Friday, November 10, 2006

Lori, Neil's parents lived for over 50 years together in Springfield...his father ran the Suburban Furniture Store (that was next to where Neil's Farm Stand was) on Chester Road for years...until Youngs became dominate in town. The Stern family also ran a hardware store downtown (by where the phone company used to be) before that. Poligemy was outlawed (I think) and isn't approved of by the Mormon church.... there still are those radical ones who defy...or desperate ones who need more then one! Did anyone see Oprah yesterday on the Challenge Day at some high school....? It was quite enlightening to watch. Have a good weekend! Happy Thoughts...
It seems like everyone is getting used to the idea. The ones who weren't planning to come are now saying that they WILL come. They still don't agree with Danit's change in beliefs, but they realized they do want to be there to celebrate her marriage. I guess they care enough about her to overcome the other stuff. Karen, your analysis hit the nail on the head.

Kathi, was Neil's family living in Springfield when I lived there? It seemed like there were about 5 Jewish families there at that time--I didn't know about his family. Can I ask a stupid question? Do Mormons still believe in having more than one wife?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yes, his parents were very kosher 60 something years ago. His mother came from Boston and a very Jewish family. His fathers family came from Russia settling in Springfield. She came here to live and over the years it became very hard to keep a Kosher house so they gradually did away with a lot of things. I was raised very Catholic.....needless to say, there were a lot of concerns on both sides...with even the priest trying to put us off...obviously, didn't work...anyways, my kids know about both religions (somewhat) but were not raised one side or the other, we just valued each others beliefs. Neil's relatives eventually apologized for not accepting...knowing what a wonderful person I am..hahahaha.... When my middle daughter was in High School, new neighbors moved in her age and somehow she ended up with the Mormons. When she went to NC after college...Boston having a big Mormon college circle...she met her husband who is also Mormon. They are raising their children with their religion and seem happy with it. I don't make a big deal about their religions. I think they all have good values and are thoughtful and caring (I hope) and like we said...believe what you want just dont' involve me. Guess like Richard said....tolerance. Life goes on whether we accept it or not. Life is too short. Happy Thoughts.........
Thanks, you guys, it's good to hear what you have to say. And, no, you're not causing more trouble, Richard. Kathi, I didn't realize you've had first-hand experience with all this. I didn't know your husband was Jewish! How did you raise your kids? Both religions? Neither?
i am intolerant of this intolerance. i am not like, hey whatever. i just can't stand posturing with people that impose their presence and values on other's personal choices. a marriage is an extremely personal thing. guests are just that and should act appropriately- like very respectful from the time the invitation arrives. how dare someone do more than discuss it discreetly, offer their blessing and give whatever support they can? i hope i am not causing trouble by saying so.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lori, I can relate somewhat. 34 years ago when Neil and I planned our wedding it was stressful. He is Jewish and I am Catholic...there were some people that didn't come to our wedding on both sides but we're still together. There is nothing you can do about the actions of others only the way you react to them. Just remember that the wedding day is only 1 day and enjoy it. Good that you have someone who can "help" you. Don't be overwhelmed...take one thing at a time. My daughter (who is Mormon....more diversity in our household) got married in the Mormon Temple in Boston...we couldn't go because only Mormons are allowed in the Temple...then they drove home here and had a small reception in our backyard. It was very simple but elegant. I feel the same way about them believing what the way they want as long as its not forced on is too short to worry about it! Happy Thoughts...
Sounds like you're being taken care of at least--drugged or not. I had a stiff neck once, but that's the closest I've come to experiencing the kind of pain you're going through, Patti.

To change the subject, I just wanted to let you all know that my daughter, Danit, is getting married on March 3, to her boyfriend of the last 2 plus years (Darren). It's been a little stressful cuz we've been dealing with some religious intolerance in our families. We're Jewish, as you all know, and Darren is a believing Christian. Danit has accepted his beliefs and is now a Messianic Jew (Jew for Jesus). Avi and I are okay with all this, but not everyone is as accepting. We love her and think she's old enough to decide for herself what she wants to believe--as long as she doesn't force her beliefs on anyone else. Tolerance is the main thing for me. Darren is a nice guy, and they love each other. What else matters? Anyway, some of the ones who were threatening not to come to the wedding at first have changed their minds and will be coming. I'm glad. But for some reason I'm finding this whole thing really stressful. I've been worrying about every possible thing there is to worry about. The list goes on and on. Anything to do with organizing food and a large group of people is enough to send me over the edge... though I'm sure I'll enjoy the wedding when I'm finally there. I have a friend who LOVES planning occasions. Every time she calls to remind me of another thing that needs to be taken care of, I feel more overwhelmed. Okay.... I'll stop complaining now. The details will work themselves out, right?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the good thoughts. I apparently don't have migraines though. The muscles in my shoulders and neck are quite swollen and tender to the touch. I am scheduled for an MRI this Th, looking for a herniated disk. Sounds like fun Yes?

I have caved into the inevitability of drugs so that I can go back to my students. I am on a 9 day course of Prednisone for its anti inflammatory aspects. Picture me chubby. Plus at night I am to take a muscle relaxant. all this started today. continuing with the P/T. Hope springs eternal.

The boys are home for a couple of days and that's been nice. They're quite a pair. Snipping and wrestling and playing with Kevin's dog. Since Dave is away overnight, it's lovely to have their company. Apparently though they have finished off the Halloween candy. bummer. It's been worth it.

Night all. Back to school in the a.m. so time for an early night.
pat have you tried simple things like not tensing your jaw. a friend had migraines and he would make room for an imagined egg in his mouth as a way to release jaw tension. there are something like 1.3 million muscles in your head for chewing (actually, i think it is only 23, but still the point remains). i hope something can be identified to help you with a change from the chronic condition. good luck!

Monday, November 06, 2006

You have best wishes from me, too, Patti. I hope the pain goes away and you start feeling well really fast.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Are these Migraines??? I sure hope that you are feeling better. I guess I don't know why people enjoy that painkiller feeling either...bad enough when you need to take them. How long do they usually last? Take it easy! Pat is right about the cold weather and mouse hunting!
Happy Thoughts...........
In this moment of clarity "sort of", I thought I'd stop in and say hi.

23 minutes more to my next Percocet and then I'm unavailable for intelligent thought. Lori knows a little bit about my headaches, and last Fri I spent 3 hours in the ER while the Morphine and Valium shots they gave me played havoc with my butt. I've been on Percocet every 4 hours since they sent me home that night. I don't get why so many people enjoy painkillers. I really don't like it. I'm not having any fun at all. My sons tell me it's because I'm supposed to crush the pills up and snort them. I guess I'm doing it wrong.

Not enough snow here for the mouse prints to show so the varmints are fairly safe still. Be brave out there Richard! Temperatures are dropping so you might want to think about covering up!!