Saturday, June 08, 2002
John, did I download the right number of images from your two sites, four on "...class72.htm" and five on "...72.htm"? It's looking pretty good. Is that a New Holland spreader? Were you guys just taking a cigar break outside? I hope it's not just the girls actually doing the work. Ha ha. I simply retain some interesting stuff upstairs until it comes in handy sometime, and I did consult both a map of Maine and one of Vermont before I wrote about those towns so that I confirmed what I thought I knew. I could always be imagining something, ya know. While I watched some of the Red Sox game (they lost 3-2) telecast this afternoon from Fenway Park, the camera panned on author Stephen King who was in attendance. He's a resident of Maine and an avid Sox fan. I haven't read anything of his, but I guess he includes some kind of reference to either listening to or watching his beloved Red Sox in each book he writes. See, I just listened to what the broadcasters were telling their audience, and I believed them, so that's why I'm telling you about it. The broadcasters did not share with viewers what the secret of the really green grass is at the ballpark, but it might be some kind of Scotts product. Good news for bikers going to Bike Week in the Lakes Region of NH (Laconia, Weirs Beach) this week. The decisions went all the way to the NH Supreme Court, but there will be beer tents, and the Hells Angels will be able to have a tent to sell their stuff. The National Guard will be close at hand, though, and firefighters on duty will be wearing protective vests. So everyone fire up your Harley and head on out.
Friday, June 07, 2002
Oh my God Richard, that poster would give me nightmares for the rest of my life! How did you ever come up with that?? That goodness I live almost 3 hours north of Bangor. i may never go shopping there again. I'm afraid of who I run into in the mall.
His name was Jonathan Frid. I never saw him in anything other the the daily series which was black and white and then in two Dark shadows movies. They were a riot. When bats would fly into the scene you could see the wires they were hanging on. Very low tech. But great story lines.
His name was Jonathan Frid. I never saw him in anything other the the daily series which was black and white and then in two Dark shadows movies. They were a riot. When bats would fly into the scene you could see the wires they were hanging on. Very low tech. But great story lines.
Thursday, June 06, 2002
Pat, My sister loved that show, I thought they were going to make a movie of it.....along with all the others. She loved Barnabas Collins.......wonder what ever happened to him? Nancy, I'll be sending you an email to your address. Jerry, you are the King of Trivia, how do you know all thesethings? And you are only 47-48? Most of that information you hear from much older people than us, you know the ones that have "Been Around". It is nice to hear all the facts, I am learning alot just logging on to this bulletin board. Even the gardening tips are good, I just bought a house and now have to get into the yard work and gardening........which I do enjoy, it has been a while, though. Still not sure what to put on your lawns to make it look good, but I guess I'll stumble on the secret, unless one of you all know.
How do you know all this stuff, Jerry? I didn't know about the Jerusalem in Vermont--or any of the other towns you mentioned. Except Moscow. I did notice that when I was in Stowe. And I'm sure you know more about the Lakers than I do! My youngest son is the only one of us who watches the games. My other 2 are into music! They're in bands.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Your right Jerry there was a shock here. Now it's raining. lol..... But hey if you all right click on the pictures you have all kinds of options on what to do.
Yup been to Bangor Maine and Belfast Maine. You all should go to the desert of Maine. Now that is a treat. Lots of sand and no water.
Yup been to Bangor Maine and Belfast Maine. You all should go to the desert of Maine. Now that is a treat. Lots of sand and no water.
Hey Richard, is your offer retroactive to those who have endured having two-year-olds? I saw Lori's question, and it looked like her two-year-olds were kinda close together a few years back. Lori, speaking of China, did you know that there is a town called China, Maine? Yes, and also a Mexico, Norway, Poland and Paris. Maybe I've missed some country or city. I've seen you mention spending some time in Israel. There is a Jerusalem in Vermont, near Bristol, south of Burlington. Maybe some of the Burlingtonians have been there for a picnic or something with their two-year-olds. And Moscow is there near Stowe, too. I think it even has a Red Square. Yeah, Pat, you're way up there, aren't you? You don't even have an exit off I-95 because it doesn't go up north that far. Are there any caribou in Caribou? Are the workers friendly at your Walmart? Thanks for making the reservations at the Hartness House, Nancy. John, your 8:16 message about new pictures just posted here as I was typing. I thought I felt a shock pierce my body. Are the Lakers going to win tonight, Lori? Well, I'll post here now and come back later on.
