Friday, March 08, 2002

Dick, it was kind of awkward but he was wonderful about it. I realized later I hadn't made myself clear, but he kept up with me very well. It was a nice call, glad I called him too.
Did anyone here attend the meeting at Riverside Thursday evening? Got any details to share?
Hey Nancy Y.- I'm really glad you called Rob Massonneau. He was my friend way back in 1959 and he's been a good friend since. Hey Jerry!

Thursday, March 07, 2002

Geez Jerry I feel like I'm at a pep ralley!! We here at Skyway Middle School are the Rockets! I actually attend ball games and chaperone dances. I feel like such a grown up. ick.
Hey Jerry, this is Nancy, how are you doing? I guess it has been a long time........I am in Enfield, CT. It is good to hear from you....what have you been up to?
Good job, Jerry. You're a bloggin' pro, you are! Once again, the Awsome Class of '72 leads the way in awesome Awesomeness! The Internet was invented just for us! But we will share, cause we're the Best!
Um, if you are new to this Blog site, don't take this seriously.
Otherwise you know it's true. Yay, us!

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

I'm just going to try this thing out. I've never done any blogging, but is that anything like bogging? Hello L.A., Dallas, New Zealand, Presque Isle, Burlington, and Springfield. I'm in Nashua. No, not Nashua, Iowa, but Nashua, NH. Like almost in Massachusetts, about eight miles away. That's about close enough. How is everyone? Give me a C. Give me a O. Give me a S. Give me a M. Give me a O. Give me a S. And what does it spell? Very good, gang. Well, I'll see what this looks like a little later on. Bye.
Pat, My mom sees Ann every once in a while......I guess we have to do some creative networking. I need to talk to Sue and Polly and see who they have been talking to. I know Sue had talked to Karen Millay and Kelly Harrington........don't remember where they are now. She said that Kelly's dad had just passed away recently, they had a service at the same chruch her parents attend. do you know of anyone in the western Ma/CT. area? I travel alot for business and may be able to get in touch with some in that area. We also are responsible for the VT./eastern NY I can try and find some people in those areas, as well. Nancy, Alice Ankuda was in Garland(?) the last I knew. Her husband worked for TI.
I spoke with Sue A a few time last month. She is in the Burlington/Essex area and seems well. Though I haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks. Her e-mail address should be valid. Just keeping quiet for now I guess.
Several of the classmates members are not responding to mail I sent in regard to joining the e-mail list. Other messages came back as undeliverable. Jim Dumas for one.
Brian, I tried to contact Sue (Ainsworth), but no go so far............I have been talking to Karen Blais, Sue Goding, and Polly Smolnik.......they are all back in the Spfld. area........what can I do to help? I have not heard from many since high school..............
Man, it's gonna take some work to find our classmates, isn't it? I've been looking on the web, but I have lost touch with just about everyone. And how do you search for Rick Smith, or Eric Smith, or. really, anybody?

I've been sending out emails to possibles, but we should make this a hobby of the week, and get everyone working on it. Robin, you go down 2 buildings to Shorey's and see if she's there. Everyone else, try to remember where you last heard from someone not on the list.

There are still people who haven't logged in yet, so hopefully, we will start to pull together a network soon.

Okay, it's late. Goodnight!

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Isn't anyone out here in Los Angeles? Please let me know! Or is it only Dallas and Burlington?
Nancy (Dunham), How is Bob? I saw him way back when he was in Denver in the AF. What is he doing now? I haven't seen many of the old gang in a long time!!! Where is Sue at now?
You're right Jane, nice mild early summer weather.
All right you Texas types. I've already got my tickets! See you Friday the 12th of April!
Hi Brian and all,
Bob wanted me to send you his sister's E-mail address so that you could invite her to Blogger and she could at least be informed as to what was happening with the reunion and possibly inspire her to show up this year. She has a couple of addresses but what we use to E-mail her is I'm sure she'd love to hear from people and read what people are saying..
Nancy .....maybe we should have the reunion down here in Dallas and let the New Englanders have the chance to get away and see Texas. That time of year it should only be about 100 degrees or so!!!
....and the world gets just a little bit smaller. (Brian) Shorey lives two buildings down the street from us in the Fort, but I haven't seen her in at least a couple of years. There have to be at least twenty of us living in the B'ton area.
It took me a few minutes to remember Rob Massonneau, but I still remember playing out in his back yard on those "long" summer nights. That's so cool, now there are four of us in Dallas, or close enough. We're gaining on 'em, LOL. Just kidding but I think Jane will understand the feeling.
I just did something Crazy I called Rob Massonneau, we talked for about 10 minutes. He didn't remember me but I didn't expect him to, it's been a very long time. He was very nice and I hope pleased to hear from me. This site is great! What did we do before computers? I am looking forward to reading more about what everyone is doing.
Take care
Before e-mail. There was a before e-mail?
I had dinner with Joanna in Toronto in 1983, does that count? It was 10 years before e-mail so I can't really help. Wow, I feel old.

If any of you knew Rob Massonneau, he lives at 6303 Prospect Ave. # B-101; Dallas, TX 75214. His cell phone number is: (214) 707-1516. Rob left Springfield in 8th grade, but a lot of us knew him from Riverside or Union Street School. He is still a little quiet and very funny. He works for the Dallas Headstart Program where he writes grant proposals and other work that captures funding. One of his previous jobs was to be in charge of Habitat in Nicuaragua during the late Sandinista years. I'm sure he would be surprised and charmed to get a call.

