Saturday, August 10, 2002

Hi everyone, Lori is unable to post so asked me to say to everyone "hello" and she will try to write when the posting is working again. Her trip was exhausting though very rewarding. Her family are all well.

Friday, August 09, 2002

Awesome!!! The lights are getting dim, better post now . . . .

Thursday, August 08, 2002

I was here before and wrote quite a bit, but I got disconnected, then my PC locked up and I had to reboot and lost the message. I'll just mention one important point while I'm still connected, then publish. Monday the 12th is John Laplante's first wedding anniversary with Peggy. You are still together, aren't you, John? So maybe we can flood them with good wishes as the day approaches.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

That is good news Pat, thanks for the update.
I have the best of news!! Lori wrote to me this afternoon. She arrived home safely on the 4th as planned. She is exhausted from jet - lag and will write soon with details of her trip!!
I had a copy of her itinerary and she was going to be moving round Israel quite a bit. In fact every town she had listed was one of the places the news told of another attack in. she said she was sure she wouldn't be e-mailing while she was gone but would get in touch right away when she returned on the 4th. No word yet but I'm sure she's catching up with family.
Lori was going to Italy and then Israel and she was to return on the 4th of August. I have been thinking of her too, when I hear the news reports.
I did not think Lori was going to Israel on this trip, but rather to Italy to be with her family vacationing there. Worrying is easy to understand, but there are so many wonderful possibilities out there. Everyone has to make their own choice. I can tell you that I would go to Italy in a heartbeat and travelling in general makes a lot of sense to me. I am amazed by things that are 1000s of years old or 1000s of miles away. It makes me happy and I don't even know why. A nice bottle of Tuscan wine would be one good reason, though.
Frankly, I'm waiting to hear that Lori survived the trip at all. I've been terribly worried about her. I wrote to Avi checking upon her but the mail came back undeliverable. She was very determined to go to Isreal but the times are frightening over there.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

I don't think Mike is finding the time, yet. Hi Mike. I think Lori must be back from her trip by now. It would be great to hear about the best meal, the best view, the best ??? whatever. I hope it was fun.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you know Colleen and I made it home safe and sound. The trip went well, we worked hard, played hard, and ate a lot!!!!!! All the youth were offered jobs, if they are old enough, if not then when they are, and hope they come back next year, and if the church decides not to go there next year call and they will help get them up there.
Our youth loved it because they were counted on and trusted with the campers. Last year was a little too hectic, and the campers were more severe than this year, but they really got to prove themselves this year. I worked in the kitchen last year and had almost no contact with the campers, so this year I got to be with the campers this year, great kids!!!! Really tugs at your heart strings to know you are making a difference in their lives, but the truth is they make a bigger difference in ours. That's all for now.