Friday, December 19, 2003

Hey Everyone, I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a even better New Year. It is hard to imagine that another year has gone by so fast and so much has happened in this one. I have enjoyed trying to keep up with you on blogger and staying tuned to old high school and college friends. Best wishes and be safe.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Hi Robin thanks for catching us up on your exploits. It's fun to hear about the folks just dropping by.

What grade was it in Jr. High that the shop boys and the home ec girls traded classes? Anyone remember that? The guys made pot holders and we made little wooden pot holder handing thingys. I remember a bunch of us girls got our photo in the local paper working down in the shop.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Greetings from the great white north. In chapter 7 of "I wonder what the hell ever happened to:______" , an elderly gent stopped one of my buses dropping off a client at THE doctor's office up here in the Islands and asks the driver if he's "Robin Way". Driver says "no, he's the executive director and works in the office." Turns out its William Cerauskis, of eighth grade shop. I have nightmares of working hopelessly on some lawnmower engine with Brian King. Perhaps its due to too many years of rock and roll. Mr. Cerauskis and his wife live in South Hero. Diane...ahh...something Polish...who was a year ahead of us also lives in So. for the Visiting Nurse. Susan Ainsworth stopped by my office today. The non-profit housing agency that she works for is buying one (of two) senior/low income apartment complexes "The Round Barn"(and it was...)where in a number of our clients live. Happy Holidays all...Robin

Monday, December 15, 2003

Welcome home Lori. Glad you got out before the deluge. Can snow be considered a deluge? Now we're talking about 30 inches before it stops. Already well over the minimum they had predicted and still coming hard and fast. The sound of snowblowers is all around me as people stry to stay ahead of it. The gentleman across the street is struggling with the snow being almost deeper than his machine can handle. It's his first time today though so next time will be easier.
Well, here I am back in L.A. I had to change my flight to fly back through Cleveland instead of Newark. I probably wouldn't have gotten home if I had flown through Newark cuz there were delays and cancellations because of the snowstorm. It's hard coming home after a vacation--even though it was sort of a working vacation this time (getting the house ready to be lived in). Now it's back to the bills, etc.

I haven't had to parent my parents yet. They're relatively young --70 and 71--and still doing okay. Luckily.
You know the old saying: "Be good to your kids, they'll be picking out your nursing home."

It's a snow day here. Just got back from a week in Las Vegas and was really anxious to get back to school but you can't see an inch in front of your nose so that's that. I'm dreaming of a White Christmas - Tra la la la la la la la la !

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Pat, I like your point about parenting our parents. To think that my boys might one day be parenting me is a little disconcerting. I am sure that tying me to the roof of the car and taking dad for a Sunday drive is well within the realm of possibilities.