Saturday, January 24, 2009
Its actually fun talking instead of just posting a just check at the bottom of your facebook page to see if any friends are online....then click and chat.
Quite easy...
The temperature has gone down over 30 degrees since 5:30 this is definitely a snuggle night! Two more months until official Spring....can't wait!!
Happy Thoughts..............and sunshine............and warmth............
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2008
12:30pm 5th Annual Alumni Golf Tournament
Crown Point Country Club, Springfield, Vermont (luncheon to follow)
Contact Bill Flore at 802-885-2507 or for more information.
S.H.S.A.A. Annual Banquet
June 26, 2009
Elks Club - Park Street
6:00p.m. Social Hour
7:00p.m. Dinner
~Crowning of the King & Queen
~Recognition of scholarship recipients
~Recognition of our Honored Guest
~Presentation of the President's Award
Contact: Mary MacMahan 802-885-3170 or Brenda Markwell 802-885-8085
Saturday, June 27, 2009
10:30a.m. 54th Annual Alumni Day Parade
Clinton Street to Riverside Middle School
Contact: Keith Ferguson at 885-3273 or
2:00p.m. S.H.S.A.A. Annual Meeting
Held at Riverside Middle School Auditorium
~Association Business Meeting
~ Presentation of Parade Awards
Contact: Keith Ferguson at 802-885-3273
That way she can do what she wants as far as having contact I have to say I think Facebook is strangely too public. You think you're writing an email but in fact you're posting your note for all to see. Somehow here I've always felt a little more conversational and private. Certainly i have had "conversations" I would not have posted in Facebook. Here, I feel that i am speaking to a handful of close friends.
Don't ask me why, as I've said before it may just be that it's what I'm used to. I know that over the years there have been many people who read this but do not comment. I've sort of learned to ignore that. I certainly do like the ease of instant messaging in Facebook. I've had some fun with that the last couple of days.
Lori, Krishna lives in Sacramento I think. Is that at all near you?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm on a very strict elimination diet. Mostly I'm allowed to eat only things I wouldn't normally eat. It's hard to manage. that's for 7 days and then one item at a time for 48 hours each I can add things back in to find out what if anything I'm allergic to. Not an experience I'm enjoying.
My friend Elaine is coming to spend an overnight next TH as she has a workshop in Bangor on Friday. I'm looking forward to having her here.
If the radiant heating guy is going to do his thing next week I have so very much to do. We have to completely move all the things we've put into the family room downstairs. It's a tremendous amount of lifting and carrying. I'm not happy about it. I've called the boys but with their work schedules I'm holding out a lot of hope.
I recorded the entire day yesterday and Dave and I watched it all together when he came home from work. it was very exciting. We both have a feeling of optimism and hope for the future. At long last.
I spent most of yesterday in Orono knitting at Fiberphilia. It's a terrific store that has all the materials you need and excellent staff that will sit and help whenever you ge stuck. women come everyday to just hang out and visit while working on their projects.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I wonder why they didn't have heaters in the observation deck for the parade....pretty sad for all these bands who have waited for hours are going by a almost empty bandstand. They were suppose to have over 5,000 portapotties. I don't know where they all were but I would be in big trouble out in the cold!
We've been watching the inauguration activities. Really exciting! I think most people do feel a sense of hope and optimism. I know this is stupid, but I couldn't help wondering what all those millions of people did if they had to go to the bathroom. I guess there were mobile toilets there, but I didn't see them, and the lines must have been HUGE. Excuse my obsession with trivia!
Watching the Presidential parade on tv is unbelieveable. So many many people...makes you hope for good things for all of us.
Happy Thoughts..............
Monday, January 19, 2009
Is everybody watching the Washington activities tomorrow? We are suppose to watch the swearing in as a should be interesting. Do you think this is the start of something wonderful for our country?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
All I did was highlight the writing; right click, choose copy. Went over to the facebook page and hit paste on the wall. Tadaaa. It's certainly something easy enough to do I'm just not sure it's something we'll all want to do.