Friday, March 21, 2008
This is a picture of the turkeys that were in our backyard the other day...One of theses males crept up to the unsuspecting female....and imagine turkey porn in the field.....anyways, they all returned tonight, males stuttling up the bank and the females on the other side of the garden walking between 7 deer. It was a pretty amazing sight.....Wildlife on South Street....I have never seen 28 turkeys and 11 deer in one day in the 22 years we've lived here. Such excitement!
Have a wonderful weekend and Easter!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
button off. it's a classic. catches me a few times a year. i just wrestled through a connection to get on now. i am in oakland, california. i have been traveling for about a week. had some dynamite moments on my snowboard this weekend. now it is just work and it is okay. love to tell you great stories, but i am whipped. just thought i would let you know (sorry).
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I just don't want you guys to think that I am just a whinner....I do appreciate you listening to me sometimes ramble on and on. I try to stay positive because it is so easy to get dragged down by the negative energy and it is so hard to get out of that frame of mind. Anyways, thank you.
Everyone knows how I am trying to learn more computer things..well, I couldn't get the wireless to work on my laptop...I tried unplugging all the different plugs on the modum and to make a short story long...I finally figured out that I had shut the wireless button off on the front of the computer...I was glad that I figured it out and didn't have to call my kids to ask for help.
Everyone knows how I am trying to learn more computer things..well, I couldn't get the wireless to work on my laptop...I tried unplugging all the different plugs on the modum and to make a short story long...I finally figured out that I had shut the wireless button off on the front of the computer...I was glad that I figured it out and didn't have to call my kids to ask for help.
Yeah me too. I'm a talker. If I don't have the chance to get things out verbally, they fester and get worse. I feel better if my "girl friends" give me the chance to kvetch. But that's me. I have a very dear friend here who rarely speaks out her feelings. That's her way. You'll alwaysknow what's the way for you. right?
I've told you guys things here that I haven't said out loud to folks here in my real world. Funny and wonderful how having all of you to listen has been of such great comfort to me over this last year.
I was reading your poems again today Lori. Such a treat.
I've told you guys things here that I haven't said out loud to folks here in my real world. Funny and wonderful how having all of you to listen has been of such great comfort to me over this last year.
I was reading your poems again today Lori. Such a treat.
Kathi, don't feel you have to keep things to yourself if there's anything you feel like sharing here. I don't think any of us would consider it a burden. I know everyone has different ways of dealing with things, and not everyone has a need to talk about things. For myself, I know I DO need to keep talking and talking until everything's out. Otherwise it stays inside like a ticking bomb.
Monday, March 17, 2008
kathi, i am glad to hear that you spoke your feelings. i sure don't know much about all of the personal things you are feeling, but i do really believe that grief is when you re-start living your life- speaking about how you feel and integrating your son with your life and how it is for you now. a lot of people think that all of the other feelings that come first are grief. i think that grief is when you start living your life again- always knowing and never forgetting. lots of love, richard