Friday, May 29, 2009

Our house in P.I. has finally sold. I don't know for how much but I've heard that there were a couple of families bidding on it. Like what we're doing here I imagine whoever is going to live there will make many changes. Make it their own. Its the way of the world.

I've had some some nice comments from folks back there on facebook.

Dave has gone down to visit with his Dad. He's worried about him. Time is marching on for that old fella I'm afraid. But God willing there will be many years more for Dave and jack.

I'll post the photos I have of our construction work so far.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The boys name was/is Ryan Casey McGhee...not someone that I knew in person or his parents.
There is a candlelight memorial service tomorrow night in town, that I am trying to work myself up into going, and he will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery later. I am just so tired of these needless deaths and getting depressed over them....
Kathi, what's the name of the guy from Springfield who was killed? Do we know him?

Patti, sounds like you're adjusting really well to your new home and town--even thinking about looking for a job at the school there. Maybe you're more adaptable than you thought!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yippee I'm back in! for quite some time I've been unable to access any google sites and have finally gotten my sign in and password reset.

Hope you had a good birthday last weekend Ron. I'm guess that it was last Saturday not this Saturday.

Its good to be home and all the contractor stuff is in full swing. The soon they got started the sooner it will be done. And we'll be broke. Then we can start living on our actual income and not think about what "was" in the bank. Reality at last. HaHa. Hopefully I'll be able to get a job this fall at one of the schools in the area.

Hope everyone's well - take good care of one another!!
Its raining here....certainly made subbing and inside recess such a joy....sigh...Karen, send that sunshine here!!!
I had a late birthday dinner with my 4 close school friends last night...its like the day never ends this made this chocolate lava cake and homemade vanilla/chocolate ice cream...oh my was so good....

I know I get on my soapbox sometimes about Supporting our Troops....and their families.
There is yet another Springfield native that has become a fallen hero in this war. He was 21 years old....moved when he was in 9th grade down south to VA...on his 4th tour of duty...first one in Iraq...and was killed 2 weeks ago. They are planning a candlelight memorial on Friday night at the Memorial site on River really breaks my heart. I need to work myself up to going to this....thanks for listening, my friends....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day this year marks the 5th anniversary of my brothers death in Iraq. Please take a moment tomorrow to respect all our Military who have served and are now serving. There will be a national moment of silence at 3pm...Please take this time to send Happy Thoughts to those men and women serving our country and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice...they live on in our hearts forever. Thank you.