Saturday, April 12, 2003

I forgot to mention that both of our sons have moved back home. I'm a little confused and my gracery bill is HUGE. But it's sorta nice all the same to be together.
Lori I went to glima this morning! It's a well done site. Easy to use. Good visuals.

Spring is finally starting around here. Dave went out on his mountain bike a few minutes ago despite the 32 degree temps. Later it will be in the 40's so we'll continue to melt gradually. A quick melt would cause flooding in too many places so we need to be patient. But I can finally see most/some of my gardens and that's a great sign of winter's end.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Okay, so we can't compete with Florida! I'm sure the sea is also much warmer there. Here it's like ice.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Hey Pat, I went back and saw your note. I posted one earlier tonight and it dosen't show on my screen but at least I can click on a date and get the posts now.... electronics I guess.......

Lori, you do have mucho sun there but most of CA isn't as warm as FL most of the winter. As I recall when I lived in Marina del Rey it stayed about 65 on a good winter day. I do need to get out there and get to our plant in Rancho Cucamonga some one of these days.
IOk, haven't been able to post and couldn't figure it out so I emailed Blogger and looks like this might work. Oh joy, I get to spend about amonth in Jackson, Ms doing a logistics thing with new products and hiring etc...... Think I'll leave via Bilouxi and do some RnR too. Fl should be nice about now Karen. I hope to spend Easter with my VT friends in Deland and also tend to my aunt grave. (an annual thing). Hope to get posts from others soon.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

O.K. here's a thought starter. Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue" (The Angry American) Pro or Con

Sunday, April 06, 2003

I'm not sure what's going on with Roland. For some time now he's been under the impression that his postings are not posted. I guess he can't see it. I haven't noticed any problems for a long time.