Saturday, July 05, 2003
Yes, Richard she lives in Shelburne and has for over 20 yrs. She is a native of Burlington and probably it was her. She dosen't change much. I always call her when I need to have a product analized and sometimes just to catch up on whats going in the Btown. We've both been to busy to talk lately. She works in Vergennes. Her son has a computer consulting and building business in the area there and had a booth at the 96 Olympics here and we visited for a few minutes. Her family had a shaving brush manufacturing business years ago and owned one of those big blocks nearer the water in Btown.
Friday, July 04, 2003
Hey Nan, did you know that Doc Noble is designing things for both the military and civie aircraft. She can't tell me about most of it and she is VERY busy most of the time. My bro who lives in CT works for Pratt and he has flown around the world for them helping to design the machines which build the parts, mostly engines I guess. They sent him to college and paid for it all!! He originally went to Norwich but dropped out but has wound up just fine. His second kid is in college this year at UCONN and my oldest nephew graduated 2yrs ago and is getting his MA in clinical psych I think.Have a good one all and be care not to get hit by those hackers this weekend.
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Hi Roland, my job is interesting sometimes, I like dealing with people and sometimes we don't do that as much as I would like. I have done seminars and it is nicer to meet people on a "less stressing" level, as they are not being currently audited and we can get the word out better. We are basically known as the IRS of EEO and sometimes it is hard to dispell the myths that seem to grow. I am thinking of getting back into the aircraft maintenance field, as I have done that for alot longer and enjoyed it more. We'll see.......just found out that the Powerball jackpot rolled over to 200 million (est.). My sister said that it starts in VT on July 1, so I guess they will love it there. It would be neat if someone from VT won it just after they started making it available to them there............especially if it was my sister!! Oh well, take it easy and enjoy the holiday. It looks like a hot weekend here, but that is okay, as long as it cools off at night. Later..
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Nancy, Registering with the state here did not do much so I am excited about this national register whenever it goes into effect. I think the gov't underestimated the commom person and their privacy rights as in "home is castle". I found that you can call the phone co (in my case Bell
South) and take your name out of the book at no cost . It is not considered unlisted and people can get the number by calling info but it cut almost all unwanted calls out as the printed list is what they sell and thats why they don't tell you that you can remove your name from the book at no cost. I am know for asking questions until I get an answer tha makes sense. I have never accepted the status quo just because, espically when it dosen't make sense. However if something makes sense I'll go with it. Your work must be interesting. Expanding existing airports is a difficult task espically when it comes into direct contact with residential areas. My grandfathers house was in Morris Cove and thats how I know that area. Most people don't use Tweed. Its been there since I was kid and I used to go visit and watch the planes.
South) and take your name out of the book at no cost . It is not considered unlisted and people can get the number by calling info but it cut almost all unwanted calls out as the printed list is what they sell and thats why they don't tell you that you can remove your name from the book at no cost. I am know for asking questions until I get an answer tha makes sense. I have never accepted the status quo just because, espically when it dosen't make sense. However if something makes sense I'll go with it. Your work must be interesting. Expanding existing airports is a difficult task espically when it comes into direct contact with residential areas. My grandfathers house was in Morris Cove and thats how I know that area. Most people don't use Tweed. Its been there since I was kid and I used to go visit and watch the planes.
Hi Roland, I am investigating a complaint in that area right now................they ave been talking about expanding Tweed.............Bradley has gotten a big facelift........some have been updates for 911, and others have been from just expansion...................I heard that the site may be down due to such high demand..........there is a 1-800 number that you can call as well. They say it won't be effective until a few months from now, so I am taking my time. I am registered with the has been very least an uninterrupted dinner.............take care all and have a safe 4th!!
Monday, June 30, 2003
Pat, thought it was opposite. West of Misissippi got it first then us. Well you know there is a little known law that passed and if a TM calls you and you tell them not to and they or that company calls you again you have to file but you can receive 250.00 per each call after you hotified them. Its kind of a pain but I got some $$ out of it and pissed some people off too. It not publicized but it is on record. Forget which bill # it is but its easy to find. Didn't realize you were in Enfield Nancy, mom lives in Cheshire and has for over 30 years now. I do visit and the drive up through the Blue Ridge is beautiful but if its inclement weather I fly into Tweed in New Haven. Well, this will be a light week for me and hope to go either to the Smokies or just to the No GA mountains for some R & R and walk off some of these caloric dinners I've been having. When i visited my friend a few years ago on the nh border she took me to the fireworks in Middlebury and it was awesome, the setting et el. Probably be up on Hartwell this year for that. Becareful everyone and enjoy!!
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Sorry aboutyour friend, Richard, it seems sad to have to say goodbye to a friend...........that is a good thing to do, setting up a site...........a living memorial that everyone can share memories. I think that is an excellant way to remember someone............I will have to remember that. I also gave this site to a co worker, he is having his 30th reunion this year as well. I told him what a great idea some of my classmates had and some of us still keep in touch..............he said he would talk to some people that are setting it up..............of course, it is a lot later than Pat started..............takes a while to get us people goiing, and that isn't because of age!! Hope everyone has a safe, and fun Mom is coming down from Vt. and the only thing she wanted me to do was "find out where the fire works are"..........guess you know where her interests are..............oh well...........I think they have them about every day this coming weekend, so we should find some place to see them. Take care all and have a nice break from work................