Saturday, September 10, 2005

Thanks for the kind words. I had an excellent visit with Richard, he looks great and I think we covered some good ground ... past, present, and future. I am so impressed with his talents and insight. It has been really fun to reconnect with high school friends. I had a great time with Kathi this summer and it was surprising to me with both how easily the conversation flowed. I don't know if it is that we have that past link or just that we are mature now, but it has been rewarding. Thanks Kathi and Richard for initiating the contact. Here it has been absolutely gorgeous weather. At my house kids are coming and going (Richard got to meet the entire bunch). I have some company lined up for the fall ( my sister for one, and friends)a weekend in Lexington, KY in Oct., a trip back to VT for a long weekend, and then we will be heading into the holiday season. About this time of year I start looking for fall festivals ... they always remind me of VT. Happy fall to all!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Karen looks great, don't let her fool you!
The weather is changing to fall...its cooler in the mornings, warm during the day and cooler /darker faster in the evenings. The summer produce is done and winter squash, beets, and pumpkins are thriving. I bought mums for my garden....I still have a few roses blossoming, lots of zinnas and marigolds. The putunias are on their last legs. Spent a couple hours tonight mowing our field up by the garden...we are down to one crappy push mower...Neil took the other one apart...guess what that means! might get put back and work...or it might not! It is always amazing to begin the school year with 5 year olds and marvel how many dont' wash their hands after using the bathroom...(at home)...don't know how to sit with others...among lots of other never assume they just model and show! But all and all they are pretty endearing and I am exhausted at 3:30! Just getting old!!!! Anyways, hope everyone is well....happy thoughts!
I'm sure you look as beautiful as ever, Karen! Forget the diet!

Too bad it won't work out this time, Patti, but I'm sure it will at one time or another. I don't really have a set time that I go there. We've also gone in the winter, but fall is my favorite time. I love the foliage. Sometimes I go twice a year, so if I get there again, I'll definitely let you know!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well I certainly was reminded last weekend of how beautiful VT is. Just gorgeous. I'm heading back to Burlington Columbas Day weekend and will hopefully get to see the fall colors before they fade.

Dad is settled in and happy to be back "home". He's hoping I'll come overy regularly though and so I guess there's gonna be a lot of driving going on. He's as far away from me in Burlington asnd he was in FL. It's just a wicked long car ride instead of a plane. Strange. On a 3 day weekend each trip will basically be drive a day - stay a day - drive a day.

Maybe one of my trips over, I'll be able to catch you at home Richard. How was the Champlain Valley Fair? Have fun in Atlanta with Karen.

I'm disappointed about missing you Lori but hopefully next trip you make. Do you come over once in the fall or other times as well?
Okay, Richard is coming to town and I am really looking forward to it ..... now, can anyone tell me a good diet that drops about 20 lbs a day!!! Ha Haaaaaaah!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Atlanta, ho! I'm on my way tomorrow. I hope that I can see Karen and Rich (maybe Thursday night works, Karen??) Being 72-centric, I promise to defend Karen on any differences on remembering the way things were. Pat, I ran out of Burlington to the Northeast Kingdom as soon as I heard you were here (but it wasn't because of you- I just thought that I would say it in kind of a dramatic way). Gerda and I spent the weekend with our gourmet club at a friends camp. It was so great. I hit deep relaxation early and stayed there. We were kayaking and biking and, oh yeah, drinking and eating and drinking and eating. Sorry we couldn't at least talk by phone. I know how busy family keeps you, even when you aren't doing anything. For example, my mother in law is here now and I think I may see Gerda sometime on Saturday.
I forgot to mention that Leah, Janice's daughter, is visiting us now. She's a really nice girl. My kids are having a good time with her.
Yes, we've been glued to the TV, too, shocked at what's been going on in New Orleans. The description of the conditions in the Superdome sounded like something in a book I read, called "Blindness," by Jose Saramago--no power, no running water, barely any food, no place to go to the bathroom, dead bodies around. Terrible....

Karen, that's nice that you'll be seeing Richard next week. Did you see each other at the 30th reunion? We're also planning to meet when I'm in Burlington at the end of the month. Patti, how did your visit with your father go?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hi, We are having absolutely gorgeous weather here but a lot of the time I have been glued to the TV watching the coverage of Katrina ... how unimaginably horrible. I know the Atlanta area has already received some people in their hospitals, and probably shelters and homes as well. This weekend I have come down with some upper respiratory thing that my kids had before me, so I haven't been moving too quickly. We had some friends from SC visiting on Fri and made a visit to friends in the GA mountains on Sat. My mom's brother, my Uncle Mike, died last week in Springfield but I did not go home for the services. Thats the hard part of living so far away. Tonight, my oldest son who goes to college in Cincinnati, will be flying home for the week. Next week I may get to visit with Richard while he is in Atlanta. I hope that everyone has had a great Labor Day weekend, spent with people you love ... stay safe!