Friday, April 24, 2009

Karen why the move? Does Rich have something else he has to go to?
Okay so I guess I'll add my 2 cents. so much went wrong with our last administration that our current administration has extra hurtles to surmount. I believe it would be prudent to let our congress and senate reps know how we feel through email or phone but in the mean time; we need to give Mr. Obama a chance to make a positive change.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Karen, sorry I didn't respond to your last political comments. I did read the Romney article. It looks like we might have to agree to disagree. I see Obama's actions as showing some humility instead of what I would consider arrogance--the idea that we're always right no matter what. Yes, freedom and democracy are important, but maybe we do make mistakes sometimes and maybe there's a better way of getting our message across than by force. I don't think one side can be all right and the other side all wrong. There must be some common ground between the 2 sides, something we can work with in order to reach a compromise. Maybe I'm naive. I don't know.
Camille sounds so cute! I'd like someone to say that to me. Actually, Danit and Rafi wrote some really nice things on their birthday cards to me about what a good mother I am, etc., which was nice to hear, especially since I seem to have this terrible habit of putting myself down all the time. A lot of people tell Danit she looks like me or acts like me. It was nice to know she takes that as a compliment, not an insult! This was also the first time Darren (Danit's husband) wrote something on the card, so I definitely felt loved and appreciated. We ate at a restaurant called Hugos which has a lot of healthy things that I've never eaten, so I wanted to try them--like quinoa and some weird-tasting green juice. Of course, I made up for all the healthy stuff with a huge piece of chocolate cake for dessert.

Karen, can't you sell the house "as is"? Do you definitely have to move? Where would you go? I know what you mean about needing some time at home sometimes, but I think it's great that you get away on the weekends so often. Sounds like you're always having fun.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hoping your birthday dinner celebration was great for you! Always fun to go out with your family. Again, Happy birthday!

I have had such fun with Camille this week. I am meeting my daughter tomorrow in Holyoke to do the exchange...will go shopping while down there. I was hoping my friend was going to drive down with me but those plans fell through. Camille told me tonight when I was putting her to bed that she was so sad and was going to miss me. I said she couldn't be sad because she was still here with me ...she rolled over snuggled into her pillow and said ...okay...It was a pretty sweet moment. She also told me she would love me forever even when I'm dead. I guess that has to be the ultimate compliment~I always think its funny that my husband always wants them to stay longer, when he is working all day!
Have a great weekend suppose to be warm and beautiful finally here.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes here and on Facebook! Wednesday is my grocery shopping day with Avi's mother (she doesn't drive). Not too exciting--but tonight we're planning to go out to eat for my birthday (Avi, me, and the kids, except Omer who is in Costa Rica now).
Happy Birthday Lori! I hope you're dong something fun to enjoy the day! - Patti

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This afternoon, Camille conned Papa into taking her into the attic to find something to play with.
This is what she found: A big basket full of Original Strawberry Shortcake and her Friends Dolls. She
spent the afternoon playing with them...dressing and combing their hair. It certainly brought back memories
of watching my girls play with the same dolls...
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