I'm thinking it would be fun to try and get all the class of '72 girls together for a weekend or even an overnight at Calumet where I will be this summer. Any thoughts?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Well we had a terrific "Pre-HUGE snow storm" day. We went off to Unicel - Verizon and turned in our phones and got all set with new phones for the big cell phone turnover that's coming soon. then we had lunch at a nifty 50's style drive in and went to see "Taken" at the movies. It was very dramatic and suspensful. We really enjoyed it. Then off to Sam's Club for some shopping and of course we invariably run into someone from back home in there. Which we did. Then home to Hampden to await our 12-18 inches of the white stuff.
I'm a bit concerned actually about getting to the Women Health Clinic Monday morning. It's about 2 hours driving and Dave is already forbidding me to go if the storm hits the way its predicted to. But I really do want to find out the results of my tests. Not that I'm worried but you know////////////
I'm a bit concerned actually about getting to the Women Health Clinic Monday morning. It's about 2 hours driving and Dave is already forbidding me to go if the storm hits the way its predicted to. But I really do want to find out the results of my tests. Not that I'm worried but you know////////////
I think we should all fly down to Karen's and enjoy the sunshine!!!
This is the year of the never ending snow ....we are suppose to get more tomorrow, too, Pat...at least you can dream of a new deck....
I went to Rutland today with my niece Amy. I got grinders at Gills for supper...
had them put my onions on Neil's grinder big mistake on my part. I will regret it...so much for being nice. I can smell them from here...can you??
This is the year of the never ending snow ....we are suppose to get more tomorrow, too, Pat...at least you can dream of a new deck....
I went to Rutland today with my niece Amy. I got grinders at Gills for supper...
had them put my onions on Neil's grinder big mistake on my part. I will regret it...so much for being nice. I can smell them from here...can you??
Friday, February 20, 2009
I'm not sure which is more tiring, snow blowing or entertaining the grandkids. I think maybe the grandkids but I'd rather do that. You're a lucky girl Kathy!
We seem to just keep getting more and more snow. I was hoping it was over but then it hit Wed. night and is still coming, in dribs and drabs. Another one coming on Sunday. Boo hoo.......
We're working on plans for a deck and gazebo to be built after we have the house re-roofed. there's a lot to do by the time the sun comes out to stay and we can get out in the yard. I'm looking forward to it.
We seem to just keep getting more and more snow. I was hoping it was over but then it hit Wed. night and is still coming, in dribs and drabs. Another one coming on Sunday. Boo hoo.......
We're working on plans for a deck and gazebo to be built after we have the house re-roofed. there's a lot to do by the time the sun comes out to stay and we can get out in the yard. I'm looking forward to it.
I am sitting here utterly exhausted! So much for you thinking I have endless energy! Chloe was up at 5:30 this morning so it was non stop until they left to go home after 9. They just tug at my heartstrings even when they are naughty! Now I have lots of things to clean and put away. I put toys in tubs for each of the kids so that next time they come they know where they all are.
It is 20 degrees colder today then yesterday, windy, too. You can't believe how quiet it is here! Ahhhhh..............enjoy!
It is 20 degrees colder today then yesterday, windy, too. You can't believe how quiet it is here! Ahhhhh..............enjoy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It is so nice here today! The sun is shining and its 30 degrees. The kids and I just came in from 2 hours outside...with me pulling them around in the sleds..and them sliding some. The older two found a patch of ice about 3 feet wide and spent most of the time playing on there....after Camille got over her little hissy fit about not wanting to go out. She was determined she was going to stay inside and I was determined she was going out. So, we all got dressed (hearing loud boohoos the whole time) She sat on the step crying until she decided that that wasn't the most ideal funtime...and then came and played with the rest of us....so, wonder who won that round???! We just came in, had lunch and it is now "rest time" for all.....and who needs it more? I DO!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Well thanks to all of you ladies for your encouragement. I'm not very concerned as my midwife seemed to feel that the biopsy material looked healthy and then the ultrasound was good as well. But I'll get my official results on the 23rd and go from there. In the meantime I'm on a restricted diet as I am apparently allergic to or sensitive to most of the foods I eat. which is why I have gained so much weight in this past 9 months. My body is reacting poorly to its nourishment or the lack thereof. It has a lot to do with hormones - Surprise!
I went to a wonderful Tea Tasting this afternoon while Dave was in Wayne with his Dad. I was the youngest woman there. Most of the ladies are octogenarians who live with the hostess' mom in an assisted living home. We had such a delightful time. Beautiful dishes and demitasse cups on a lovely tablecloth. Such a female experience.
