Thursday, January 10, 2008

hi. i am in the action city- new york. i have been here for the last two days. i just got back from a broadway play- the farnsworth invention. it was really good and i liked it a lot. i have to think about it for a while because there were some really troubling characterizations of what happened under david sarnoff and the modern age of tv. perfect that you walk out having to think about it more. last night was a great night in the clubs. yahoo! i had a front row table for a great jazz guitarist and his quartet. so that's the run down on the action. my feet are killing me. they feel like over inflated footballs. by the way, bithday check-ups are okay pat. my great dentist (from springfield who i go to in b'ton) has a very close friend and wife who exchanged that procedure and they are damn glad that they did, so maybe the check-up and something that is fun could work. time to collapse.
I go along with Karen and Lori that you need to find a more exciting way to celebrate your birthday! Hope that your tests all came back fine.
Karen, remember all that snow that we had....well, you should see bare patches now! It is going to get colder here with maybe freezing rain tonight and tomorrow. I'm hoping for a school delay! Bad, huh!....Neil is on the road tonight....yesterday, someone...another truck from Florida...rammed into the back of his trailer on I95 in CT...They were in traffic and construction, Neil stopped and the other guy didn't....Luckily, no one was hurt, just the back of the trailer and the front of this other guys truck. The guy also got a ticket for following too close, so there is a lesson!
I am still trying to get my decorations down and put away. I have everything off the tree except the lights, which I hope to do tonight, we'll see how ambitious I get.....
I did get together on Tuesday night with Karen V...she was in town visiting her family for the holidays. We had a nice chat....unfortunately, the only place open to have coffee in town was Friendlys....Hope you had a safe trip back, Karen, good luck with school this semester. Thanks for getting together....
Have a good night, everybody....happy thoughts.......................
A mammogram or endoscopy for your birthday?! Karen's idea sounds better. Happy birthday!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

thanks Karen, good thoughts

I used to give myself a mammogram each year for my birthday but somehow got out of sync with that.

My friends at school gave me an hour of massage for a birthday gift. I'm really looking forward to taking advantage of it.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

endoscopy was loads o fun.

I broke my fast with birthday cake. Yum.........
I'm so hungry. I have an endoscopy this afternoon at 1 so I wasn't to eat or drink after midnight. My Lyrica is madking me very blurry headed today. I'm glad I'm not at school but I wish I wasn't home alone.
Garage sale season is probably more April here especially since we have set record highs for amounts of snow so far this winter. Strangely though it is almost 40 degrees out today so the levels of snow are dropping dramatically today. Which leads me into my next story! The warmer weather has melted the snow around the edges of our house.

This allows the sewer guy to bring his pipes and roto rootery things from the driveway to the back yard to come into the basement/family room. Our neighbors tree roots have grown into our sewer pipes which is blocking the "flow". We're not able to run water basically at this point or it will come back into the house. right this minute they are running a camera through the pipe out to 97 feet where they found the worst blockage yesterday. They will be able to see if they cleared the roots out. If not, Worst case scenario comes into play. Dig up the yard to pull out and clear the pipes. This will effect both our yard and our neighbors. Not a good thing. I have my fingers crossed.

I have a big kitchen aide mixer and use it all the time. It's terrific. Last Christmas Kevin gave me a pretty red hand held kitchen aid mixer for small jobs. Like whipped cream, or if I want to mash potatoes in the pot I cooked them in instead of pouring them into a bowl for the big mixer.
Please accept my apologies Kathi. I did receive your pretty card at Christmas. I had a tough time though this season and wasn't doing a good Christmas spirit thing. Dave and I are glad 2007 is behind us.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

hi. action cities for me are new york, london, and rome but i know that there are many more (berlin, prague, paris, springfield, and perkinsville). the main point is to always have someone great traveling with you. then everywhere that you go can be really fantastic. i am losing my italian travel partner. she is going to take over her father's firm back home. oh well, i guess that all of the many, many memorable adventures will have to suffice. there are many more great places to be and i know that being open to wonderful lets it happen. that is my advice. wonderful was dinner with karen and rich, dinner with lori, lunch with karen v., alumni parades, road trips with brian to get there, dancing with margaret, breakfast at the old whitcomb farm- yeah, i think you get the picture. there is no glamour, action, or excitement that is better than being with friends.
Is it your birthday too, Patti? I know you said January but I don't remember when. If it happens to be then, Happy Birthday to you too...if not....keep the sentiment until then. Did you get my Christmas card??? I think Eleanor lives in Oregon.
Hope you had a good day lounging around Richard. Always nice when that happens.
More wedding excitement for you Lori.
The kids gave me a new Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas....I was looking for recipes to make do I need to try bread or pie crust.....such a dilemma. I'll let you know how whatever comes out.
Happy Thoughts.................
Dave and I have 4 days planned for DC this coming April vacation. We sent a day and a half there 3 years ago and wished for much more time to look at everything. The Holocaust Museum was something I wanted to do and it was closed at the time. We're hoping to be able to go this trip though. It was quite a whirl wind trip last time trying to see everything we possibly could. this time though we won't be able to run all over, we'll have to use some public transportation. I'm disappointed by that part but I'll do the best I can to be more mobile by then.

Eleanor Richardson, if you're out there or anyone sees her; Happy Birthday!
Patti, about the cities, I guess Tel Aviv came to mind cuz it's often compared to N.Y. as a city that never sleeps. Even really late at night you can see lots of people walking around. I'm sure Boston and D.C. are also action cities; they just weren't the first ones to come to my mind cuz I've barely been to D.C. and haven't been to Boston in years. In L.A. most restaurants close their kitchens at 10 p.m. Richard can tell us his favorite action city.
good morning. i am having a quiet day at home and just wanted you all to know that. hmmmmmm, very nice. hope your's is really nice, too.