Saturday, April 06, 2002

John, Just a couple of questions. Would it be alright with you if I send your email address to Shannon Newport Brickey? It has changed since the 25th, then she can email you her snail mail address if she decides she can go, last time I talked to her she wasn't sure. Also, there was talk of a float, has anything been decided on that yet, if not I'm not even going to come all the way to Springfield.Thanks so much for keeping us posted on all that is going on, it is a big help. Thanks to everyone who is working to make this happen.
Um, Pat. I'm not sure if everyone feels comfortable posting their physical address on the internet like this.

The shs1972 Blog site is public. Anyone can view it, and it will show up in searches. On the other hand, the Team member profiles are private, member-only accessable (by default, though you can change that). Why don't we put our addresses in our profiles? You can put anything in any field, so I put my street address in the nickname field, since there wasn't a slot for it.

By the way, you can edit your previous blogs if you want to remove your address or add in the missing letters, or whatnot. : )

Food requests? I'm kinda hopin' for Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese Dinner with fancy Diijon Ketchup. Mm-mmm!
what if we got the people who are coming to get us their food choices over the net. That would save some money wouldn't it? Just trying to think of ways to save cash.

Myaddress is: not something I should share apparently. Sorry but I'm really not too worried about. Brian's right though. Still, we can say on-line what our choice is of the food offerings and avoid the mailing aspect of this. At .34 per mailing I just haste to spend it. ****
I remain yours very economically, :-)

Friday, April 05, 2002

Yup we are sending to everyone because of the food choices so that we can get a idea on what to tell the Chef how much to bring.
So all the correct addresses we can get the better we will be. That is why they can email me their correct address if they are not
sure if we have the right one. If in doubt then send it my way anyway at
Are sending invitations to everyone John? I guess what I'm wondering is if we already know you are coming or you are not coming then shouldn't invitations be sent to those who have not responded one way or the other? Or am I misunderstanding?
I CANNOT believe that Robin has described me as "Snidely Whiplash in Birkenstocks". Off with your head, Robin! The reunion sounds great, thanks for all the work.
Hey Lori.. Ya, we used to goof off in band and stuff. I can't remember what we talked about either...hmmmm ;-) I see you're down as not coming to the reunion. That's a bummer. Anyway, take care, and maybe you'll find a way to go..

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Ok here is the update. Here is what is definite. The place will be at Rockingham Motor Lodge with the hall and the DJ will be Green Mountain Music and it will be 25.00 per person.

We are going to have another meeting in two weeks and we will be sending out the final invitations then and it will have the food information on it. If you don't think we have the correct mailing address
then feel free to send them to me at this address: and I will make sure they make the change before we send them out at the next meeting. So all the invites will be sent out
in two weeks.

Ok the ones that want to see us at work then I have posted the picture at this address: if you type this in exactly as you see it you should see the pic.
I will keep this there for a week or two so that you can save this picture if you want. Not that you want to... lol......Just right click on the picture and it will give you some options.

If you don't recognize us then on the left back is John Laplante, left front is Ron Young, right back is Nancy Smart, right middle is Janice Hinkley, right front is Kathy Crandall.
There has been others helping us out so this is not the only ones doing the work but not everybody is able to show up at every meeting......
Wow. So many of you are in Burlington. Hi, Neil! I remember talking to you a lot in high school, though I don't remember WHAT we talked about! (Guess my brain's a little mushy, too.) Lori

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Hey I got a call from Ron Young and we will be meeting tomorrow night at the High School at 6:30....... What better place. huh... It is so strange to walk around that building.
But in another way it brings back alot of memories. Ok will update you after the meeting.....
I really can't get over all the "new" people we are hearing is good to hear from you all......
Wow! It's good to "see" everyone here. Does anyone else feel a little strange "exposing yourself" on the net, or is it just me? don't need to answer...appariently you been exposing youself more than anyone ever knew!! ;-) So you were running around nekkid practically right in my backyard, and I never even knew, huh? You're a cool dude! I used to do my skinnydippin' in the William's river under the train tressel....I mean, I *AM* a little shy. But some you! Right in the town pool, huh?? WOW! How Bold!!

So.. you really want to hear "my story"? Okay, but it's really nothing too exciting. Hmmmm....where to start. Oh's all coming back to me now. Shortly after graduation I headed to Daytona Beach under the guise of studing at Daytona Beach Jr College. But my real mission was to raise hell and party as much as possible, and I guess I succeeded pretty well. After returning to Vt a year later, I still have very little recollection of my Fla experience. It really was fun (that much I remember), but I missed Vermont, and so I transfered to Lyndon State. I left Lyndon with an Assoc. in Media Communications in '75 and moved to the Burlington area, where I still reside to this day. Jobs were very scarce, so I ended working in the ski industry and construction until I was hired by IBM in '80 in the Mfg area. I took Comp Si classes that IBM offered and eventually worked my way into a programming job....and I'm stiiiiiiiiiiiiill programming to this day. Most days my brain feels like mush. (Maybe Fla had more to do with this than I'm willing to admit ;-) Seriously, though, It's been a very interesting life. I married in '76, but that turned out to be one of those oil and water deals. The marriage wasn't meant to be and we finally called it quits in '98. From that marriage, though, came two of the greateat kids in the world...and I wouldn't trade them for the world Emily, who is now a freshman at UVM, and Kevin, a Jr at MMU HS. In '99 I met Sheila and we were married in '00. In Jan '01 we were blessed with a son, Andrew. He is 15 months and so much fun. We may just bring him along for the reunion. Sheila has two daughters, Megan and Holly, from her first marriage, both in Colchester HS. We ride horses, motorcycles, jog, and try all we can to defy the aging process...a losing battle. Life is very very good! Well, now you heard the short version...I'll quit for now. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in June. My God...30 years!!!!!!!
Hi Lori,
Yep I do check in almost every day, I'll try to write more often, but I am often swept into a maelstrom of work and happy duties, that I don't have the time to write something worthy. I do plan on attending the festivities accompanied by Richard, but I'm not yet sure if Deborah, my wife and lover will be attending, so I haven't said anything.

It is cool hearing the stories, John, I guess yours takes the friggin' cake, dude!

Say, if any of you have any free time, go into the "Team" section and click on an email of someone in the "Pending" section. Your mail program will pop up and you can badger them into joining already!

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

I'm here, just bogged down with work, and recovering from the weekend............hope everyone had a great Easter and Passover if you celebrate it. How is everyone? We can't be that bored are you all? Yes, I did spend almost 10 years in LA (lower Alabama) on the panhandle of FL and I'm told I still have a trace of a southern accent........I can't tell, but my sister laughs at me now and then. Hang in there, Pat, people are just starting to wake up, it was a shock to find out that April is here already.
Yes, where is everyone? Brian, you disappeared since you set up the site! Are you there?! Patti, have fun in Dallas. Hi, Jane! What are you all up to?
Hi Sue, blogger was down for a day so that's probably why it looks so bleak just now. I'm starting to get more people writing to say they'll be coming---or not. Wish I would hear from more folks. There are a lot of people who've been invited into blogger but aren't here. wonder if folks are still having trouble getting in. If at first you don't succeed>>>>>>>>>>>>

I leave for Dallas in less than 2 weeks. Jane will you being holding arose inyour teeth so I'll know it's you at the airport?
Where's everybody been? Are we bored with each other already??