Saturday, May 14, 2005

The weekend is here and its suppose to rain again. Right now it is cloudy and in the 50s. Did get the lawn mowed and raked. Thought I would beat the rain. Hopefully, we are getting a new riding mower before too long.
Picked rhubarb and in the process of making a pie. First of the season is always really good!
Neil is having surgery on Thursday to relieve pressure on the pinched nerve. Hopefully, all will go smoothly and he will recover within 3-4 weeks.
Have a great weekend everybody.
Happy Thoughts!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Best wishes for good health Pat. I did have a good Mother's Day, thanks Richard. We are starting to get sticky weather here now and I have changed my walk to mornings. Rich's family is dragging their feet but know they need to get going on selling the two homes in Perkinsville. If anyone knows someone who might be interested in buying one or both houses and land, let me know. The old house is empty and needs some work (barn goes with that one), the other one is smaller and in good shape. Both sit on the village green and look toward the old village store. I wish we could keep at least the old one, but it is looking unrealistic with college debts for us and none of the family living nearby. Whoever coined the phrase "life begins at 50"? What begins, seems to be saying goodbye to so many things and people that have always been a part of who you are. Now there is a positive, non menopausal, cheerful outlook for you to ponder!!!

Monday, May 09, 2005

I wish you a speedy recovery, Patti, and good luck adapting to all the changes! And thanks, Richard--it's nice to have someone out there saying nice things about us!

I just finished another weekend course given by Landmark Education--this time in communication. That's the last one. Now I need a break from all these courses. But they have helped me a lot, especially the 2 communication courses. I see how I hear people through a filter, as if they're always saying I did something wrong. I'm getting rid of that filter!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day- Karen, Kathi, Lori, and Pat. I am glad that there are moms like you. You were born with some natural gifts for the job, but I think you are real cool on your own for who you are!