Friday, April 02, 2004

My father always says it's like a bank account. The balance depends on what you put in and take out. (But in this case it's easier to make deposits!)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Roland, you are right about the excercise more, eat less approach. I am trying, but I hate it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Well, there is some good advice for body, mind, and spirit. Find a sports car with a nice body, ask some woman if she wouldn't mind, and if all else fails drink more spirits. Radical plan!! I love it.
Funny as usual Richard. The ol exercise more and eat less thing usually works but with each decade we add the metobolic things seems to get slower. No wonder really old people sleep alot and hardly eat. Adkins is successful and dad did it 30 years ago but really as tjhey are pointing out now its not totally what we eat but how much and relate that to exercise. I know each time I got stuck behind a desk for 40 hours I started growing a bit wider no matter I try to stay where I am at least 60% up and going and 40% or less behind the desk. Besides, that stuff bores me. Be careful on the road Karen. ATL is a crazy place. Mom emailed me about that tanker on I-95 in Bridgeport, CT. I have cousins arriving from Irland and she worriede about alternate routes.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

You get the medal for driving, Karen. How do you do it???? But I don't like those mid-life crisis ideas! You've got me worried now!!
HMMM Richard, most men who face this mid-life crisis thing either get a sports car or have an affair. If neither appeal then maybe you could go for the extreme makeover show. Although I think you looked pretty darned good in the pic of you, Lori and Brian. So, be happy and drink more wine. I am on the road again as of Thu. College visits this time and also seeing high schools in GA for my youngest. We will head to Wake Forest in Winston Salem, then to Raleigh (NC State) and then to Clemson in SC. Finally to Atlanta and then back home. My car has been in the shop for the last two days having the transmission rebuilt so I will be good for another 100 thou with all the college tuitions. Happy Trails and catch you all later...............
Speaking of turning a negative into a positive: I need to lose 20 lbs. of fat, gain 20 lbs of hair, and I feel like I never swang through the air like an apeman the way I should have when I was younger. Any ideas?