Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hi Debbie welcome back it's good to hear from you! It's easy right!

So, kidney stones, ick, painful, not enough drugs in the world to make me want to go through that. I really hope this passes quickly for you Karen.

It must have been wonderful to have everyone with you for your birthday Kathi! Loads of fun and being able to take them to school with you is fantastic!

Gas prices went to $4.04 today. It's terrible. So expensive for Dave to come home every weekend.

In between rain storms, I got the lawn mowed with the help of a friend's tractor. Even trapped a woodchuck! My first of the spring season. First of many probably. When Gary came to pick up his tractor his took the little varmit with him. Off to a new home. I won't set the trap up again until I see another one.
Good luck with the iPod, Kathi. I've never used one. I'm a little technically retarded. I don't know how to send a text message on my cell phone, and I don't even have phone numbers in my phone. All the numbers are still in a little green address/phone book that I'm not ready to give up.

Good to see you here, Debbie! Keep writing!

Karen, I'm in pain just reading about your pain. I'll pray that the stone comes out.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hello there all classmates in cyberspace. This is only a test, to see if this will actually work. I'm probably the most computer illiterate of all humankind. But I do want you to know I occasionally check in to hear what's new.
I really enjoyed our evening at McKinley's when Karen was in town.
Kathi, I love the stories of your grandchildren. The youngest of my 2 is just 5 mths old. So far only girls in our family.
Pat, thanks for the invite AGAIN.
Karen I feel your pain....I had lithotrisy (sp) kidney stone blasting done in both kidneys in stones were way too big to pass. The blasting part wasn't bad because they drug you pretty well..but I ended up having stents put in so the blasted particles didn't get stuck. That hurt worse then the procedure....I had no idea you could get that up close and personal with a urilogist! If you don't have to have surgery it is much better! So I'll keep my fingers crossed that that stone passes quickly!
My little ones just left so it is very quiet here at my house. I had the best time with them. I took Caleb to Kindergarten with me today. He was very well behaved and everybody wanted to play with him...which he ate right up. Camille is just the most girly girl...who is very artistic and has the vocabulary of a 8 year old in her 3 year old body. Chloe is just adorable...she sits on her leg to scoot along pushing with her other leg...sort of like a scooter. She scrunches up her little nose when she giggles...and almost has "Nana" down. She likes to wave using her whole wrist..flapping it up and down, very amusing. I really wish they could get their house sold in NC so they can move help me send those "wishes" along to the great house seller in the sky! Caleb told me, "Nana, you try really hard not to cry when I go and I'll try really hard not to cry too....promise"....of course, I did my best which wasn't very good....I just adore them so...
anyways, that's the story here.
My kids chipped together to give me a Ipod for my birthday.....of course, I'm not sure how to make it work now that they are gone. They downloaded some of my CDS onto it, of course not showing me how to do now I'll have to figure it out on my own...or call them with lots of questions!
Happy Thoughts....
Beautiful picture, Kathi. I love all that red hair!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nope, not much got was either too cold or everyone is too busy doing other I'll just plow along doing what I can, when I can....We had fun together and that is the main thing...being together. Amanda and I took the girls over to school today to "show" them off...Camille spent an hour with Miss Alice our librarian. She just loved her. She got to sit in and hear stories with the Kindergarteners. It was really cute. Chloe fell asleep...tomorrow Caleb will go to school with me for the day....hopefully, he'll remember I'm the teacher not just Nana!
Everybody leaves tomorrow night...sadly. We need lots of positive thoughts about selling their house so they can move closer!!!!!!!
Finals of American Idol tonight!!!!
Happy Thoughts.....

Birthday, Birthday, Birthday....quite the scene here yesterday! We celebrated Chloe turning 1, Amanda turning the big 30 and mine and my twin brothers....I made him the funniest card with picturers of us when we were probably 3 months old looking like he is grabbing my hands and I'm getting ready to smack him....quite funny actually. The kids are here for 2 more least the sun is shinning here today. Yesterday it was in the 40s and freezing! I'll show you pictures, have a great day everybody.