Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thanks Richard, I knew that you'd come through musically.

It's been quite a week here. We were evacuated due to a bomb threat on Tues. Luckily it was a warm day. We walked all 450 students several blocks away to the nearsest university where we hung out in the gym for several hours. Most of the students hadn't had lunch and finally all students were sent home on buses starting around 1:30. We were not allowed back into our building until after 3 PM when the dog and police had completed their check of the building. The student in question had in fact gone home "sick" just as we were evacuating. Strange. So we have not seen this person since. It was determined today who it was and 10 day suspension was put in place. Our superintendent is on a European trip so will determine what's next from the school's point of view upon his return. The police have all information are are also acting. Students and staff will not be given the name of the student. But I know................................

Also this week, I spent several hours one evening tearing up the 30 year old wall to wall carpeting in our 160 square foot upstairs bathroom. Took me a while as you can imagine. Two days later I have a lovely new laminate floor but no toilet. I was quite surprised to come home tonight and find the flush sitting across the room from where it ought to be. I have a call into my plumber.
Good to see you here again, Richard. I thought we had scared the men away from the blog. I always liked Seals and Crofts, too. That music makes me think of NYC cuz I listened to it all the time when I was in NYC for 2 months for the off-campus winter term at Bennington. Keep yodeling. We're listening.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

i can tell you about a crisp as bacon morning. try twenty six hours in airports, jet lag of six hours and a three day, all day, everyday, oh-and evenings too training event in the alps. it's nice around two in the afternoon when you kinda wake up, but the air is thin and there are no hot chicks from springfield anywhere to be found. that's when i start to yodel, "i like my bacon crisp. it makes me yodel when i piss. yodel lay hee hoo ahhhh oooooh eeeeh hmmmm yeah hmmmmm ahhhhhh." sure i remember that song. i have been in switz for the last five days and will be here till next tuesday. i'm going to the alsace region of france this weekend. i think they do less hiking and more eating and drinking. you DO have to find balance. it snowed yesterday with about four inches of accumulation. i was in arosa. it is at the end of a dead end street that goes about thirty miles straight up into a high mountain valley. i hiked the big one there on sunday and then had to do a scavenger hunt on monday that involved hiking, boating, cable car, scooter, bus, more hiking, and a beer. my frickin thighs feel crisp as bacon. i can tell you that. actually, pat, i liked seals and crofts harmonies but never followed them too much. the important thing is i do remember 1969. thank God for that. lots of love classmates!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Of course, there is never just one thing that needs replacing at a time! Its always the way. It is very cool here. Only 37 this morning. My house feels colder then that right now...much too early to turn on the heat with oil prices being what they I added the sweater and fleecy socks to the look...
I had a house full of company this past weekend. Suzanne and John came from NYC, Andrew and Amy from Concord and my sister-in-law and kids from Milton. My niece had gotten married a couple of weeks ago and my brother was having a potluck reception at his house. So, I cooked and cooked...and cleaned...but it was nice to see everybody. Now, there is the laundry to do. And it is very quiet here! I need to go and finish Caleb's birthday card so I can get it into the mail for Thursday. I am running a little behind!! But with him only being 5, I don't think he'll be too upset! He loves his Nana!! Happy Thoughts.............
Oh. Well, that's not quite what I was imagining by the good life!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wow, you guys are living it up--going out for beers and appetizers, going away to a B&B! Sounds good! We're in the process of giving our house a "facelift." It started out with a fence (putting one of those black iron ones around our front yard), but then we decided to redo the whole yard, so we're having someone tear out all the stuff we don't like so we can put in what we do like. And that got us looking at the house, which we decided needs to be painted. Right now the house looks bald with no bougainvilla growing all over it, but we're kind of enjoying the clean-cut look while it lasts. I'm sure we'll fill it up pretty fast with color and green. We're not the Zen types, though I do like looking at those spare Zen gardens and houses....
"On a crisp as bacon morning with the sunlight on my head" Anyone remember those words from the early 70's? Richard, put on your thinking cap...

Sunday morning today is beautiful and sunny. Dave and I went to a wonderful B&B Friday night. Not far from home but a terrific retreat. Rain on the roof in the morning sounded beautiful.

Deep freeze predicted for tonight so we'll be picking pumpkins and tomatoes this evening and bring them in. It's too bad, the tomatoes really need the time on the vine.

Dave's job is official tomorrow a.m. and he leaves for Bangor this afternoon or evening. I had a jewelry party last week and that was lots of fun. I like all the free jewelry I get for hostessing!