Jerry and I was Little Jerry. That was until I grew taller than him. It's just days away now! See ya.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Have a wonderful trip Lori! I know you will.
Thanks, Nancy. And, yes, take pictures at the reunion--and post them on the site so the rest of us can see them!
Have a safe trip Lori and come back safe, as well. I will try and remember to bring my camera and take pictures...................
Hi everyone. We're leaving on our trip abroad Thursday, so I just wanted to say bye and wish you all a good summer! Hope you all have fun at the reunion if you're going. Let me know how it was! Bye ...
OK, Brian King and I have made a plan to get ourselves to Springfield Saturday AM, but then where do we go and when? Should we bring bagels? Also, I think I sent my check for dinner, did I?