Saturday, March 31, 2007

here is an easy idea for plane, trains and automobiles. the most memorable thing from the steve martin and john candy movie is the two of them sitting next to each other on the park bench (with very strong expressions on their faces. it is the picture on the movie poster. you can google it on images). we can copy their faces from the internet, size them to be life size, stick 'em on cardboard, cut around the profile and cut eye holes to makes masks. the idea is to have fifteen or twenty or each being worn as masquerade masks by all our class mates. the float can be a low flat bed trailer covered with a piece of astroturf with a park bench in the middle. of course, we need to keep one steve martin and john candy sitting there with the complete outfit- grey suit for martin and blue parka for candy. the rest of the steve martins and john candys can walk along side, sit along the edge, and give candy to kids. shake and bake!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Yes, the letter contains details for the reunion dinner....Its June 23 at the Hartness House at 6pm. It will be a buffet meal. You could win the prize for coming the furthest distance! I hope you decide to come. Janice, Karen, Patti and I will be there for sure. Hopefully lots of others will come too. We are trying to get updates on everyones snail addresses and emails. Maybe we should post on here who is "missing" and maybe they will be "found"... If you address has changed since the last reunion try and let one of us know. Patti is on with updates of the reunion notices. We are open to suggestions to the float....something very simple and easy as no one has lots of spare time to work on anything elaborate. So, if anyone has ideas there are emails on the letter. We would love any and all input. Happy Thoughts.....
Karen, have a good weekend entertaining! Enjoy a frosty one for me. I want to get outside and shovel the snow off my flowergarden! lol
Will those letters have all the info about the reunion, Kathi? I still haven't decided if I'm coming or not. It's always right before my trip to Israel (I'm leaving July 12), but I'm still thinking....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

At our class meeting last night, we got letters into envelopes ready for mail. Be on the look out for those letters and send back any suggestions you think might work for a easy, simple float!!!! Theme is Trains, Planes, Automobiles....We NEED Help!
Roland....we don't have an address for you so you could email one to me and I can pass it on...if You want a personal invite....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

karen, you are on the move. your 6 day college tour reminds me of the driving i did with my son thomas last fall. wow, we did some motor therapy to get to all of those places. i was in syracuse a couple of weeks ago and know it pretty well from when i was in college in central ny. i like ann arbor and risd out of the list you have. of course, if your son can slam dunk from the foul line it could effect which school he should go to.

the thing i hate is how good clubs for music never last. there was a great one in syracuse back in the day. lots of 'em are gone from nyc too. maybe, it makes sense that clubs have about the same life expectancy as the musicians that play there. it was definitely a toss up for which was more run down and ready for rock&roll heaven between cbgb's and pick any member of the ramones.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

pat your trip sounds fabulous. i hope it works out. don't jump off the cruise boat. the two that did it yesterday took hours to find and for all that time they couldn't get drinks or chill doing fun cruise boat things. what were they thinking? i got back from nyc yesterday and it was fabulous for me. i saw all of the parts of manhatten and brooklyn that matter to me, plus a couple of areas that don't matter to me. i reconnected with my roommate from muppet days and i took in some sights- like the metropolitan museum of art and walking fifth avenue and times square. those are all wonderful. i saw lots and lots else. i was in chinatown and the brooklyn bridge and all of my old neighborhoods. somehow nyc has survived without me and always will. that's okay. i had a great time- then and now.