Thursday, September 23, 2004

Pat, I'm not ther full time yet even. Your observations are intersting. People are afraid sometimes that someone will take what they have. I was in the restaurant business for many years and never feared competition as things always find their nitche. Its an open mind that wants to learn and I just don't understand these closed minded ostriches. People can't afford to be that way today but Oh well........ Global effects and economy are here to stay and effect us all everyday. Down here things are changing and people are doing just what you said. They are voting on their own for ANYONE who has the balls to run and upset are finally happening. That still dosen't help change the "old" thinking though. Just that we are getting some real justice and not the ol "potbellied" typical southern ignorance thing. That astounds me that PI has that mentality still. I love that country and went to college with a kid that potatoe farmed there. Growth is good as long as its monitered. I learned when I lived in CA for awhile that in order for all to survive we all had to give a little.
Roland how long have you been living in Barnesville? I ask because having been here in Presque Isle for only 13 years I still marvel at the intricacies of small town politics and the apparent power of the locals. 2 nights ago I watched our town council refuse to give a businessman from a neighboring town a provisional license as a hauler of construction materials (even though he had been hired to do so by the company doing construction on the new fitness center at the college); the reason given was that "the town of P.I. already has two companies who do that and we don't need anyone else coming in here". I remember several years ago a young man was starting up a busines(or thought he was) was refused a license for the same reason I mention above. No competition needed here I guess. the members of the council tend to run unapposed but I state categorically that I am not about to try to implement change by running. I will complain quietly from my sofa. I will also vote from someone else if they run. Other than that "You can't fight City Hall" continues to be the mantra of many towns and cities across the states. I rember the City Manager, who is also from away, explaining to me that the the family trees around here are shaped like telephone poles. Pretty scary stuff. But not at all uncommon anywhere in the USA that same thing can be said.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I am sitting at the Anaheim Convention Center at a trade show that is sooooooooooo boring. I had fun over the first three days that I was here, though. I had dinner with Lori on Monday night. It was great to see her and we both thought it was funny to connect in CA. We met near an abandoned carnival on a pier which was a little creepy. Maybe I've seen too many movies that use this for intrigue. We both felt better when we moved on. I spent the weekend with my room mate from college. That was fun too.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Richard, good advice and a bit of your humour you're so famour for. Yes, we have a direction and are headed FORWARD while keeping what is good in the old. Its a real experience and too much too tell here but it never ceases to amaze myself of the insecurities of some people that really have nothing to be insecure about. Oh well.........