Saturday, March 08, 2003

Ah yes a little Merlot and I am doing fine. I will drink to the anniversary. As we look back and fro and say a few words to keep in touch, let the wilderness keep it silent since there is no reason to get loud.....Cheers to you all..... c[_]~~ c[_]~~~ c[_]~~~~
Ah yes, the subject of food always gets everyone talking and sharing. The universal language. I love to learn more about food and food prep and if you go authentic you also learn culture. Although I always liked asian, chinese, and japanese I never cooked it much. So...thats one of latest projects. They are a bit like the French cuisine that I mastered long ago while in Paris. You get to "fool" with the food alot except the saucier woulde tend to differ with me. Lazing around today. Guess I might hit the flea market up in Athens and take a Cantwonese dinner. Athen reminds me very much of B town as its the home of UGA and full of restaurants and boutiques until you get on the out in what might be refered to as the burbs. Nancy, HR........don't think so there but then again the optomistic Roland says why not.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Happy Anniversary Everyone! Make mine something with an umbrella in it! Non alcoholic of course. I have sworn off for a while.
This (March 3rd 2002 till now) is our first Blogger anniversary. Maybe I will have Karen's romaine, feta, and craisin salad for lunch to celebrate. That Cuban still sounds good though.
Yes, those were the good old days...........I am trying to convince a co worker to apply for a job down Jacksonville way.....her husband bought a motorcycle (Harley) last summer and it is sitting in the garage........I told her that you can ride it practically year round down there. There were a few weeks when it was too cold, but it was nice to do on a sunny day.......those were my younger years. I never wanted to learn how, I enjoyed the is quite an experience if you haven't tried it. Yes, it is nice to look forward to the nice, warmer weather. I guess that is why I like the 4 always have something to look forward to in weather change. Oh well.....we just got 10 inches, so I have to go on....................supposed to be nice today and even better tomorrow. I didn't watch the President, I listened to the "rehash" afterwards, and that was enough to get the message. Hope you all have a great weekend.....have a safe trip, Pat, enjoy the beach...................
I got out my shorts and bathing suit lst night to think aboutpacking. I'm practicing being warm. Still frigid and snowing here. The longest winter on record. Miami beckons.

Dave and I belong to an investment group and we own stock in Harley. That's as close as I've gotten to having one. It's a good stock to own. They always have more orders than they can immediately fill. I think I'd like to own a motorcycle but Dave always reminds me of the time we rented mopeds on Martha's Vineyard I couldn't make this wide sweeping turn in the road so I drove right across someone's lawn. Then I ran into a parked car later in the day. What a disaster! That was twenty some odd years ago but he does love to tell the story. I was really pitiful, but I had a wonderful time!!

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Here in Burlington, we call a Cuban (sandwich)- a panini and I love 'em! Now, y'all got me thinking about lunch (and it is only through personal will power that I am not thinking about riding Harleys, and drinking beer).
Yes, they have muffalatas(sp) in the Miss area and FWB that are huge!!! It is a meal for a family.......we got our Harley from the Dothan Harley Davidson dealer there............Lou refused to buy his bike from the one in was a nice ride on the bike there and we did a few runs with the group there. Plus on Sunday, in the next county over you can buy beer on Sunday. Ft. Rucker was pretty active during the Gulf war.........Rhonda Corum came from there, I believe, she was one of the POWs during the Gulf war, her husband worked at Eglin and they lived half way between both jobs...........I believe he was a flight physician...............triva for the day................Roland, do you do HR work then? I guess you seem to get around a bit, not sure I would like to do that all the time. I did alot when I was in the AF, to St. Louis and Minn. most of the time...............but it got old unpacking and repacking and taking off the next week.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Nancy, I'll bet you got rede in the face, ha ha. Down miami way they have what they call a cuban. Its a grinder basically but heated and pressed on a grill. They are really good if you get an authentic one.
Yes, I interviewed prospective employees there. We had a suite. It was nice. Been to different hotel each time I was there. I don't have to go that far down anymore as we've got a dude out of Orlando that goes there. I like it but it IS a ride if you are driving. Have fun. I'm in Dothan AL tonight and its very humid and at 8:30 still 75. Hope you take some of that back with you,ha ha. Yes, I believe when moving around you pronounce things the way the natives do and learn the local lingo. Interesting how that develops but its being modified some by the mobility of our society these days.
Lori, that is one thing I learned when I was in NJ and moved to VT..just like Roland said about Pop and soda.......same things called different names in the regions of the US...........sub (grinders) are called Pore boys in the south (LA - Miss area). I'll never forget when I was first in the AF, I asked for a grinder and this guy sort of looked at me strangley, later on I found out he thought it meant quite another thing (so I learned to watch what I said-was my face red). Pat, youhave a great time in FL, I just got an email from my cousin who lives in NJ and she just bought a second home in Ft. Meyers........she has been down there the whole time we have been having all this nasty weather. Yes, the KKK is alive and well.........we get bouts of it here as well. Wallingford was (until a short while ago) the only town that I knew in Ct that didn't celebrate Martin Luther King it was a platform for all kinds of groups...I believe they have now started to celebrate it. Take care, all.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Lori, quite the contrary. They are white arian based thinking. I grew up not knowing much about them except when we threw them out of VT one time. The Guard met them at the border for a planned rally and turned them around. Yeah, Mardi Gras, Wow. I forgot that its Fat Tues and rain, snow, whatever they still parade and PARTY. They close schools, banks and most businesses don't open till 2 pm. The colours are awesome but guess I'm getting older and the crowds don't do much for me. Like Times Sq. I prefer to watch it on TV. We got hit with rain yesterday, just misted today. Never seen so many beads in one place and each day or theme they throw stuff, almost like Rocky Horror show. Sorry, bad analogy. The food is wonderbar!!!!!! Back to FL tomorrow but thats ok as its in the 80's. Oh, a grinder is a sub and thats not really a VT term mostly a lower New England term and I was born and have family in CT. Mom still lives there. Wish I could purchase a big ol Inn and invite ya'll down here. That weather sounds awful and is still coming. Well, got out of doing the trade show in Vegas this year as had to be here and thats ok. Have a great time Pat. You picked the dates well. Got to go to South Beach!! Its the traditional blast, a bit pricy but fun. ciao.
Mardi Gras? Miami? Sounds great!!!
Morning all........Cold as the dickens here but at lest the wind has calmed down. No school yesterday because of wind. Not cold or snow but wind. Visibility was nil. It's a very eerie sight looking out the window and nothing but white everywhere you look, not even seeing the house across the street some of the time.

I'm sure looking forward to Miami on Monday! Warm weather, warm sand, warm me. Yum!