Saturday, February 07, 2009

Lori is this the book I have? I enjoy it daily. There's a note in the front about another publication; Sisters Singing. Is that available?
No, I've never had electrodes attached to my wrist and, from what you say, I don't think it's an experience I want to go through! Good luck with everything. I hope they can fix your pain, Kathi.

You've all been talking about the cold weather, and it's been really hot here--but the last couple days we also had our version of winter. Lots of rain. It's nice when it's once in a while and not all the time.

I finally got the sales report on the poetry book I published in Israel a year ago. 15 books were sold. That probably sounds pathetic, but my sister (who did the Hebrew versions of the poems) and I were actually surprised and happy with the results. I really wasn't expecting any to be sold cuz not many people buy poetry and especially not poetry by a poet they've never heard of. So when I look at it that way, 15 seems like a lot! (It helps to have low expectations sometimes).

Thursday, February 05, 2009

There must be some comfort in having their son found.

Has anyone ever had a nerve test for carpal tunnel?? They shock the nerve to see how long the reaction time is...They put electrods onto your wrists and connect to a machine that is connected to the computer...then, they start out with no power and keep turning it up until they get results...its like when you get out of the car and get zapped when shutting the door, or when you walk across the carpet in your stocking feet. They do it in many different nerve spots....then they use a needle to check the nerve/muscle....that is delightful...anyways, final result is moderate carpal tunnel...I go next week to the ordopedic doctor to see what he will elbow and the carpal tunnel together maybe. Such excitement....

Karen, I hope that your new baby brings you great joy!!
I guess it's some comfort to the parents that they found the body, but it's so sad that he died that way. It must be really hard for the one who was with him and survived.

Yes, my mother has osteoporosis, but I don't think my father does. They're both doing better day by day.

It would be nice if we could all meet, but I don't know right now when my next trip to Vermont will be. We'll see..... Karen, your offers sound tempting!
Oh Karen, I'm so sorry
Well they did have cats here and he is allergic slightly to cats. I think we really need to have the carpets deep cleaned. Even if he's not bothered by that I still think it should be done.
Good morning all, my lordy it's cold here this morning too. Anytime it's below zero is too much for me. the weather man say -10 but my thermometer says -2.7. The warmth of GA or anyplace else sounds fabulous to me. I have weather envy.

Lori you must be anxious to get to your parents and give them big but gentle hugs and help out around the home. It's so hard to be away from your parents. We've all experienced that . I just keep moving closer to my sons so they won't have to miss me!!!

Dave has gone in for a sinus catscan this morning. His Dr. just can't figure out what's been making him sick. It's been a month now and that just doesn't make any senses. Maybe he wasn't allergic to the amoxicillan after all.....
You are just so much fun to pick on!! Wouldn't it be fun to have a "friend" retreat somewhere....only problem being is I only have school vacations when the ticket prices are the most...don't know about everybody else! We should get together more then a few hours ...lets all think about how it could happen!!
Its only -2 so far this morning....heat wave in the 30s this weekend...January thaw maybe????
Have a great day everybody!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Karen, you are just too wimpy! You can't even see my backyard!!! There must be 3 feet of snow out there! So, I think waiting until summer is a great idea!!!
It is soooo cold here!!! The wind chill is way below zero....we were all inside all day long....not a good thing for 18 5/6 year olds..makes me tired!!
My little grandson's class wrote letters to the new is his:

Dear Presint Obama,
good luck.
mack good choys's. (make good choices)
no fiting. (no fighting)
mack peise. (make peace)
dont giv up. (don't give up)
kep the world clenr. (keep the world cleaner)

Love, Caleb
Out of the mouths of babes!

I think we should have a get together....we can always meet at my house, I don't mind.
Lori, I hope your parents are feeling better! Must be hard being so far away..
So ladies when are you thinking about VT? Karen V if you're out there this is directed at you too! I'm so much closer know and as I was telling Kathi, I'm really anxious to come to Vt for a visit. Let's coordinate!
Karen, I think I got food poisoning, too, last Friday. Not from peanut butter and maybe not salmonella, but something I ate (sushi? tuna? steak?) made me really sick. I can remember only one other time years ago that I had to lie in bed all day cuz I felt too sick and weak to do anything--though at one point I did manage to work on a poem in bed. That made me feel good. Also, losing 2 pounds was nice. But at least one of those, if not both, is back already!

I think I wrote a while back that my mother fell and broke her arm. Last week my father fell and broke or at least hurt some ribs. Now they're sharing the heating pad! I'm thinking of maybe going for a visit in March for my mother's birthday. I missed my visit to Israel last summer because of the wedding and Bat Mitzvah.
evidently not???????????

facebook is taking over......interferring?????????

Monday, February 02, 2009

The only groundhog story I heard was on the Early Show and they said 6 more weeks of winter. I like the early spring idea much better.

Our trip to MA this weekend was really fun. Everyone we hang out with at camp was there and it was interesting to see people in the real world. We're all just a little but not much, different. Cleaner for sure!!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

So sad about Nolan's friend. I'm sure it was a very emotional day for everyone.
Thinking of all............sending Happy Thoughts.............