Hi everyone..... I made reservations at the Hartness House for Friday June 21st. However they are having a wedding party come in at 7:00 so I booked for 6:30pm. I hope this okay with you. I didn't get a frost down here the other night.Thank God!! I can't believe a frost in June!! What am I saying... Anything is possible in VT!! I'm going to plant the tomatoes this week-end. I hope they turn out okay.See eveyone soon.
Hi Robin, you have a two year old? I am a good listener and have lots of good advice too. If it makes you feel any different (maybe better) I have a 52 year old friend with his first new born and a 54 year old friend who just adopted his first. I am willing to buy any parent of a two year old a sandwich and a beer. The offer stands.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Hi Jerry, we didn't get the predicted frost. I forgot to uncover though so the poor things stayed under wraps until 4 this afternoon. Mid 60's today, really beautiful. No wind for a change. We're 2 3/4 hours north of Bangor. When we first moved uphere, we'd leave church and head down for some shopping at Sam's Club and come home by suppertime. Now that we have a mall and a Walmart we don't make the trip so often.
It's become busy in here lately. Hi to Nancy, Robin, Lori, Karen, and Richard. Pat, how did the tomato plants do under their blankets last night? I saw at 6 AM this morning it was 38 in Bangor. And how far are you from Bangor? I guess a honey wagon is a little different than a paddy wagon, huh? Interesting how something off to the side of a photo of the reunion class float in progress can become a topic for some energized conversation. The stories from the weekend are interesting, too. There are many things to be learned from each other even though we are many years removed from the classrooms of SHS. Thanks for the lesson, Richard.
Well dang...if you'ld asked me at our 25th reunion, that I'ld be forced to miss the 30th because of a lack of a babysitter for a two year old daughter, I would have laughed myself silly. Yuk yuk..doesn't life have some interesting surprises? Well, we still live close enough to drive down for the parade and the previously mentioned informal get together at Riverside following. Hope to see some of you then....
I've had Chambord and it's really delish. When I was working at the Royal Hearthside in Rutland as a bar tender I tried lots of different liquers to have a working knowledge of what I was serving. Boy does that sound like a lot of hooey. But really that's the truth. When customers wanted us to recommend something you had to know what you were recommending. I never mixed it with Campagne though. Certainly planning to now. It sounds like a great way to celebrate the end of the school year. I just love having the summers off. I just wish they were longer.
Please write a honey wagon poem. : - )
I'm off to take my constitutional while the sun is still out. Gotta get in shape for some sophisticated cocktails.
Please write a honey wagon poem. : - )
I'm off to take my constitutional while the sun is still out. Gotta get in shape for some sophisticated cocktails.
Wow Karen, I gotta get me some of that!!! I picture myself on my chaise lounge watching the dandylions grow!
Lori are you going to write a poem about a honey wgon? I'd really like to read that! I bet the boys who drive the honey wagon would enjoy a nice glass of Chambourd and Champagne. Or maybe just a beer and a shot. Certainly nose plugs.
Lori are you going to write a poem about a honey wgon? I'd really like to read that! I bet the boys who drive the honey wagon would enjoy a nice glass of Chambourd and Champagne. Or maybe just a beer and a shot. Certainly nose plugs.
Hey you guys, do you know of any non-profit organization that needs 11 computers? We have some from our office that can be donated to a non-profit organization. They only have Windows 95 though and are slow, but they are still usable. Let me know, they go to the first bidder!!
Its very easy, just pour a small amount of Chambord into the bottom of a Champagne glass and then fill with Champagne. You can mix or let it hang in the glass. Adjust the amount of Chambord to your taste. My kids think it tastes like cough syrup! Enjoy!
Wow Richard, you sure made it seem more sensual and exciting than I ever thought it to be!!!!! Now I will probably indulge more! Try it, bring some to the reunion. If I was going to be there I'd give you a sip of mine.
I had to look up Chambord as well, here is what I found:
At every point of production, Chambord's commitment to quality never wavers. Made in small batches to ensure that only the ripest fruits are used, Chambord cultivates the finest small black raspberries which are the essence of the liqueur. When these raspberries are at their peak of flavor, they are hand-picked and prepared for infusion into fine cognac that has been mellowing in oak barrels for a minimum of four years. Once the primary infusion of black raspberries is complete, other fruit extracts are also blended into the liqueur, such as blackberry, currant and red raspberry.
I think that Champagne and Chambord definitely count as a weekend activity. It is always smart to start with good ingredients. By comparison, mowing the lawn just seems like it has so much less potential.
