Roland, it sounds like you can keep up with your younger friends and that you will run them over if they pause too long at a light. Kind of reminds me of a woman I know who said, "I'm not intense" as she was straining every muscle in her neck. I guess its modern. Better hope that CD player doesn't break.
My salvation has been my "5 minutes of freedom program". It is something that I thought of about 18 years ago- not coincidentally when number one son was on the way. I was pissed that I had lost my freedom and realized I needed a new view or I was't going to make it through the next 20 years. What I realized then was that I have total freedom to do whatever I want to do as long as it doesn't take more than 5 minutes. Of course, only having 5 minute intervals limits your choices. I quickly realized that mind-based travels and adventures are the most practical alternative. Then I thought, "What if I link all of these moments of freedom together by using them to contemplate one idea that is a true passion?"
Do the math. 5 minutes- 2 or 3 times a day for the last 18 years adds up to about 9 months of focused effort and freedom to follow my passion. It's kind of a Birdman from Alcatraz approach, and it's been productive. I think my thoughts are really going to come together if I can just keep it up for about 5 or 10 more years. Stupid???? I say, "Stupid like a fox."
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Ya'll are so amuzing. I only feel old when I get sick or have a slight pain from overdoing and still thining I am 18, ha ha. Yes that mirror does reflect my dad some days so I can relate but I have friends of all ages and my younger friend seem to relate well and I can still keep up with them so..........Age is a state of mind as long as we don't go into total denial, eigh? ha ha. I keep quite active in both work and home and it helps. Yes, remembering old times keeps a part younger too. I also think that my moving around has helped as I had to adjust and had to meet new challenges. Its rotten to say but many of my piers that I went to college with are REALLY feeling their age with pains, aches, etc. Kind of makes me thankful for being in good health and basically happy most of the time. I still hike, water ski, and landscape. plus travel. I tend to travel too heavy too and that in itself is an arobic exercise these days. Well.... I sure know school is back in session and has been since mid last month here. The traffic is impossible!! Slide a good CD in and slip into another world instead of my usual road raged self. Was talking to my mom today and found myself spewing out some words for someone who was dreaming away a short green and having to wait through another LONG red. Oh well......... Don't know about where ya'll are but they decided a few years ago that to better manage traffic they would lengthen the time of the light and get more through.......dumb. No more 1, 2, 3, 4 @ intersections and kept everyone happy now its sit and yell............and the fools wonder why everyone is in a bad mood. Another oh well........
Back up to Memphsis after Labour Day to roll out some more products for a large theatre chain. I found some more great places to eat and have made a few local friends. I like it there now. Hope all is well with everyone and all had a great summer.
Back up to Memphsis after Labour Day to roll out some more products for a large theatre chain. I found some more great places to eat and have made a few local friends. I like it there now. Hope all is well with everyone and all had a great summer.
Monday, August 25, 2003
Richard, you may have already taken off but just in case, I'll say bon voyage!
School started today. It was hard to get up and go. I'm all pooped out from my first day and we didn't even have students!! Dave just gave me a yummiy pineapple slush so I'll feel better shortly. Either that or I'll be in bed early. It's a scrumpscious (that's not spelled right) concoction made from pineapple juice, cream of coconut, and vodka. freeze it and add ginger ale as you spoon it into your glass. We had a frost this morning and we're drinking hot weather relaxing on the patio cocktails because we're in denial. Delish.
As to being 49 I've been living that lie since since early last January. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a grownup. Looking in the mirror helps. Except that lately I've been noticing my mother looking back at me. It's a very unnerving sensation. I told my Dad and he said he wondered when I'd notice. Wonder what he meant by that? Speaking with all of you helps me retain my youthful vigor. Honestly though it does help me remember being a kid and the fun I had. It doesn't really see that long ago.
School started today. It was hard to get up and go. I'm all pooped out from my first day and we didn't even have students!! Dave just gave me a yummiy pineapple slush so I'll feel better shortly. Either that or I'll be in bed early. It's a scrumpscious (that's not spelled right) concoction made from pineapple juice, cream of coconut, and vodka. freeze it and add ginger ale as you spoon it into your glass. We had a frost this morning and we're drinking hot weather relaxing on the patio cocktails because we're in denial. Delish.
As to being 49 I've been living that lie since since early last January. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a grownup. Looking in the mirror helps. Except that lately I've been noticing my mother looking back at me. It's a very unnerving sensation. I told my Dad and he said he wondered when I'd notice. Wonder what he meant by that? Speaking with all of you helps me retain my youthful vigor. Honestly though it does help me remember being a kid and the fun I had. It doesn't really see that long ago.
Well I am not going to wax poetic. Being 49 sucks. I feel like a penguin in bondage and not the same way that Frank Zappa meant it back in 1974. In fact there are penguins that are much better looking than me. My bondage is to every responsibility known to man, woman, and beast (two cats anyway). Thank God my kids are going back to school tomorrow!
Wow, I think I'm losing my sense of humor faster than I am losing my hair. Gone are the days of reckless youth.
Wow, I think I'm losing my sense of humor faster than I am losing my hair. Gone are the days of reckless youth.