Saturday, February 08, 2003

Yes, we had about 8 inches yesterday and I got off work early to come home and clean out my drive and also my is nice and sunny today, so it will be nice for the trip up to VT. Take care all and have a good weekend.............remember , Valentines Day is next Friday.........have to get some cards today to get in the mail for my long distance Valentines.........

Friday, February 07, 2003

Gosh you guys are getting it just non stop!! Hate to tell you Pat the tulips are pushing through and the daffies are budded just waiting for a long sunny day. I went and got a pair of new Georgia Boots today that are waterproof on the bottoms for the spring muds and lots of that red staining clay we have. Got tired of my good Tony Llamas being ruined. Well, what goes up muct come down and what gets cold eventually thaws......ha ha. Just kidding. Stay warm and BE CAREFUL. That weathers nothing to fool with. Now I'll tell you we got ice yesterday and even a few flurries. But, ours dosen't last long. This time two days is really long. Got my new puter today and forgot how much I like a lap top, note dance (for you corporate junkies) now. Ya'll have a good w/e! See ya next week.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

OK Roland now I am sticking out my tongue at you too! Even though the date and time on our two last mesages say 2-6-03 it's not true. Its a little after 8 PM on the 5th. funny how little oddities like that happen
Karen, don't blame em.... at least not in the winter. I've gotten to used to this temperate stuff myself. Lori, you're lucky. Your climate stays pretty much tempered year round. I have friends living in Imperial Be and I love to visit there anytime of the year. Awful quiet up there Patti, are you frozen in?? ha ha.
I'm not sure that you can see from where you are sitting Lori so let me tell you, I'm sticking out my tongue at you! Jeezum we're freezing up here! They've had to cancel school two days now because of the terrible white outs. Accidents all over the place. Not safe to drive hardly anywhere. It's very frustrating. Colin was saying that last week when it was 32 degrees he thought it so warm he had his car window down! When 32 feels warm we know it's been too cold for too long.
Hi, In Grand Rapids it is about 25 right now and we are getting some big puffy snow falling. Seems like it changes every minute here because we get lake effect snow off Lake Michigan. One thing that doesn't change is sunless days..........they told me when I was moving here that there is a high rate of depression and suicide due to so few sunny days, I tend to believe it. Lori, enjoy your family time. I got some family to come to KY when I was living there but I am not sure anyone will come to least not in the winter.
I feel cold just reading about how cold you all are! We're having perfect weather. My sister's still here and we've been doing a lot of nature things--hiking, walking by the beach, etc. My brother's coming on Thursday from Vermont, so at least he'll have a change from all that cold weather.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Pat, I remember snows and temps like that growing up. We had a place over on Lake Winne in NH and would go over in the winter for the dog races and the snow banks were WAY over the cars and yes, you pull out and hope no one was coming. I also remember two weeks out of the year when the temp never went above a minus number!! Guess it goes in cycles. Least its a bit more temperate here. Well, gearing up for the Daytona race. 4 of us buds usually do the circuit. If you like racing this is the area to be in as you can drive to most all the biggies and original tracks. Getting older has its privies though. We now fly down and take a box rather than camp on the field. 4 days of that party on the field is too much anymore!!
So much for the heat wave. It was short lived. Blizzard conditionsyesterday and 2 feet of new snow! A couple more inches today and now the freezing rain is scheduled to begin. The embankments are so high that by the time you pull out into the road far enough to see an on-coming car it's too late to do much about it. These are treacherous times here in P.I.

Monday, February 03, 2003

Nancy, what a small world! It is espically sad for me as I had just visited Huntsville and some friends associated with the program there on my way home, only a few hours earlier. They ARE the true heroes as they are the ones giving their lives or willing to for science!!

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Hi gang, I just want to remember those that passed on yesterday in the Columbia tragedy............I know they were doing what they loved to do, and that is what keeps me positive in all this. Hopefully, NASA,FEMA and DHS can find what went wrong and get all the evidence to piece it all together to find a fix and continue............we have made such strides in space...........My grandmother told me years ago, she would never have believed in her life time she would ever see a man walk on the moon............she was born in 1900 and passed away in 1986, but she had such wonder at all the inventions that were made during that time. I guess we forget from time to time.............but things happen to make us reflect and remember..........Bless all the families of those that died and may they be at peace.............