At every point of production, Chambord's commitment to quality never wavers. Made in small batches to ensure that only the ripest fruits are used, Chambord cultivates the finest small black raspberries which are the essence of the liqueur. When these raspberries are at their peak of flavor, they are hand-picked and prepared for infusion into fine cognac that has been mellowing in oak barrels for a minimum of four years. Once the primary infusion of black raspberries is complete, other fruit extracts are also blended into the liqueur, such as blackberry, currant and red raspberry.
I think that Champagne and Chambord definitely count as a weekend activity. It is always smart to start with good ingredients. By comparison, mowing the lawn just seems like it has so much less potential.
Monday, June 03, 2002
I'm starting to feel lazy. You're all busy working in your gardens. I like looking at gardens, but not working in them. Jerry, you're full of useful information--pink moons and honey wagons, etc. Sounds like something I can use in one of my poems! Patti, thanks for the clarification! Karen, what's Chambord? (Hope that's not too stupid a question!) Nancy, you're a grandmother already? Wow! What's it like? Actually, I'm looking forward to being a grandmother--but I'm nowhere close to being one right now. Our daughter, the oldest, doesn't have a boyfriend right now, and our middle son just started going out with someone about a month ago. So it won't be any time soon! Hello to the rest of you out there. Have a great time at the reunion. Say hi to everyone for me. Where did some of the rest of you disappear to? Sue Ainsworth? Neil Ginter? ARe you there????
I just came in from covering our tomato plants. we are expecting a frost tonight. I'm so glad I didn't get all my seedlings planted. It's a whole lot easier to bring all the flats inside than it is to drag out all the old blankets.
I dropped a line in classmates this a.m. on the Friday night get together. Maybe someone who reads there but isn't here will see it. I run out of posting privelages right after the reunion. I'm not plannng to pay the bucks there now that we can all come here!
I dropped a line in classmates this a.m. on the Friday night get together. Maybe someone who reads there but isn't here will see it. I run out of posting privelages right after the reunion. I'm not plannng to pay the bucks there now that we can all come here!
Does Champagne and Chambord count as a weekend activity?????????
I would like to meet up with people at the Hartness House, but I am still unsure of my plans for the weekend. Nancy, we too have made progress in the garden. We planted a few small trees last fall that have come to life nicely, we planted a couple of new William Baffin roses, and cut back some vines that the plant guy says will thank us. The roses are supposed to be great in the cold and are already really rockin! (I gotta say that we are still waiting for the vines nubs to say thank-you, though.) Anyway, I hope the rest of you weekend warriors won all of your battles. I have also been working on an outdoor ping-pong table with my boys. It is made of cedar and we were able to play our first few games on it last night. This is no-fault ping-pong because there are so many things you can blaim when you miss a shot like wind, sun, birds, footing, . . . .
Any other reports on weekend activities out there?
Any other reports on weekend activities out there?
The Hartness House doesn't charge a rental on it's smaller dining rooms. It's o.k. to have them set aside the space, they make their money on the food and drink. (at least that's what I was told when I spoke with them about this a couple of months ago) Anyway, the 10 who are coming will be there. Perhaps others will pop in for a visit even if dinner is not an option. That would be great too. No reason why folks can't just get together a little later for conversation. Two nights out in a row can be tough financially for many families. I'd just like to spend as much time with everyone as possible because it's been a long time and I don't imagine I'll be making the 10 hours drive again real soon. Dave and I will have to eat out somewhere so eating out with "old" friends will be wonderful!
Thanks for setting things up Nancy.
Thanks for setting things up Nancy.
Sunday, June 02, 2002
Hi everyone!!
I haven't received many responses to the pre-reunion dinner. Does anybody out there want to go? I'll be making the reservations Tuesday evening. So far I have 10. I have several maybe's but that won't work very well.
I finally finished up with my flower gardens. Well, I've finished planting anyways. I enjoy gardening.
I wasn't able to work on the float last week because we had our grandson. I should have worked on the float!!!! LOL But I will be there Tuesday evening to do some work.
Talk to you soon...I'll be seeing you all soon.
I haven't received many responses to the pre-reunion dinner. Does anybody out there want to go? I'll be making the reservations Tuesday evening. So far I have 10. I have several maybe's but that won't work very well.
I finally finished up with my flower gardens. Well, I've finished planting anyways. I enjoy gardening.
I wasn't able to work on the float last week because we had our grandson. I should have worked on the float!!!! LOL But I will be there Tuesday evening to do some work.
Talk to you soon...I'll be seeing you all soon.
If I may join in this erudite conversation. The honey wagon is the piece of equipment used in campgrounds to suck up the excrement, etc. that is in the holding tanks used by self contained campers carrying on-board toilets. It is then driven over to the septic tank to be dumped. The honey wagon driver is not to be envied. Gross !