All for now
Yep. That's Joanna. Anyone heard from her? I sent an invite, but there is no feedback from Blogger if you get the address wrong. Nancy Y. can confirm that! She was not getting her invitation. This may be true of others, too. Luckily, it's easy to change when you re-invite people from the list you find when you click the "Team" button.
For all you Folks in Burlington......I am going to be up that way around the 19th and 20th....have a review in Plattsburgh....I am going to meet up with some old friends from college and my old job, maybe we can meet somewhere? Let me know, Nancy
Patti, Donna Grenier is in Maine......Karen Blais know where she is exactly. I have an email address, but she never answered it......
Now you've got me stumped Brian. Who is Krishna K Khalsa? Are you talking about the former Joanna Birsky? And does anyone who/why Heather Doge appears on the classmates site. I saw from her bio that she attended SHS for a year during our terrible tenure but I have no memory of her and she didn't graduate with us I'm sure.
Hi Nancy, Yes Jane is the in Dallas and if you give me your number I'll definately try to reach you while I'm out there. I'm flying out April 12 and will stay the following TH.
If anyone else is out west near Dallas I'd love to make contact while I'm visiting Janey.
Hi Everybody,
I finally made it in, Brian and I have been working on this all day. Thanks Brian for the help. Will be back tomorrow, sleepy now.
Hi everyone,
Nice to see your names again! I didn't know some of you live in the Burlington area. I'm in L.A. , but I get to Burlington once or twice a year to visit my brother. Maybe we can meet next time! I was really hoping to make it to the reunion this time, but it will conflict with a family trip we have planned for my father's 70th birthday--parents, siblings, spouses, kids--leaving June 20. But I'd love to hear from anyone who feels like sending a note to my e-mail address or on this blog site that Brian managed to explain so clearly, I'm actually able to figure it out. It's great!
Lori (Sobel) Levy

Hi Schoolers!

Everybody who is signed in can go invite new members if you know their addresses, so, can you think of anyone?

I know Shorey Wilson and Paula Whitney used to be in the Burlington area, is that true, Robin or Richard?

I will try Krishna K. Khalsa's old email address. In the meantime, try saying something on this site. It will make it seem like this is a happinin' place!


Monday, March 04, 2002

I haven't seen John in many years. He spent a lot of time at my house when we were living back there. He and my brother were friends at the time. I envy you the local relationships Living up in northern Maine we are alway odd man out. Don't have the history and relationships that the always been heres do.
I live in Burlington and have lunch with Brian King when he will let me. Who would have thought he was destined to become a model worker?!? Right now, I am designing electrical connectors for a telecom company to pay the bills and enjoying VT stuff with my family- snowboarding, biking, etc. My older son is in the same geometry class as John Tracy's son. We had some laughs together last week after Burlington High School's one act plays. Our son's were surprised (or at least polite) when they found out that not only are we both from Springfield but John and I also have the same birthday.

Hope you are all well too!

Dick great to see you here. What have you been up to?

Great job Brian. Thank you!! (Now we can all talk at once, just like the good ole days! Just kidding). This is a great site to continually check out and see how everybody's doing. Thanks again, Jane (Haseltine) Kinney P.S. Thanks for giving me credit for helping out with reunion details, but I haven't. I live in Dallas, TX and it's a bit of a trip to make the meetings!
What a surprise! I thought a blogger only happened at Fergie's Pits and not for a long time. Make mine a milk.
Well, it works for me, too. So jump in everybody! Click on some buttons, see how this thing works! I will make backups occasionally, so don't be afraid to wreck this thing. Share what you learn. Just say hello, no big deal. Awright?
Hi Gnag, Just got the email and tried it again and it is working.........neat!!! Boy, you are a whizz kid, Brian!!

Sunday, March 03, 2002

Cool! It works! Great to see you all.

Yeah Nancy, just send me their email and I'll add them in.
That leads me to the next question.
Should everyone have the godlike powers of edit and delete?
Or would we feel safer if it was just a few elite authoritarian types?

Oops, it was a rhetorical type question.

Everyone here should be trusted with the power to edit and delete everyone else's post, as well as invite new members.
This site is nothing more than a conversation.
Actually, I am the only one with all the power at the moment, but with a click of the mouse, I will now bestow you and any new member with admin power! So Be It. Enjoy.

Hi Brian, thanks,,,,,,,,,I have been sending all info to some others that may be interested. From what I understand, they need to give you their email address so they can be added?
Hey Brian, that was fast! Thanks so much. I sure hope everyone gets in here. This will be so much easier! You are The King! Did I say that?? Patti



Okay. Done.

Welcome to the weB LOG for the awesome Springdale Class of '72!
==> 3 solid minutes of incoherent blissful hollering and cheering <===
This is the information exchange site for anyone, who at any point in their life thought they were in the graduating class of 1972, in the Belamy Award winning Springfield Vermont Public School System.

If you haven't been invited in, it's because we don't have your email address. Click here to email me and get the ball rolling: I Am Worthy!

A couple little notes:
All credit for getting this thing together go to Patti (Smith) Mahoney, Ron Young Jane Hazeltine, Jerry Bolio, and everyone who participates in the meetings (how should I know who else, I never went to any).

Patti asked me to put this site up, (it's free, quick 'n' easy).

Now your job is to post something every day. And when you wake up the next day, and read with shock and horror what you wrote, it's easy to edit or delete it all, so this is not like sending off an email into an irrevocable future. Sound good?

Make sure you hit the "Publish" or "Post and Publish" buttons when you want your note to go onto the site. If you just hit "Post" you will save your message for later publishing, but it won't be seen by everyone yet.

Is that clear? Please don't feel dumb if something seems to screw up. Really. This technology is not as refined as I'd like. Email me if you have questions. Everyone's email address is inside, once you log in, click on the "Team" button and you'll see.

Your ever lovin' pal
-=Brian King