Dave was cutting down limbs and encouraging dead trees to take their final bow (get it?) down at his dad's house. He and his dad are trying to clean up the area by the lake front so the view from the house isn't so closed. the dead trees are just hanging all over the place and it looks awful. Technically of course this is not to be done as one is prohibited from changing ones lakefront. But you know, stuff happens in nature and there's just no accounting for it. It was once beautiful property and will be again.
Congratulations Deb, Janice and Linda on your bowling win. I love that you guys are still doing that. I'll bet it's a lot of fun. What is the community dinner?
I went to a wonderful Tea Tasting this afternoon while Dave was in Wayne with his Dad. I was the youngest woman there. Most of the ladies are octogenarians who live with the hostess' mom in an assisted living home. We had such a delightful time. Beautiful dishes and demitasse cups on a lovely tablecloth. Such a female experience.
Dave was cutting down limbs and encouraging dead trees to take their final bow (get it?) down at his dad's house. He and his dad are trying to clean up the area by the lake front so the view from the house isn't so closed. the dead trees are just hanging all over the place and it looks awful. Technically of course this is not to be done as one is prohibited from changing ones lakefront. But you know, stuff happens in nature and there's just no accounting for it. It was once beautiful property and will be again.
Congratulations Deb, Janice and Linda on your bowling win. I love that you guys are still doing that. I'll bet it's a lot of fun. What is the community dinner?
Pat, I hope all turns out well with your biopsy. The worst part is always the waiting for results.
Ron and I didn't get out to snowshoe this weekend. We had fun though the last time out. He checked out the deer runs, and I got a little cardio workout. Sat. I worked on the community dinner for the first time. Sunday watched Lily who has the stomach bug going around. Gives us a good excuse to snuggle. Today I actually have Presidents Day off.
Good luck Lori with your book. Sounds pretty impressive.
Oh, our team won the bowling tournament, yes I bowl with Janice and Linda. We always have a great time even though we're in last place for standings in the reg. league.
Ron and I didn't get out to snowshoe this weekend. We had fun though the last time out. He checked out the deer runs, and I got a little cardio workout. Sat. I worked on the community dinner for the first time. Sunday watched Lily who has the stomach bug going around. Gives us a good excuse to snuggle. Today I actually have Presidents Day off.
Good luck Lori with your book. Sounds pretty impressive.
Oh, our team won the bowling tournament, yes I bowl with Janice and Linda. We always have a great time even though we're in last place for standings in the reg. league.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sounds like all us girls have had that exciting adventure....Hope all turns out fine Pat....my grandbabies all brought colds which I am sure will be passed on here....we had our little Valentines' Party yesterday..Camille (4) spend a long time making hearts with my heart punch. She made a pile of many different colors....today we had a belated birthday party for Uncle Andrew celebrating with Ice Cream Sundeas...pretty yummy! Lots of sliding this morning. I'll try to post a video, to which you all must watch and endure..lol. Glad to hear your Valentine's Days were entertaining!
I had a biopsy of my cervix once, which felt like really bad cramps. Sounds like your biopsy was much worse. I hope everything is okay with you, Patti. Is that the clinic you mentioned a while ago where you were supposed to go for some kind of consultation or therapy?
We're not really into flowers and chocolate for Valentine's Day, but Avi made me breakfast, and I gave him a Valentine's Day massage, so we were both happy!
We're not really into flowers and chocolate for Valentine's Day, but Avi made me breakfast, and I gave him a Valentine's Day massage, so we were both happy!
Hope everyone enjoyed Valentine's Day. Things are quiet here. Dave is getting ready to go to Wayne and visit overnight with his Dad. I've been invited to a Tea tasting tomorrow afternoon by a fun group of ladies I've met at church. I'll let you know how that goes.
I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see the boys on Friday but they were both sick and don't me the wouldn't let me in the door if I arrived so I passed on by.
I was in Yarmouth Friday at the Women to Women Health Care Clinic having a biopsy of my uterus. Not something I would wish on any one and hope never to repeat. Excruciatingly painful. I'd rather give birth.
I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see the boys on Friday but they were both sick and don't me the wouldn't let me in the door if I arrived so I passed on by.
I was in Yarmouth Friday at the Women to Women Health Care Clinic having a biopsy of my uterus. Not something I would wish on any one and hope never to repeat. Excruciatingly painful. I'd rather give birth.