Friday, September 05, 2008

I am really annoyed with laptop was fine last night but when I went to start it this morning I kept getting this fatal make a short story long...after talking with the technical support person at HP...who is in the Phillipines...for a hour...I had to restart my computer back to the factory settings...I have lots of stuff saved but of course, not everything....So, everybody back up your computer tonight!!!! Now I have to put all the information in just like a new computer...very frustrating way to end busy, busy week...I'll tell you about my trip to Home Depot to get the arbor for the wedding. They were suppose to save one for me, ended up being the display model, which the guy guaranteed could be taken apart to fit into my expolorer...well, after he smashed his fingers and broke off one piece, it was decided that it could not come apart and too bad for me. Home Depot does not "take apart things, it will only put them together"....just so you know! Needless, to say, the bride was not happy and called Home Depot to complain about their service.....I could drive to Keene....or Rutland...but decided to get two lattice pieces and use like a open door...even better then the arbor that I wouldn't use there Home Depot. I did buy some beautiful Rose of Sharon bushes for in front of the panels..they are really, please pray that all these hurricanes go away out to sea and not up here next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, that is the end of my wonderful day. ....I hope you all have a great weekend. I need to go and finish reinstalling all my things on the laptop. Happy Thoughts.....sigh.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Welcome back to school Kathi! I'm glad your little cuties were cute. Mine are not so cute. we already had to send a kid out for 3 days. It's loosely referred to assault when you punch another kid. Week 2 is off and running. Or I guess we're closing week two at this point. 3 more weeks to get through. My last day is the 26th. I tell myself it'll be great. It's my new mantra.

I'm hosting my own going away party since then I can invite anyone I want to. The 18th of Sept. Should be a grand affair. Actually I'm opening my home, inviting my friends and standing back. Everyone else is bring all the goodies. Yum.

LLBean wants to interview me for a job. I may have been precipitous in applying while I'm still up here. I'll have to hope they will wait until I get down there. If not, oh well. It'll be great.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Trust me I am no saint! You are too funny.....
Its funny that once I get back into the school groove, its like I never left....the class is very cute, but imagine 18 5 year olds all in one little space....for 6 hours....imagine trying to get up off the floor after you've been sitting criss cross applesauce....imagine trying to play on a dirt flying driveway alley between two buildings with no playground equipment....imagine listening to the beep beep beep of trucks backing around buildings...imagine listening to cute little voices....imagine holding those little hands to walk in a line....imagine those little smiles....imagine answering all those why questions...imagine the end of the day.....imagine Kindergarten. I am satisfied.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Hi from L.A. this time. I got back yesterday. I had a really good time in Vermont. Now I have to readjust to my life here. It always takes me a while to get back into things after coming back from a vacation. I have more friends in Vermont and Israel than I do here, so that's part of the problem. Don't know why it's so hard to find inspiring, fun people out here. Okay, I'll shut up. I'll be okay in a few days....

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I can not believe that in two weeks the wedding will be over....I only hope that the weather is as beautiful as todays. The trees are starting to change already. Seems early to me but maybe it has something to do with the wet summer. Details, details, details...I went shopping for plants for outside the tents today. Waiting for the maple candy to arrive so I can put together the wedding favors...
My grandson lost his 2nd tooth tonight. He called all excited that he hadn't swollowed it this time and the toothfairy could actually find it. He is going to turn 6 on 9/20, so we are having a birthday party the day after the wedding while all the family is still here. So, another event to plan.
School starts at Union Street School on Tuesday so its back to work...we have the portable classroom set up and it should work out fine for the year. Now, if they could get the construction going faster it would be nice. Hopefully, we won't have to make up the 3 days we have missed
so far.
Hope everyone is having a great long weekend. Be safe and have fun....