Friday, November 29, 2002

Yes, I agree. I think it's my favorite holiday. We had 23 people here--family and friends--but Avi's sister helped with the cooking, so it was much easier than our usual Friday night meals with Avi's family.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Happy Thanksgiving, all you non-native americans!
What a great holiday! Loads of easy to make food, with the focus on family and friends.
And don't forget to get a little hammered, it clears out the carburators!
I'll be thinking of you all, so be happy!

Monday, November 25, 2002

Good morning all,

I've removed Janice from the team (old address) and re-invited her under her new e-mail address. Perhaps this time she'll come on board. Let's hope.
Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving and can relax with relatives and friends for a bit.......not being able to be near my family for 20+ years has made me value it even more now. Take care and if anyone is traveling, please be careful!! Congrats Richard, it is good to read good news