Saturday, March 01, 2008

I can officially tell you that I am sick of shoveling! I just came in from our latest storm. Granted it wasn't as bad as it could have been but shoveling 6 inches of snow is hard work. I am still waiting for the plow guy to come before Neil gets home. I did shovel enough so that he could park his car in the driveway....Enough complaining! Send the sunshine!!!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

We have outdoor airconditioning right now. It is suppose to be below zero tonight. I am so ready for Spring! Windchills were so that kids could not go outside for recess today...and with us having the first full week of school in has been a little hectic. Yeah for Fridays!
I just found out today that they are going to show my brothers biography on WCAX on the show Across the Fence on March 7th at noon. This is a Burlington station.
I am hoping that they will send me a copy of it because I won't be able to watch it when it is aired. This was made from the interviews that we all did for the VERMONT FALLEN documentary. Another step....
Have a good night! Stay warm...haha.
Happy Thoughts.......................
Well Lori I felt a little like an air conditioner would be nice last night but I don't think it was the temperature of the air!
Patti, I don't have the exact dates yet, but I'm thinking of the last 2 weeks of August. That would be really nice if we could organize something with all of us who are available at that time!

Snow? We turned our air conditioner on last night because it was so hot in the house!
Hi Kathi, yes another snow day yesterday. We're looking at June 12 for a last student day and 2 days more of required teacher in service but as an ET I think I'm done on the final student day. There's good and bad news there of course as it's also the end of pay days! Bring it on.....................

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It started snowing about noon yesterday. By the time school was out we had a couple of inches, by 10 pm there was at least six inches and coming down really hard. I was anticipating a snowday or at least a delayed opening but when I looked out at 4:15, it had stopped. Needless to say, I ended up throwing on clothes and shoveling before I could think about getting ready for school. So, did you end up with school Pat??? Personally, I am ready for Spring! It is suppose to be below zero tonight and windy....I am hibernating waiting for Idol tonight. I like to figure out who will win.....I'm betting on David Agrelara (sp)...I think he is great.
I don't get HBO, so I haven't seen that show Lori. I just barely saw season 1 of Six Feet Under.
Karen, I hope you are having fun in Florida....still waiting for the warmth and sunshine!!
Richard, there is probably more snow here then in Switzerland! Eat some chocolate for us!
Happy Thoughts!
Hi Lori, we don't get the HBO channel but that sounds like an interesting show. I can well imagine that people do develop relationships with their therapist. After a year of time together I miss mine. It was a loss to me when she retired, I felt like I was losing a beloved and trusted friend.

When did you say you thought you'd be in Vt next summer? I'd like to start thinking about how we can get together. I'd absolutely LOVE to have all the "girls" get together in my campground in NH. It would be so much fun to hang out and relax for a couple of days.
Do any of you watch "In Treatment" on HBO? We've gotten into it. It's a psychologist and his patient, every day a different patient, and then the next week is the next session with those patients. They bought the idea for the show from Israel. It was a success there. They just changed it to American actors and subjects. One of the patients is in love with the therapist, and he's falling in love with her, too. I hear from a therapist friend of mine that that happens a lot.....very intimate what goes on in that room.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well it's shortly before 9, I'm tucked in bed watching American Idol and keeping my lap top close. Once again we're looking at a whopping big snow storm and may have over 10 inches in the yard by breakfast. So my computer will be set to the school website so I can look quickly either jump up and run or go back to sleep. I'm voting for back to sleep. 'night all. - pat

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I guess the comfort part is knowing that unfortunately there are people who feel the same things we are feeling. is a support system that is there if you need it. We all fall into a group that no one would ever choose to join but circumstance brought us together. They have a lot of different functions...I choose which ones to go to, usually events that are part of the documentary or the race (raising money for the monument).
I think the one constant is that everyone knows how the next family will feel and offer support if they want it. No one judges how you feel.
I pray that no other family joins the group.
Happy Thoughts...........
Kathi, thanks for telling us about the link to that article. I read the article. It sounds like a really good project--and that it's helping the families. Do you feel that way, too? That you get comfort from the group?
Things have a way of happening for the best, there is something better waiting for you!
Yesterday I joined other members of the VT Fallen families in a dedication at Norwich University Sullivan Museum. They opened a new exhibit with a wall honoring VT Fallen. The professor and his students (past and present) initiated this project into the Museum. They have done an unbelievable job of making individual biographies of each soldier lost. They showed little 2 minute clips from each of them for the audience. There was a guy there from an Australian Magazine who wants to do an article on the impact of the war on a small community and I think he is targeting in on Springfield....he'll get in touch with me. Not quite sure how I really feel about that so will be very careful on dealing with that. Always an emotional time. has an article entitled Exhibit Honor VT Fallen in 2/24/08 paper.
I am definitely ready for SPRING here. It was 8 degrees this morning but the sun is shinning brightly...though I heard storm warnings for Tuesday night into Wednesday. We paid the plower another $40 yesterday morning for Fridays storm.....getting to be very expensive this winter! So Lori and Karen in that aspect you are lucky! Last day of vacation.....I am still pondering why vacations days past so much faster then work days......hummmm. What to do on the last day. I suppose I could do all the things I didn't get done during the week. Getting this new laptop has certainly made for less cleaning! Although I did clean and organize my craftroom so when I think of a new idea..I will be all ready to go!
Enjoy your day today...Karen, I miss our IMing...hope you are having a great time. Remember to be sending the sunshine and warmth this way! Happy Thoughts...............