Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Hi Richard, It's a chilly a.m. here. 22 degrees. I'm waiting for the weekly paper to be delivered - sometime around 6. It's been a week since I've gotten any local news so I'm pretty anxious!

The harvest goes on. there are two more weeks til classes at the high school go back. We've had an unfortunate rain fall these past couple of weeks and that is interferring. The harvesters sink right into the fields when it's wet so they (the farmers) are frustrated. But I think it wll be a good year all the same. I've seen worse, that is for sure. Really though, until you've actually eaten potatoes that are freshly picked you have know idea that there is a difference. There are hundred of varieties which I never knew til I moved here. there are wonderful little vegetable stands all over the roads with bags of fruits and vegetables for sale and all on the honor system! You just leave your money in the box and take your spuds with you. I love it! It'sa whole 'nother world up here. Can you picture that on the Williston Road?
The leaves are beautiful and the geese are flying here too. so fabulous to hear them honking and then watch them go across the horizon in the sun set. We have great views from our home and every evening it's a delight. Lightening storms across the valley below us are a sight to behold.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Hi Patty Pat Trish Patty Lou, I mean Mrs. Mahoney. I was a happy little Dick and I am still happy as Richard. To me, that is what matters. Has the Presque Isle potato harvest been completed yet? My wife and I went for a bike ride yesterday with my friend that I mentioned was a part of the P. I. harvest when he was 14 and 15 years old. There is a bike ferry that takes riders across the Winooski River for $1. The sky was a perfect blue with many geese flying south. The late afternoon sun on their bellies made them look like strings of Christmas lights. It is so completely amazing to think how far they will travel. They start out so fat that they can hardly get their tails up out of the water and finally arrive down south- fit and trim, styling at the beach I guess.

Monday, October 07, 2002

Lori - Gus/Bob was in the lingo of my students, a hotty. Look him up in your yearbook and you'll probably agree. He was pretty quiet and a real nice guy as I recall.

O.K. how many of us have changed our names? Either significantly like Gus to Bob or just like Dickey to Richard. Sorry Richard, I couldn't resist. I have over years endured a crisis of identity. I was still Patty but with an i in college, turned into Pat then Trish and back to Pat with subsequent moves around NE. When my Mom and my Grammy died there was no one left to call me Patty Lou. Now I pretty much answer to anyone who appears to be looking at me when they talk. During the day of course I am Mrs. Mahoney. Except that the Guidance ounselor is named Mrs. Mahone and so we are constantly mixed up. I live a very full life.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Gus and I were in homeroom together every year. I thought he was very cute but I think he just thought I was weird. He liked to get me flustered. I remember he told me that his real name is Robert Trigvie Morin. I can't remember whether I promised secrecy or threatened to tell the whole school. I never seemed to play my cards right.......... Oh well!