Saturday, September 23, 2006

Wow I remember that that arm & hammer so vividly Richard. It was a great piece and hung in the Cosmos' gym for many years. I wonder where it is?

Friday, September 22, 2006

springfield moments. driving on the interstate today, i saw a bumper sticker with the arm&hammer springfield logo that has stuck, i guess. i proposed it in 1970 and did the scaling to take if from a box of baking powder to a 25 foot by 25 foot canvas. steve sysko worked his ass off to actually paint it. seemed like it changed his life at the time. dunno. he went into theater arts and became a very capable scenic, lighting, everything that you can imagine brilliant driver that gets the show to go on. anyway, it warmed my cold heart and i decided to stop at the gas station near exit 7. there at the gas station was a man with his pet dog and goat. that is right- pet goat. seemed nice, didn't need to be called, seemed to be checking his master for hot dogs, followed with the man's pet dog in close formation. yeah, i was not high and i was not high on a hill with a lonely goat herd. just saw a guy out for a walk with the pets. hey, if i didn't blog, who could i tell these things to?
We have a confirmed reservation at the HH . Spread the word!

$2.49 gal up here at the pumps
Gas is $2.38 here in Springfield today. Interesting how we are now finding it "cheap" to buy gas...And who knew heating oil price would go down....we prebought ours for $2.69 a gallon..and that seemed a bargain in July when you have to prebuy. Oh well...It is definitely fall weather here...calendar says tomorrow but the thermometer says it today! At least it was sunny, here rain coming in Saturday night and Sunday. Means the yardwork should be done in the morning..but big craft fair over in Chester on the Green this weekend. Fun to look around. Wonder if Debra Webster will be selling her artwork there. I usually see her over there. She paints the most georgous oil paintings of scenes around the area. She also does photography print postcards. I'll see if her email is up todate...Well, have a great weekend everybody. Happy Thoughts...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

No word from HH yet. I called tonight and left a message - they'll call me tomorrow evening.

I checked the SHS alumni site and it hasn't been updated. All the information is about this year's alumni event. So no answer to the theme question.
Questionfor all Vters that reside outside "metro" Btown. (ha ha) Do ya'll have hot spots forwifi. I remember when I lived there last my cell had to bounce off a tower in Plattsburgh and thus wasn't practical. Doc Noble in Shelburne told me she had trouble in lots of areas. By the way she is still having trouble with that tumour in her brain. They operated in Hanover awhile ago but didn't or couldn't get it all. It affects her balance and makes her sick to her stomach. Mom finally went home last week and hopefully will have a little better quality life but her tumour hasn't shrunk but it is showing grey matter instead of total solid. She has a 24hr care nurse from I believe Nigeria staying with her but neither one can presently drive so my bro hasto run the errands and groceries etc. At least the cost is cut from 300.00 $$ per day to about 160.00 $$. She also has her puter there and cando email so she can be in touch with all. Ciao and God Bless ya'll.
I heard last night from Debbie Young that she had dropped the deposit at the HH. I have not heard any confirmation from them however. I don't think she gave to Mari(contact person) but left it at the front desk. So I waiting to hear from Mari.

I get the impression from Janice- are you listening Janice? - that interested parties will be getting together after the first of the year. A floats' a lot of work but I hope they'll feel up to it. Walking the parade route was fun for our 30th.

I'll keep you up to date as soon as I get work from the HH. I've been hearing from classmates. So the e-mail list is growing but it will be a short one. Unless people spread the word by voice I afraid we'll have to have a snail mailing. We can by the list the Alumni Assoc. has for $5. I have no idea how up to date it is though. Looking at the list of "missing" members ///////////

Monday, September 18, 2006

We'll hear from him eventually I guess. We may, I say, may start hearing from other members. As I receive responses or updated e-mail address, I've been sending them invites to the Blog site.

I'm waiting now to hear from Debbie Young about whether or not she has put down a deposit at the Hartness House.

Night all.......
I don't have his newest address either, Patti. He'll probably look in on the blog at some point.
Richard, I don't have any way to contact you. Shall I ask Lori or are you will to give up your newest address?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Got it Roland, thanks
Missing too eigh? Yes, I guess thats great, tropical yes, island no, just the Great State of GA, ha ha. Like Vt this state is an entitly unto its own I guess with its own confederate borger guards, just joking ya'll.
Pat, please checque my address:, thanks