Saturday, February 11, 2006

Best wishes from me, too, Roland--hope your Mom isn't suffering too much.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Roland, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that everything turns out alright for her. The strength of your faith will help you.
Try and keep a positive attitude about your Mom. She has lived over 25 years after first having cancer which certainly puts her in a survivor mode. Wishing her only happy thoughts.....
Hey all, a bit of bad news today but please pray for me. My mom went to the doctor and they found a lump on the back of her brain that is making her dizzy sometimes and she has lost some of her motorcoordination in her right hand / arm. She had cancer back in 79 and they think this may have matastisized from there. We're all getting older and I guess we must deal with thises things as some of you have already. thanks and God Bless.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Yes Lori, I am flying by myself to NC. Neil is taking a week in April so we can go visit together then. We will drive down then. I waited six months in between visits with the babies last year and decided life is too short and that is too long of a time to not see them. This morning my son was driving his girlfriend back to Rutland and his car broke down on Main Street by the Community House. Great gift for a he had his car towed and came and borrowed mine. Some bolt that holds the crankshaft pulley broke and of course, isn't a stock item, and has to be ordered. Needless to say, I'll be carless until at least Thursday. I did feel bad that it happened on his birthday but glad that it happened in town and not half way to Rutland! Karen, travel safe! Happy Thoughts.............
Kathi, to answer your questions: no, all my kids were born in Israel, not in California. When we moved here the first time, my daughter was starting first grade, and the youngest was 9 months old. We live in "the valley," not near the ocean. We lived near the sea for 5 years in Israel, though, so that's how Omer got into surfing. Rafi (the middle one) used to go boogie boarding there, but now he's mainly into his music. Omer was traveling for a while with a girl he knows from Israel, but then she went back to Israel. Now he's basically on his own, but he's the type who always meets people (definitely didn't get that from me!), so he's not really alone. He may end up doing something with my husband when he gets back, but he also has a few friends involved in the fashion industry, so there are other possibilities that might work out.

Yes, Avi is definitely more relaxed working on his own instead of with his partner--though he's still waiting for his partner to buy his share. For a while we seemed to be talking non-stop about the situation with his partner and what to do about it, but I guess we've accepted the situation cuz it's not in the headlines anymore!

So you'll be going by yourself to visit your daughter?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Doesn't it amaze you what our kids actually do. They travel around like its nothing! Were your kids all born in California? Do you live near the ocean? Is he traveling around on his own or with friends? Will he go to work with your husband? I hope the stress level is lower at your house with the partner out of the picture. Neil didn't want to take a vacation yet so I booked a flight down to our daughters house in NC for our winter break. Life is too short to wait around for other opportunities! So good for you for going to see him by yourself! Have you ever been to New Zealand? You'll have to let us know all about it. You'll have to be my travel guide because I know I won't ever go there! Happy Thoughts .................
He's just been traveling, Kathi--and doing a lot of surfing. That's his passion. He's planning to come back to L.A. in April or May and then he'll have to figure out what he's going to do--probably something in sales in the fashion industry. Or the surfing industry. He studied merchandising and was working in sales before he left on his trip. He wasn't ready to settle down at that time, but hopefully he'll find something he likes when he gets back.
Lori you are definitely a world traveler! What does your son do in New Zealand? I am sure he'll be thrilled to see his Mom! Have a great time. I am going to North Carolina which is a long way for me!! I am making a cake for my son's birthday, he'll be 24 tomorrow. White cake with chocolate frosting. It is clear and in the 40s today. Rained heavily last night. Almost no snow left. Enjoy your superbowl fun....happy thoughts!