Tuesday, September 02, 2003
So glad you are getting the opportunity se view Geiger. Its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Had dinner tonight at my favourite Italian sopt in Memphsis. No desert needed and the cappicino (sp) is supurb. So Richard, enjoy.... you only go arond once dude. Also so glad you appreciate such creativity. I had my start at Gazelle Institute at Yale and a good foundation it was to build on.
I leave a week from this Saturday, spend a week in Switzerland, and then 4 days in London. I am very psyched. Switz will mostly be business but I will get away for a couple of days. I plan on checking out the Geiger Bar in Chur. Geiger is the artist that did the artisitic stuff for the Alien movies and his bar is also "out of this world". I will be in Zurich for a day and maybe one other day I can schedule.
Monday, September 01, 2003
Richard, you are so correct. That is exactly how I manage to do so many tasks and stay sane and focused. Sometimes it seems like I'll never finish a single thing but then by your 5 min theory it all comes together and the finale is all worth it. Right now things are going so fast at work I wonder if we will implode but I am managing to keep everyone on an even keel and my department (operations) is the only one functioning without hitches so we get saddled with lots of tasks BECAUSE we get them done. Its that ol 5min thing again. Just keep pecking and before you know it you've got that hole dug. Crazy like a fox.....you've got alot of common sense AND a creative mind. So....... are in in England yet?