Saturday, May 11, 2002

The note Ron is talking about is the second paper that has your choice for supper.
Another words don't send just the money send the note which tells us what you would
like to eat.
Jerry thanks for asking, I didn't know who the other Linda was either and hadn't gotten around to asking yet. I recognized Linda Brochu right away.
I don't remember all that much from Elm Hill time. I remember Danny Tribodes (sp) eating the glue right out of the jar. Gross! Wonder what happened to him? I still have a recipe book we all made. Gayle Oberg and Debbie Peck and Janice Hickley and Eileen Hongisto to name a few. I remember ice skating in the parking lot after my grandfather flooded it in from of his Woodruff Motors body shop on Chester Ave.
I remember walking home to Wall Street from Riverside, stopping at Britts for a chocolate ice cream soda and a 1/4 lb bag of malted milk balls, then stopping at the bakery for 3 sugar coated donut holes. My mom could never understand why I wouldn't eat supper! And I still only weighed 79 lbs in 7th grade! Not any more though!

On the RSVP to Ron he asks for a note along with payment. Does anybody know what he's looking for here? ????? Also I'm wondering if we have any more news on how many folks are coming so far and who? Ditto on the Friday night dinner at Hartness House.

Friday, May 10, 2002

Yup no problem Jerry, That is Linda LaBonte and Linda Hays that you saw.
It's definitely got to be the carrots sticks. All I know is John K Wu can tell you
all about China. Yup saw him in a store last year. So he is still around.
Jerry, it is definitely the carrots!
Hey Jerry, look again, that's Linda Labonte and Linda Hays! Hi everyone, I just got back from a trip to KY to pick my daughter up from college. I wish you could see how beautiful the horse farms in Lexington are this time of year. Everything is green here in MI but the temps are still chilly for my KY blood. You all seem to have much better memories than I do about the early years......especially you, how do you come up with that stuff? I have enjoyed looking at the pics. I think the shot from the 25th that I was going to send is in the moving van with all our household goods, so if anyone else has that, send it to Brian. Happy Trails.........Karen

Thursday, May 09, 2002

OK, the Hurricanes just beat the Canadiens 4-3 in overtime of game 4 in their series (hockey) after trailing 3-0. Too bad the Bruins fell aside so early in the playoffs. At least the Red Sox are continuing their winning streak. Neil, May Rafford kept me after school once in first grade, and I missed the bus because of it. My Mom had to come get me. Imagine being kept after in THE FIRST GRADE! I did have a change of heart and went to her retirement party. And Miss Randall in second, Miss Jones in third, and Mrs. Gomo in fourth. Remember when you played your guitar and together you and I sang "Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore" at recess? We had quite a following. The carrot sticks I eat in my lunch must help with my memory. Maybe my eyesight, too. No glasses yet, but some of the small print does give me a problem. So Ben & Jerry's will be leaving Springfield next year. Do any of you see Ben & Jerry's products for sale in your part of the country? I'll try to send a photo for the gallery soon. John, is the other Linda in some of the photos your wife? What was her last name? Or is that someone else from our class? I'll be embarrassed if I've messed up here, but I'm curious. I'll tune in later.
My company just got hit with a virus last night, the W32.Klez.gen@mm worm. It's one of the worst, in that it self launches even if you don't click on an attachment. It will infect your drive if you have the preview pane open and just highlight the mail to see what it is. I think it only works if you are using Microsoft Outlook and are set to view HTML mail. Be leary about any mail you get, because it can come from anyone, even though the person didn't really send it. (It uses addresses it finds in a victim's mail address book and makes an email that seemingly came from one of them) Darn those hackers!
For more info, here is a link that shows how to detect and remove it:

This virus doesn't affect Macs running Microsoft Outlook, or Outlook Express, only Windows machines.
If you have Norton Antivirus up to date, you are probably safe. Lesson learned.
Hi Shannon, Welcome! Sorry I didn't tell you about the float, but they did say "secrect". Actually I just forgot to mention it, you know we never finish a subject before moving on to the next. Sorry again, Bye for now.

