Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cosmo is short for Cosmopolitan isn't it? I don't think the founding fathers mean the cocktail. But maybe.

From Wikipedia: The word cosmopolitan describes an environment where many cultures from around the world coexist; or a person whose perspective reflects exposure to a variety of cultures. It may also have the weaker senses of "worldly" or "sophisticated.

Does this describe Springfield, VT ? I remember the big Cosmo arm on the gym wall. That was great!

I'm freezing up here in PI. I sure hope the parade back home is enjoying a much warmer day. Hoist one for me tonight folks, I'll be thinking of you all.
i love a parade, the tramping of feet. i love every beat i hear of a drum. i am sure that right about now helium is filling the last of the big balloons that will be hoisted and guided along the parade route. maybe a giant snoopy ballloon in his sopwith camel will be flying along the route this year. or maybe some class will have figured out what a cosmo is and there will be a new giant cosmo balloon. i think a cosmo is green and white, but i otherwise don't know whether a cosmo is very capable and friendly spaceman or maybe we were named after the cosmos daisies. there are some big holes in my understanding of life. oh well, i love a parade, the tramping of feet. i love every beat.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Snow was falling around 1 pm today at the summit of Mt. Washington. I hope we don't see that along the parade route in Springfield in the morning. Brrr! The finishing touches must be going on the float right about now at Barlow's. Have a good night, everyone.
It's a different world up here at the north pole Richard. We're hoping to break out the spring skiing equipment any day now! All this snow sure makes it hard to plant the potatoes.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

pat, it's called a yard sale when you wipe out something awful while skiing and your poles go one place, hat another, and skis go somewhere else. do you really still have snow in presque isle?? wow!!
Well folks are converging on Spfld., and I have reunion envy! Travel safely everyone and have a fabulous time this weekend! Hopefully someone will take photos and post them here for those of hosting yard sales this weekend instead of walking down memory lane behind a float. Enjoy everyone........

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Float is coming along nicely. We will meet at Barlow's at 6:00 Friday to finish up. Bring a munchy to share. Pizza will get ordered if we choose.
Remember, if you have not paid for your meal for Saturday night, bring it to Deb before the dinner!
Hope to see others there! Happy Thoughts!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

i will be flying into springfield airport with my co-pilot, brian king, saturday am. brian is pretty sure that the back roads only take an extra 4 minutes from burlington to spfld. as a myth buster lover, i am all over this. our goal is to hit town at 9:49. we would be there at 9:45 but we will be taking some blue (as in sad and lonely) highways. we will be singing along with some old j geils tunes cuz those are the easiest ones to sing along with (those are some where- if you know the title then you know the lyrics- like freezeframe, now freeze!). okay, gotta finish my ground check and get some stuff packed. wahoo! richard
Travel safely everyone!
I am sure we will all have a good time together. For those of you who can't come, we'll have fun for you, too!
Happy Thoughts to all.....
I'm flying tomorrow morning on Jet Blue. Getting excited!
FYI everybody coming to the parade!
The Parade is starting down at the J&L parking lot on Clinton Street. The parade starts at 10:30, so I would think you would want to make sure you have found the 72 float by 9:45 or so....We are meeting again Wednesday night so if there are any changes I can post them here for you.
Hope for beautiful weather and Happy Thoughts.............

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hello everyone. It's time for me to pop in again and see what's going on. Hi Karen V out there where it's not too late yet. Congrats Eric on this first grandchild! And Pat, so sorry that you won't be making it Saturday after you've been such a splendid spokesperson for it all. (Tears flowing.) My brother does some work in the complex where the McHughs live. Charlie will be turning 90 on July 31, and the mailing address is 9 Pine Brook Lane Unit G5, North Springfield, VT 05150. And Mrs. McHugh will turn 90 on November 5. Ron had to take Mrs. McHugh's Focus down to BF last week to get the oil changed. So they're doing well these days. I too remember being shown how to fold up The Times. What a thick paper to look at everyday! I enjoyed spending time in the sports section. Wrong answer. Well, I look forward to seeing some of you in Cosmoland on Saturday. I should be arriving just before parade time. Where does it start, up on the River Road where the First National Store used to be? Now how many years ago was that? Fred Kolstrom was the manager, and I enjoyed bringing shopping carts back to the store from the parking lot while my parents shopped. I'll check in again later. Jerry
Well that's great news Richard! I'm sure they'll squeeze you right in. It's good to know that even as we get this close folks are making plans to get to Spfld. It'll be a fun time I'm sure.

I'm sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing well Roland. I wish your family all the best and much comfort.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

okay. okay. okay. i am going to make it to the reunion. misty guest will as well. is it too late to get a couple of spots at the table?? gotta a million stories i want to hear. please come ready to tell all. i can't wait for five more years. wahoo!!
Hey gang, sorry to say I can't make the reunion I was so looking forward to. Mom is VERY sick and I'm afraid facing hospice soon. I must spend the time there but maybe I can meet up with a couple of you in B town someday or if enough of us were in this area we could gather for dinner or something.