Saturday, January 14, 2006

The weather is very weird! It was up to 48 degrees earlier this afternoon after a rainy morning. Now it is pouring, the wind is blowing and it is 33 degrees. Suppose to snow tonight and some tomorrow and be down to 3 by tomorrow night. One never knows! There is almost no snow on the ground and the ice is not very deep down on the river where they ice fish. Guess that will change again quickly. I think your storm as reached us, Karen. I have found that just by not responding to the annoying sister-in-law works pretty well....Well, must go and see how the Patroits are doing....hopefully, they will win so life will be pleasant here in our house tomorrow! Happy Thoughts....................
Kathi, if you were a bear in another life, I must have been a mouse cuz I'm terrified of cats. And I love cheese....

I looked at that site, Karen, and read that article about the 7 kinds of friends to avoid. I think I've weeded those types out of my life--but what do you do when it's a sister-in-law, not a friend?!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I'll check it out, too. It is still in the 40s today with melting snow and mud! I am sure it will get colder again soon....Farmers Almanac says big storms in February and March but who knows. Glad that I don't less thing to worry about! haha. My blood is certainly thinner and I still live here. I actually think I was a bear in another life and hibernated all winter! I certainly get that feeling when it gets dark so early. Luckily, the days are a little longer and it doesn't get dark until 5:00 or so. Neil is on the road tonight so I am meeting some friends for supper. Happy Friday the 13th.....and full moon! Children were very wild today!! I am so glad its Friday. We have Monday off and Tuesday is an inservice day for teachers, so no school until Wednesday!!! Yeah! Happy Thoughts................
I didn't check out the website yet, Karen, but it sounds interesting. Sounds like the "good enough" theory I've heard about where you don't have to be perfect, just a good enough mother, a good enough wife, etc.--which is actually the best we can possibly be cuz no one's perfect. You seem to have guests in and out all the time. We haven't had any this year. I guess the "no vacancy" sign is on.

By the way, did we lose Richard?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Weather here is in the 40s...imagine...January thaw....not much happening here....very mundane. Hope everyone is having a good week. Seems to be very quiet here. Happy Thoughts!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Lets get together for a mini reunion here in the northern woods. We'll dip in the well spring of life. Haven't you ever heard that you're as young as you feel??? Are you caving into the inevitable?? Come on, cheer up have a pedicure!
My little grandson wanted to know why my hands looked different then about a reality check! Not to mention the other obvious things! He said...Nana are you old????? I told him I was just a little older then him! hahah....he's only 3 so he doesn't know the real difference!
Happy Thoughts....................
Patti, I think you're going to find us all on your doorstep soon to get some of what you've got. When I read Karen's description of our age, I thought she hit it right on the nail! Not that I feel old, but all those things are definitely there--the bulge, the wrinkles, the gray hair, etc. etc.