Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy December everyone. Time to get those decorations out of the attic, cards written and sent, trees put up, present bought/made and wrapped. It really doesn't feel like winter here (and I am probably speaking much to soon!) with no snow. Last night we were having thundershowers and 50+ degrees. Today is sunny, windy and in the 30s. I am off to the Craftshow at Riverside and then maybe I'll be inspired to decorate or at least take down the fall stuff! Have a good day and enjoy the season...turn on the Christmas CDs....Happy Thoughts..........

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

unfortunatley, I have not gotten a definative diagnosis. I do have contested diagosis. Not fun.. My local physician disagres with the pain speialist he sent me too. Says he's up against the wall and doesn't know what to do . Lovely. It'll get figured out sometime. I just have to persue it.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Did you ever find out exactly what the problem with your neck/back was? I know you said you were having a MRI.....I wanted to go up back in our woods and get some greenery today but by the time I went grocery shopping, made dinner it was already getting darkish and there are still hunters out. It would be just my luck to be mistaken for a deer instead of the dear. I thought about starting to decorate...I'll just do a little at a time. Back to work tomorrow...I am getting into the groove of vacations....think I would like retirement! Happy Thoughts...............
I'm sorry to hear you're not doing so well, Patti---but it was encouraging to hear you're picking up poinsetta plants and eating off snowman dishes. That sounds hopeful. You have my support in dealing with your difficult situation.