Monday, June 29, 2009

Hi...I had a great time getting together with a bunch of friends on Saturday night. We met at McKinley's that opened for the first time since the big fire. Linda Hayes, Margaret Ambrose, Deb and Ronnie Young, Karen Millay, Joanne Gordon, Rick and Dianne Ingalls, Janice Hinkley, Linda Labonte, Pam Wearing were all among the funsters. (Of course, I didn't put married names or spouses, that were with a few) I apologize if I forgot anyone..we had a fun time chatting and catching up on news.
Patti, I hope you are feeling better...we are all still hoping to get together this summer, somewhere!
Lori, have a wonderful trip! Travel safe and enjoy your family visit...
Happy Thoughts to all......................
Oh, that doesn't sound good! Hope it's getting better, though.
I have severe lumbar strain. I had been bothered by some low back pain for a couple of days and then while doing some gardening really felt the need to take a break and rest it. Then when I got up it was really painful. Not being the brightest bulb in the box, I went back to work anyway, figuring I'd just work it out. Long story short, I fell twice (inside luckily) and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. I was on the bathroom floor when it arrived. So embarassing.

I'd love to hear how the alumni weekend went for everyone.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What happened to your back, Patti? Hope you're okay! I'm in my usual pre-flight stress, trying to finish everything that needs taking care of before we fly on June 30th!
I hope all of you back in VT for Alumni Weekend had a great time. Did the rain hold off? Sure hope so. Enjoy your time together.