Friday, May 07, 2004
At the end of the day yesterday I found a wedding invitation ........ the young woman was one Patricia Louise Smith and she was marrying David John Mahoney on the 6th of October, 1979 at the Summit Lodge in Killington!!! I never did make that wedding, sorry to say. Now tell me I am not a pack rat! What happens with me is, I get a pile of mail and then there is someone coming over and I stash it in a drawer or box and then it becomes part of what I lug around the country for the next 30 years. Also found some poetry that I wrote for Mr. Vincent's English class .... must have been soph. year. Just when you think you are still that same person you have always been ....... Lori, you wouldn't find me sitting on the couch lately, except maybe for the last episode of "Friends" last night.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Lori, I just sent you my listing. I am not very computer literate either and I don't understand why the numbers change in the address bar for the listing. So it is not just you. I guess I should have just told you to go to ....... and then put in the MLS # as 492329, that seems to work. Its a comfortable house, very open living and easy to clean. We have deer, turkeys and other critters. Lots of privacy. Today in cleaning I found some high school graduation cards and senior pictures of Mike Johnson, Celia Minnott, Mary Anne Tracy and Donny Eames, along with a 1971 yearbook. Those people don't know they have travelled to so many places for the past 30+ years!!! The sneezing is bad here though ...... dust!!
I did two days with an all-nighter in between cleaning my parent's house out last November. I know what you mean about how it makes you feel, a little strange and a little sad. I found some of my parents love letters from when they first met and I guess the rest is history. Never did find my octa-bong. Maybe my mom left it in Florida.
I don't know if that's a New England thing. It's hard to get Avi to throw ANYTHING away, and he's definitely not a New Englander! By the way, Karen, I couldn't get into that sight to see your house. Do I type in that first line ending in "Start?" And what are those other letters and numbers? Could you explain in computers-for-dummies language? Thanks!
Thanks, I needed that boost. Today I am in the basement storage room, reorganizing and going through boxes. I always have mixed emotions when I do this, because on the one hand I feel good about accomplishing something, but on the other hand I always come across so many memories that make me realize how time has flown, and I get so sad. There are so many "I meant to"s and projects in my stuff. I think that New Englanders like "stuff" more than other people, do you?
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Wanna buy a house? Go to Click on Media for the inside pics. You will see my computer in the corner of the kitchen where I write all of these terribly interesting missives. I had a bang up open house on Sunday and thought for sure this was the day I would sell but ......... Know anyone who wants to move to MI??
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
I see all's got Spring Fever. Its been in the 80's quite a bit her already folks. I love it. My rambling rose is almost in full bloom already. Started on a new venture after selling off my share of the landscape business. Into the duct cleaning thing. Its big here and not to hard to do either. Bought two new vans, a truck, and a bucket truck. I can also do carpets and preasure washing. Lots of work in the ATL area for service based businesses. They say we will have 2million more folks here within a few years!!!!!!! Any news on the mini reunion this summer anyone?
Richard on the picture page of my Smithsonian date book there is a Sam Maloof Rocker, 1980 in Walmnut the gift of Roger and Frances Kennedy. does that mean anything to you?
Karen you're right. Janice's birthday was the 2nd and Butch's today the 4th. Boy, we're just all turning 50 one right after the other here. Butch is of course just a smidge ahead of us. I wonder who the last one will be?
I got a few more e-mail addresses from folks Sue Pinto for one. I haven't spoken to her for almost 13 years now. So I'm still building the list back up. If anyone else knows of the whereabouts of our classmates and can get their addresses I'll gladly add them.
Karen you're right. Janice's birthday was the 2nd and Butch's today the 4th. Boy, we're just all turning 50 one right after the other here. Butch is of course just a smidge ahead of us. I wonder who the last one will be?
I got a few more e-mail addresses from folks Sue Pinto for one. I haven't spoken to her for almost 13 years now. So I'm still building the list back up. If anyone else knows of the whereabouts of our classmates and can get their addresses I'll gladly add them.
Snow, how depressing! Warming up here afer a weekend in the 50's ...... supposed to get to 80's by the weekend. Planted some early pots of flowers but have been getting my exercise bringing all of them in when they give frost warnings. Anything to sell the house ....... Happy Birthday to Butch and Janice Stearns, May 2nd and May 4th I think. Another one falls to the big 5-0!