Saturday, August 02, 2003
Ok, got it to work and found your comments. I could be really tersh and state that some people are just too sensative but....... it simple means the girls (and they don't mind being called that) that work in my office in CA. They are invaluable and I make sure they know it. If anyone was ever sensative it was the people in the office at GSC when I was in VT and they didn't mind being called that either. Its just like saying "the guys" but the "girls" DID complain when we called them that. Its just a generic term and I treat them as equals and take things as they are. Now if others can't, oh well.....sorry. Again this form of written context has to be taken and read generically otherwise we all would be mad at each other. So Pat, hope that explains it. I value them and it just so happens to be women (oh, I see thats the term you want eigh, ha ha) that work in my office. Have a good rest of the w/e all.
sorry gang, been on the road with no service. Sprint is like that and I'm too cheap to pay long distance. Now, whats up. There appear to be three forms of the format here and for some reason my puter reverts sometimes to the second revision and this one won't let me see past the past 5 posts reactions.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
What happened, I am not on for a while and I hear this contraversy? I should have tuned in to blogger sooner..........Guess we need to get him up to speed, huh Pat?
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Lets see, gardening and food seem to draw to most responses. I still whip up a few goodies and send them to my office girls in CA. They love it. Sometimes I send flowers. I can do tha office stuff but hate being inside the walls for so many hours so I try and send appreciative notes, etc. I also found it makes for good field / office raltions.