Saturday, February 22, 2003

Lori, I tried several times and Adelphia is doing something weird and John's site is not available. The web site said something about the site timing out or having an address change. Just a temporary glitch hopefully. I haven't seen his photos either.

Wouldn't it be weird if there was some editor in blogger that decided what stuff was interesting enough to post? Sorry we didn't get to hear about the visit. Hope it went great!

Roland, Jon tried many times and was unable to log into the site. I imagine there are others for whom this was also a problem. He even consulted with our Guru Brian but it never worked out. This was all pre-reunion. I'm interested in knowing who the others are that you think would be interested in the site. Would love to get them on board. If you click on the Team Button you see just above the posting window, you come to two lists. The first is all the people who have entered the site at least once. The majority of these folks are not talking, just watching or long gone. Who knows but many if not most of those folks have never posted. The second list is all the people who have been invited to Blogger and who have not responded or who have not been able to log in for whatever reason. All of our e-mail addresses are there as well and are hyperlinked. There's a button that says add team members for the new names you wish to invite. The last time I looked at there were a couple of new names in our class listing. I wrote to these foks telling them about the blog site and asking if they wished to be invited and if they wished to be on the class mailing list. They did not respond. So I presume that is a no.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Try this again, I zaped myself off with my palm as I have a really sensative touch pad. Didn't realize I could invite Pat. We'll try and get Jon back or even into. I'll email him. How do we invite? I know there are others that would like to join or maybe did but lost interst as just a few years ago there wasn't much. I know I went to look at classmates 5 years ago and there was nothing so I went on by but this year I got all the way to grammer school!! We must all remember its not aptitude but attitude that leads us to altitude and I prove it each week. I always have to "restart" and pull those corners up and when I do wonderous things happen. ciao for now.
And, by the way, why couldn't I get into John's site? I tried twice and couldn't get in. See what I mean about computers having a mind of their own?
Help you, Richard? With what?!! Finding the beautiful women?

Leave me out on this technical stuff. I think the blog just has a mind of its own. For some reason, it wouldn't print what I wrote about having a good time when my sister and brother visited. Maybe it was too boring.
Thanks for the clarification on that Richard. You know he's still a bridegroom.
Karen- I got an e-mail back from Brian and he said that he would check it out. Pat- What Karen said was "hot on his tail, not trail". I would gladly follow in John's foot steps, but you would not find me following quite that close!
I've been trying to find a way to invite a whole bunch of people at once without having to re-type in all there addresses. Help menu doesn't really address my question. Everyone on the list has been invited at least twice, though not recently. There is for some people an inability to log in. Jon Lewis tried many times and finally gave up a year ago. Brian has reminded me in the past that this site is free and I should be a smidge (my word) less picky. I do get frustrated though. If you think it will help I will re-invite folks again but I don't think it will. Many people listed themselves on the sheet at the reunion as wanting to get a blogger invite. Of all those people. Maybe 3 have come in. It's just not everyone's cuppa tea ya know? anyone with administration abilities can invite or remove members. We all have that. I check the list whenever someone such as Roland comes in and check off the admin. box.
Jeez, leave the room for a few minutes and all hell breaks loose! Do you guys read this site through the web page or through the safe mode? (me - web page) Just curious. Even though I get that 503 error message what I said still shows up. Odd. So let me see if I understand this. Due to extremes in cold temperatures - John is fantasizing about being in the tropics and Richard is "hot" on his trail. Is that about the jist of it?
Help me, Lori!

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Okay, but now where are we going to get the women?????????????????????????? Way to go!
I emailed him and made it very clear that heart-felt hugs at future reunions from beautiful women are on the line here. I expect that he will respond somewhat better to that than when I ask him to do things as a personal favor for me.
Incoming! Duck! Clever Richard. I looked at the helps too but nothing about error 503. Tell Brian to stop and smell the roses......and while he is at it .... we could use some help. Thanks.
I had lunch with Brian yesterday. He is still the world's hardest working man and hasn't surfaced for months because of it. I will send him an email. Also, I have an email in with Blogger (for about 6 weeks now), but every time that we post we get the same old error message. I don't really understand much about it- they have "help" listings that are not much help- at least to me. I agree that many are missing out on the intellectual missiles!
Web Page is still just stopped as of September. We have lost all those readers who might have gotten motivated to join. Is there anyone who can follow up on this? Where is Brian, doesn't he like us anymore? And think of all the intellectual missives that they are all missing................

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Richard, still making people think. Thats great! I was going to ask for a translation too but Karen did if for me. Thought you were speaking in Gaelic ?? Presently sitting out here on the balcony in Jacksonville Beach. Had dinner at the Chart House (one of my favourite places) Its balmy and almost 75. Soon it'll be that way in Atlanta. Right now its just Spring. My company's developing many new products or should I say old products put up in new ways. Somehow I always wind up with something to do with food. Right now Wal Mart & Target are keeping me busy. Keeping things simple really does make the best bucks. Robin, haven't heard from you in LONG time. wondered where you went. Ran into the Crandalls in the Burlington area when I lived there about 8 years ago. Butch runs or was running a landscaping business along with his bro Brad. All for now.
Robin, You must be talking about Sten Fersing and his wife. He's my dentist- it is a small world. ( I know they love skiing). On John's latest photo, I've been advised not to comment- especially about those leather chaps!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Small world chapter 73...a couple of seniors who serve as volunteers for my program call me up and say "was your father Don Way?" When I answer in the affirmative, they let me know that they lived on Woodbury Rd., graduated from SHS in '58/'59 and the Mrs (Fersing) still wears a ski sweater that she bought in my dad's shop sometime during the Kennedy administration. Feelin' irie mon.....
Karen that is too funny. I hear your words. Okay to keep the humor going. This is when I was out west virtually.
Now I know you are wondering where I was. But it was all I could do was to sit there and sing me back home..........
For those of you who didn't bookmark.
Alright!!! You made me laugh- well done!!! I'm still smiling . . . . . . . might even have one more chuckle left in me.
Please don't UNINVITE me.........I promise to be good........really!!
I think that is BS Lori, I think Richard was making a pass at John......and didn't want anyone else picking up on it!! wa-a gwan wid John (translation: I want to get with John, he is lookin' good in the islands and I want to tickle.........WHAT?????????????? AW VAH!!!! Shame on you Richard!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, all this gloomy weather is getting to my brain.
Oh, so that's what you meant. Thanks!
John has a beautiful shot of himself in Jamaica if you go to the Adelphia location that he posted (he says it is only virtual- that he did not really go there- too bad!!). With all the snow and cold here- it just seemed like a good chance for me to practice a little Jamaican patois (what Jamaicans call real English).

Here's the translation: "I was just thinking- wa a gwan wid John (Translation:" What's going on with John")? Now I see you lookin good in the islands!! Is a Irie likkle place (Translation: "It's a very nice place.") and if I had my way mi a-go lef today (Translation: "I'd go there today").

There are those who think that "mi a-too fass and facety" (Translation: "I am too inquisitive and fresh") but "no badda bawl and Lawd have mercy pon me" Translation: "Don't bother crying and Lord have mercy on me."

Okay, I'll keep it short. Richard, what did you mean? Help me, Karen!
I give up. I tried 3 times and couldn't post my message.
What's going on? Again my message disappeared.
What's going on? Again my message disappeared.
I just wrote something and couldn't post it. This is a test.

Monday, February 17, 2003

I was just thinking- wa a gwan wid John? Now I see you lookin good in the islands!! Is a Irie likkle place and if I had my way mi a-go lef today.