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Let me see. oh yea now I remember, I got in trouble in school for what I don't remember but my punishment was to take typing class. I said to myself then that I don't know why they would do such a thing I will never use this typing stuff after I get out of school. Oh yea her name was Mrs. Armstrong. Holy cow was I glad that I learned how to type or this would be painful to type all the time. Anyway Brian you did an excellent job about getting over the fear of typing on here. Brian paragraph 4 was very nicely put. Ok Brian here have 3 cheers on me. c[_]~~ c[_]```` c[_]
Hi everyone. Every once in a while, I decide to stop "listening in" on all of you and plunge into the blog site. Patti, I think Brian's original explanation of how to use this site was pretty simple and easy to follow. It has to be if I figured it out. And, Brian, after your last comments, I'm sure anyone who's been afraid of saying something stupid will step forward and say what's on their mind, stupid or not! (I hope I'm not just talking for myself!) I like the photos. You're not the 18-year-olds I remember, but you all look good! I'll send mine soon. Just waiting for my husband to find time to show me how to send a photo by computer. What about the rest of you? We're waiting...
Hi There everyone! This is the former Shannon Newport. I got my invite( Yes, Nancy S you did it right.) and after much thought I said What the heck! Sign me up. Nancy Y has been keeping me up on the reunion plans except the secret float. What's with that??? Put me on the e-mail list. my address is
Nancy, would that be the former Shannon Newport? I wonder if she would like to be listed on the e-mail list?
I just invited Shannon Brickey to blogger. I hope I did it right! We shall see.
Brian I love the picture you posted. I'm so glad you haven't changed.
I really like the secret plan for the float! I can personally relate with feeling pickled and my mother used to make the best grape jam out of wild grapes that grew behind our house. 99% sugar and 1% grape, but hey those grapes had flavor.
Hi Pat and all,
Thanks, I chose that particular web photo route because it requires the least amount of thought, and it works great. Everything is built into iPhoto which is included with every Mac running OS X.

You are right that most of us are leery of getting ourselves embarassed on a worldwide scale with computers that we barely understand.

There is no danger of violating your home or office computer, (like bad things crossing the firewall), you are just working with web pages on your browser, not downloading anything that could have a virus in it.

My advice to those who are hanging back:
1. Just try it out sometime, knowing you can click the "edit" button to change or delete anything you said or misspelled.
2. It helps to trust that we are old enough to respect each other for the essence of what we are trying to say, not how we actually said it.
3. Always give people the credit for figuring out what you mean, if you are not sure you said it right. People are amazingly intelligent and forgiving, every single one of us.
4. Everyone wants to hear you are out there. Even if SHS was not the best time in your life, you are part of our childhood, we are part of yours and it we are all sorry for making your life miserable then. Really.
5. Do things you are afraid to do. There is no greater sense of accomplishment. And the rush is awesome.

See? I am not afraid to act like a pompous raving lunatic : )
Hi Brian, boy the photo section is great! I was talking with someone this morning who indicated that she didn't feel comfortable with trying blooger. There are folks who just figure they won't get it right or are just uncomfortable with computers and assume they can't do it. I wonder if there is some way to set up a corner booth at the reunion and show people just how easy it is. I've had comments about concern for their firewalls and that sort of thing. Maybe there's a way to eliminate some of this worry and get the other have of the"team" to join up!. Maybe a more detailed explanatory e-mail. I don't know Just thinking out loud I guess. Naturally some people will choose not to particpate here but there are others who just don't quite "get it" I see this this natural concern in some of my students. The willingness to just go for it isn't always there. People are afraid to mess things up.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Hiya Nancy.. I like how you put that... Oh yes, I am still "out there" somewhere.. ;-) I've been so busy that I haven't been able to check in here much lately. Life is very good, although I'm looking forward to taking a break and catching my breath soon. Sheila and I just moved her mom, and we moved us in the latter part of February, so we are just getting settled in. My God, it has been a few years, hasn't it? The last reunion I made it to was our 20th. If my memory serves me, I think I recall seeing you there. I must confess, there was some partying going on, so I could have my reunions mixed up. I missed the
25th. Anyway, it will be great to see you, too. I'm hoping we can make it down for the whole weekend...we'll see.

Jerry! Too much! How do you remember all of this stuff? I must have early onset alzheimers. But hey, you and I were classmates from 1st - 12th. I Remember Mrs. Ratford, 1st grade...scary woman! Remember 5th grade when our buddy Mr. Staples knocked down Bob Lavanovich for goofing off during the movie....and chipped his front tooth? Oh yes, some of the memories. I do remember bus 14 and the Duttons. That's all for now.

Monday, May 06, 2002

Okay for everybody that wants to pass it on or didn't get a invitation or lost theirs etc......
I posted the invite at this web page.

Send your response to Ron Young, 5561 Rte. 106 Reading, Vt. 05062

We got back a handfull of returns on the invitation. I personally emailed this to everyone on Pattie's email list and now
I am posting this at this site. We have tried very hard to contact everybody and we did not intend to leave anyone out.
So this is the best I can do for the last chance to see the invite.
Thanks Jeannette. Do you know how we can get in touch with Bea Lovell Merrill?Does anyone know?
Hi everyone -for those looking for Steve Lohutko's address it's 38 Olive St., Springfield, VT 05156.

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Hey Brian, I love the hat!!!! you have to wear that to the reunion now, so we know who you are. Have a great afternoon everybody.