Saturday, January 08, 2005

that is a nice fantasy. let's hope for it and the party will definitely be one that is "not to be missed." if it ever happens, i just hope it's before our 50th!
Is this when we get to say, "Little Dicky Loveless, I knew him when ...."? Congratulations Richard. I am impressed.
Pat how was your Hawaii trip? Haven't heard much about it. Now would be the time to appeciate the beautiful weather there! We are suppose to get more snow today. Hopefully, not the freezing rain. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
hi, my presentation and time at the forest products lab went very well. they assigned a researcher to act as a primary consultant to me. i also spent a lot of time with about four other reseachers who are available to discuss technical issues with me if i need them. they had some really good ideas on how to commercialize my work- which products first and where to have them made (roland, i will send a cd sometime soon). it was the result that i had hoped for.

lori, here is a second version of the same story written as a poem. i hope it is an affirmation to one of my favorite poets and what she is doing.

"I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze
than it should be stifled by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time" -Jack London

Friday, January 07, 2005

Let us know how it went, Richard! And tell us some more stories. I like the sailboat one.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Richard...I am sure you will do great. You obviously know a lot about what you are doing and are ready to show the world. Good luck. We did get about 6 inches of snow. Here was just snow. Further up 91 it was snow with freezing rain. Very nasty driving. Anyways, think positive! Have a safe journey back.
kathi, i hope the snow comes to vt. it snowed about 8" in wisconsin where i am now. i had a long morning driving from chicago to milwaukee. i am in madison now, which is like a big burlington. it is university centric. i need to go explore a little bit, but this sofa is so comfortable and i like the music that is playing on my cd player. i hope you all cross your fingers for me tomorrow am. i am presenting my wood process between 8:30 and 9:00. then i get to explore the lab and talk with researchers in every imaginable area that relates to wood. i will be very, very tired when i get home tomorrow night and i don't even know how that will feel just yet. i know it will be good. here is a story that i like. two men run down a hill to the waters edge where each has a boat waiting. one man steps onto his motorboat and says "i can't wait to get there!" the other steps onto his sailboat and says "i am already there!" i am trying to be the "already there" guy. it is a little bit of an adjustment but i think i am doing okay at it.
The snow is finally coming down. A big no school day here in Springfield. Hopefully, the freezing rain will stay away! The weather channel says 4-6 inches. We'll see! Everybody have a good day.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Got home in one piece and what a celebration those Mexicans have!!! Looking at more property tomorrow. Only 12 ac but house, barn, and stream off the beaten path but still a good central location. Kathi you sound busy, wow, grand kids.....makes us feel the years but then again it keeps you going. Sure hope this weather keeps up it hit near 75 today here and they still haven't forcast cold weather. We BBQed last night and some friends stopped over to make it merrier. The critters are well and we hope to get the donkey sometime this month.
Hi again everyone. I've been kind of busy the last few weeks. Avi and I and the kids were in Vermont for a week for my brother's son's Bar Mitzvah. I didn't get to see friends this time because we were too busy with the family--my brother's family and also my parents, who came from Israel for the event. We were pretty lucky with the weather, though I think I'd get really lazy if I lived in a cold place--even going out to throw the garbage seems hard when it's cold out! After we got back from Vermont, we had guests for 2 weeks. Avi's uncle and his family were here. Their daughter is studying at UCLA for a year. They live in Paris. As of yesterday, we have peace and quiet again, which is a relief! Actually, I'm not really complaining cuz that uncle is one of my favorite people in the world. I love talking to him.
hi, i am in a hotel in cayuga falls, ohio. it is where the snow, ice, etc that kathi mentions as coming her way is right now. i have a new job at my daytime- pay the bills place of employment. i am the technical marketing manager for north america. basically, i have a sales engineering department that has been formed with me at the helm. it is good!! on the woodworking front (that is the nighttime doesn't pay me nuthin, but i wish it did) i will be presenting my innovations for buildings at the forest products lab in madison, wi in two days. i will meet with many specialists and i am totally psyched.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Hi. I made it back from NC fine...Neil was there to meet me and was glad to see me! My new baby is so sweet. Camille is very mellow. She looks just like my daughter when she was born. Brings back memories. My 2 year old grandson Caleb, called me last night to sing You Are My Sunshine and say I miss you Nana. I had so much fun playing, cuddling and reading with him. I have to say its almost better than being a mother. Other than that, school started up so it was back to work. We have no snow and it was in the 40s today. A cold front is coming, so probably ice and snow is coming. You know this can't last! Hope everyone is happy and well.
Is everyone still recovering or what?????? Seventy degrees here today. I have been out raking. Awesome! Kathi, did you get home all right? Roland, are you back? Pat, has your tan faded? Richard, what is up with the job and the new venture? And Lori, where are you? To everyone else, join us please!